In order to further improvise the
features and functionality available in Speed Net and resolve some of
the operational issues faced by the Circles, a new version of Speed Net
called “Speed Net 4.1” has been released by CEPT. The files
containing the new version of the Speed Net software is available for
download at the CEPT FTP site : ftp://cept.gov.in/SpeedNet/Speednet4.1 /
2. What does the new version provide?
Version 4.1 adds following features:
(i) Returned to Sender (RTS) / Missent remark for
despatch of Speed Post articles would be mandatory for delivery Post
Offices. Without valid RTS/missent remarks, the article cannot be
returned back by the post offices. This should resolve the problem of
lack of RTS remarks faced by many circles.
(ii) Provision to select delivery date while taking delivery returns in case of bulk deliverythrough
Sorting Hub/IC Hub under Bulk Delivery option has been made for Sorting
Hubs and Intra Circle Hubs. Thus, in case the bags have been close and
sent for delivery by a Sorting Hub on a particular day but delivery
could not be done for any reason the same day, there would be a
provision to enter the actual date of delivery. However, it is informed
that this provision may be used carefully.
(iii) Bulk Addressee Special Delivery Slip (generated
by SH/ICH for making bulk delivery directly to the bulk addressee) has
been redesigned and it is available for SH / ICH. This allows printing
of 3 Speed Post articles per row, and hence, consumes less paper.
(iv) Updation of delivery remarks for
Articles under “Other Office Articles – Delivery Data” option is now
limited to offices falling under the PIN code jurisdiction of a delivery
Post Office. This has been done to prevent misuse of the feature of
updation of delivery data facility.
(v) A provision now exists to upgrade local databases from Central Server through Speed Net Communication. This would help the central system to push new updates to the local systems centrally.
3. All post offices (whether
booking or delivery), Sorting Hubs (Speed Post) and Intra Circle Hubs
(Speed Post) are required to download and install Speed Net 4.1 from the
url/website details given above in this mail. A “Release Document”
along with a “read me” file containing details of the software version,
installation procedure, check list etc. is attached with this e-mail.
The same may be brought to the notice of all concerned.
4. It is requested that all post
offices, all Sorting Hubs and all Intra Circle Hubs may be directed to
download and install Speed Net version 4.1 at the earliest and latest by 07.11.2013. A compliance report may accordingly be sent only by e-mail to the undersigned.
Center for Excellence in Postal Technology.
All queries / suggestions etc. may be submitted to support@ceptmysore.net
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