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Thursday, October 27, 2011

List of Some Important Days

January 9
January 10
World Laughter Day
January 12
National Youth Day
January 15
Army day
January 25
National Voters day
January 26
India’s Republic Day, International Customs Day
January 30
Martyrs’ Day; World Leprosy Eradication Day
2nd Sunday of February
World Marriage Day
February 14
Valentine Day
February 24
Central Excise Day
February 28
National Science Day
Second Monday March
Commonwealth Day
March 8
International Women’s Day; Intl. literacy Day
March 15
World Disabled Day; World Consumer Rights Day
March 18
Ordnance Factories Day (India)
March 21
World Forestry Day; International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
March 22
World Day for Water
March 23
World Meteorological Day
March 24
World TB Day
April 5
International Day for Mine Awareness; National Maritime Day
April 7
World Health Day
April 17
World Haemophilia Day
April 18
World Heritage Day
April 21
Secretaries’ Day
April 22
Earth Day
April 23
World Book and Copyright Day
May 1
Workers’ Day (International Labour Day)
May 3
Press Freedom Day; World Asthma Day
May 2nd Sunday
Mother’s Day
May 4
Coal Miners’ Day
May 8
World Red Cross Day
May 9
World Thalassaemia Day
May 11
National Technology Day
May 12
World Hypertension Day; International Nurses Day
May 15
International Day of the Family
May 17
World Telecommunication Day
May 24
Commonwealth Day
May 31
Anti-tobacco Day
June 4
International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression
June 5
World Environment Day
June 3rd Sunday
Father’s Day
June 14
World Blood Donor Day
June 26
International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking
July 1
Doctor’s Day
July 6
World Zoonoses Day
July 11
World Population Day
August 3
International Friendship Day
August 6
Hiroshima Day
August 8
World Senior Citizen’s Day
August 9
Quit India Day, Nagasaki Day
August 15
Indian Independence Day
August 18
IntI. Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples
August 19
Photography Day
August 29
National Sports Day
September 2
Coconut Day
September 5
Teachers’ Day ; Sanskrit Day
September 8
World Literacy Day (UNESCO)
September 15
Engineers’ Day
September 16
World Ozone Day
September 21
Alzheimer’s Day; Day for Peace & Non-violence (UN)
September 22
Rose Day (Welfare of cancer patients)
September 26
Day of the Deaf
September 27
World Tourism Day
October 1
International Day for the Elderly
October 2
Gandhi Jayanthi
October 3
World Habitat Day
October 4
World Animal Welfare Day
October 8
Indian Air Force Day
October 9
World Post Office Day
October 10
National Post Day
October 2nd Thursday
World Sight Day
October 13
UN International Day for Natural DisasterReduction
October 14
World Standards Day
October 15
World White Cane Day (guiding the blind)
October 16
World Food Day
October 24
UN Day; World Development Information Day
October 30
World Thrift Day
November 9
Legal Services Day
November 14
Children’s Day; Diabetes Day
November 17
National Epilepsy Day
November 20
Africa Industrialization Day
November 29
International Day of Solidarity with Palestinian People
December 1
World AIDS Day
December 3
World Day of the Handicapped
December 4
Indian Navy Day
December 7
Indian Armed Forces Flag Day
December 10
Human Rights Day; IntI. Children’s Day of Broadcasting
December 18
Minorities Rights Day (India)
December 23
Kisan Divas (Farmer’s Day) (India)
December 25
Christmas Day

100 Interesting Facts in Science

1. Every year over one million earthquakes shake the Earth.
2. It takes 8 minutes 17 seconds for light to travel from the Sun’s surface to the Earth.
3. In October 1999 the 6 billionth person was born.
4. 10 percent of all human beings ever born are alive at this very moment.
5. The Earth spins at 1,000 mph but it travels through space at an incredible 67,000 mph.
6. The speed of light is 186,000 miles per second.
7. The largest ever hailstone weighed over 1 kg and fell in Bangladesh in 1986.
8. Every second around 100 lightning bolts strike the Earth.
9. Every year lightning kills 1000 people.
10. In October 1999 an Iceberg the size of London broke free from the Antarctic ice shelf.

11. If you could drive your car straight up you would arrive in space in just over an hour.

12. All the hydrogen atoms in our bodies were created 12 billion years ago in the Big Bang.
13. The Earth is 4.56 billion years old…the same age as the Moon and the Sun.
14. The dinosaurs became extinct before the Rockies or the Alps were formed.
15. Female black widow spiders eat their males after mating.
16. When a flea jumps, the rate of acceleration is 20 times that of the space shuttle during launch.
17. The earliest wine makers lived in Egypt around 2300 BC.
18. If our Sun were just inch in diameter, the nearest star would be 445 miles away.
19. The Australian billy goat plum contains 100 times more vitamin C than an orange.
20. Astronauts cannot belch – there is no gravity to separate liquid from gas in their stomachs.
21. The air at the summit of Mount Everest, 29,029 feet is only a third as thick as the air at sea level.
22. One million, million, million, million, millionth of a second after the Big Bang the Universe was the size of a …pea.
23. DNA was first discovered in 1869 by Swiss Friedrich Mieschler.
24. The molecular structure of DNA was first determined by Watson and Crick in 1953.
25. The thermometer was invented in 1607 by Galileo.
26. Englishman Roger Bacon invented the magnifying glass in 1250.
27. Alfred Nobel invented dynamite in 1866.
28. Wilhelm Rontgen won the first Nobel Prize for physics for discovering X-rays in 1895.
29. The tallest tree ever was an Australian eucalyptus – In 1872 it was measured at 435 feet tall.
30. Christian Barnard performed the first heart transplant in 1967 – the patient lived for 18 days.
31. The wingspan of a Boeing 747 is longer than the Wright brother’s first flight.
32. An electric eel can produce a shock of up to 650 volts.
33. Human tapeworms can grow up to 22.9m.
34. Chimps can understand 300 different signs.
35. The Ebola virus kills 4 out of every 5 humans it infects.
36. In 5 billion years the Sun will run out of fuel and turn into a Red Giant.
37. Without its lining of mucus your stomach would digest itself.
38. Humans have 46 chromosomes, peas have 14 and crayfish have 200.
39. There are 60,000 miles of blood vessels in the human body.
40. An individual blood cell takes about 60 seconds to make a complete circuit of the body.
41. On the day that Alexander Graham Bell was buried the entire US telephone system was shut down for 1 minute in tribute.
42. The low frequency call of the humpback whale is the loudest noise made by a living creature.
43. The call of the humpback whale is louder than Concorde and can be heard from 500 miles away.
44. A quarter of the world’s plants are threatened with extinction by the year 2010.
45. Each person sheds 40lbs of skin in his or her lifetime.
46. At 15 inches the eyes of giant squids are the largest on the planet.
47. The largest galaxies contain a million, million stars.
48. The Universe contains over 100 billion galaxies.
49. Wounds infested with maggots heal quickly and without spread of gangrene or other infection.
50. More germs are transferred shaking hands than kissing.

51. The longest glacier in Antarctica, the Almbert glacier, is 250 miles long and 40 miles wide.
52. The fastest speed a falling raindrop can hit you is 18mph.
53. A salmon-rich, low cholesterol diet means that Inuits rarely suffer from heart disease.
54. Inbreeding causes 3 out of every 10 Dalmation dogs to suffer from hearing disability.
55. The world’s smallest winged insect, the Tanzanian parasitic wasp, is smaller than the eye of a housefly.
56. If the Sun were the size of a beach ball then Jupiter would be the size of a golf ball and the Earth would be as small as a pea.
57. It would take over an hour for a heavy object to sink 6.7 miles down to the deepest part of the ocean.
58. There are more living organisms on the skin of each human than there are humans on the surface of the earth.
59. The grey whale migrates 12,500 miles from the Artic to Mexico and back every year.
60. Quasars emit more energy than 100 giant galaxies.
61. Quasars are the most distant objects in the Universe.
62. The Saturn V rocket which carried man to the Moon develops power equivalent to fifty 747 jumbo jets.
63. Koalas sleep an average of 22 hours a day, two hours more than the sloth.
64. Light would take .13 seconds to travel around the Earth.
65. Neutron stars are so dense that a teaspoonful would weigh more than all the people on Earth.
66. One in every 2000 babies is born with a tooth.
67. Every hour the Universe expands by a billion miles in all directions.
68. Somewhere in the flicker of a badly tuned TV set is the background radiation from the Big Bang.
69. The temperature in Antarctica plummets as low as -35 degrees Celsius.
70. Space debris travels through space at over 18,000 mph.
71. The International Space Station weighs about 500 tons and is the same size as a football field.
72. Astronauts brought back about 800 pounds of lunar rock to Earth. Most of it has not been analyzed.
73. Tuberculosis is the biggest global killer of women.
74. Hummingbirds consume half of their body weight in food every day.
75. Some species of bamboo grow at a rate of 3ft per day.
76. Saturn would float if you could find an ocean big enough.
77. The highest recorded train speed is 320.2 mph by the TGV train in France.
78. The highest speed ever achieved on a bicycle is 166.94 mph by Fred Rompelburg.
79. The research spacecraft Helios B came within a record 27 million miles of the Sun.
80. 65 million years ago the impact of an asteroid is estimated to have had the power of 10 million H-Bombs.
81. The temperature at the centre of the Earth is estimated to be 5500 degrees Celsius.
82. Argentia in Newfoundland has an average 206 days of fog each year.
83. Mount Waiale’ale in Hawaii is the rainiest place in the world and has 335 rainy days a year.
84. 68% of all UFO sightings are by men.
85. 15% of the world’s fresh water flows down the Amazon.
86. A cat has 32 sets of muscles in each ear.
87. Over two-thirds of people admit to urinating while in public swimming pools.
88. More people die of heart attacks on Monday than on any other day of the week.
89. Beetles are the strongest animals on Earth relative to their size. A rhinoceros beetle can carry 850 times its own weight in its back.
90. In 1961 the Soviet Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin became the first human in Space.
91. In 1876 Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone.
92. In 1885 Karl Benz built the first car powered by an internal combustion engine.
93. Scotsman John Baird invented the Baird televisor (now the television) in 1925.
94. Io, one of Jupiter’s moons, is the most volcanically active place in the Solar System.
95. The Walkman was launched in Japan by Sony in 1979.
96. Traffic lights with red and green gas lights were first introduced in London in 1868. Unfortunately, they exploded and killed a policeman. The first successful system was installed in Cleveland, Ohio in 1914.
97. Ticks are second only to the mosquito as the most dangerous parasites to humans.
98. 3 billion of the world’s 6 billion population are under the age of 25.
99. Infant mortality in 1900 was 142 in 1000 births. By 2000 it had reduced to just 6 in every 1000.
100. In total there is said to be around 400 million dogs in the world.

Keeping your Gmail Account Safe

At Google, we take account security very seriously. To ensure that your computer and account remain safe, we strongly recommend following these steps regularly:
  1. Check for viruses and malware. Run a scan on your computer with a trusted anti-virus software. If the scan detects any suspicious programs or applications, remove them immediately.
  2. Regularly update your account recovery options. Make sure to update your account recovery options to check that they are always up-to-date.
  3. Change your password at least twice a year. Make sure you choose a password that contains a combination of numbers, characters, and case-sensitive letters to strengthen the security of your account.
  4. Enroll in 2-step verification. 2-step verification adds an extra layer of security to your account by requiring you to sign in with something you know (your password) and something you have (a code sent to your phone).
  5. Perform regular operating system and browser updates. Whether you use Windowsor Mac OS, we recommend enabling your automatic update setting, and updating when you get a notification. To check for browser updates in Internet Explorer, select the Toolstab and click Windows Update. In Firefox, just click the Help tab and select Check for Updates. Note that Google Chrome automatically updates to a newer version when one is released.
  6. Never use your Google Account password on another website. If you enter your password in an external website and it's compromised, someone could try to sign in to your Google Account with the same information.
  7. Protect your password. Never enter your password after following a link in an email from an untrusted site. Always go directly to mail.google.com orwww.google.com/accounts/Login. Also, never send your password via email. Google will never email you to ask for your password or other sensitive information.
If you use Gmail:
  • Update your recovery email address and your security question. This will help you recover your account if you ever lose access to it. Make sure that you have access to the email address listed as your recovery, and the answer to your security question is easy for you to remember, but hard for others to guess.
  • Use a secure connection when signing in. In your Gmail settings, select 'Always use HTTPS.' This setting protects your information from being stolen when you're signing in to Gmail on a public wireless network, like at a cafe or hotel.
You should also be sure to:
  • Never tell anyone your password; if you do tell someone, change it as soon as possible.
  • Use a strong password, and don't write it down or send it via email.
  • Run scans and change your password immediately after noticing any changes in your account that you didn't initiate.
  • Always sign out of your account when you're using public computers. Just click Sign outin the top right corner of the screen when you're done using your Google Account.
  • Clear forms, passwords, cache, and cookies in your browser on a regular basis, especially on a public computer.
You should perform these steps more frequently if you begin to notice suspicious behavior in your computer, such as general slowness and pop-up advertisements. For more information on keeping your account secure, check out Google's Safety Center.

If you believe that your account has been compromised, please reset your password immediately.

For more tips about online safety, visit ( Source ) : Google's Safety Center

Information About GATE

Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) is an all India examination administered and conducted jointly by the Indian Institute of Science and seven Indian Institutes of Technology on behalf of the National Coordination Board - GATE, Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Government of India.

The GATE committee, which comprises of representatives from the administering institutes, is the sole authority for regulating the examination and declaring the results.

GATE is conducted through the constitution of eight zones. The zones and the corresponding administrative institutes are:

Zone-1: Indian Institute of Science Bangalore
Zone-2: Indian Institute of Technology Bombay

Zone-3: Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
Zone-4: Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati
Zone-5: Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
Zone-6: Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
Zone-7: Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Zone-8: Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee

The overall coordination and responsibility of conducting GATE 2011 lies with Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, designated as the Organising Institute for GATE 2011 .

Admission to postgraduate programmes with MHRD and some other government scholarships/assistantships in engineering colleges/institutes is open to those who qualify through GATE. GATE qualified candidates with Bachelor’s degree in Engineering/Technology/Architecture or Master’s degree in any branch of Science/Mathematics/Statistics/Computer Applications are eligible for admission to Master/Doctoral programmes in Engineering/Technology/Architecture as well as for Doctoral programmes in relevant branches of Science with MHRD or other government scholarships/assistantships. To avail the scholarship, the candidate must secure admission to such a postgraduate programme, as per the prevailing procedure of the admitting institution. However, candidates with Master’s degree in Engineering/Technology/Architecture may seek admission to relevant PhD programmes with scholarship/assistantship without appearing in the GATE examination.

Some institutions specify GATE qualification as mandatory even for admission of self-financing students to postgraduate programmes. GATE qualified candidates are also eligible for the award of Junior Research Fellowship in CSIR Laboratories and CSIR sponsored projects. Top rank holders in some GATE papers are entitled to apply for “Shyama Prasad Mukherjee Fellowship” awarded by CSIR. Some government organizations prescribe GATE qualification as a requirement for applying to the post of a Scientist / Engineer.
GATE qualification is also a minimum requirement to apply for various fellowships awarded by many Government organizations.
societies recognised by UPSC/AICTE (e.g. AMIE by IE(I), AMICE(I) by the Institute of Civil Engineers(India)-ICE(I)) as equivalent to B.E./B.Tech. Those who have completed sectionA or equivalent of such professional courses are also eligible.
Eligibility for GATE 2012:

The following categories of candidates are eligible to appear in GATE :

1. Bachelor degree holders in Engineering/Technology/Architecture (4 years after 10+2) and those who are in the final or pre-final year of such programmes.
2. Master degree holders in any branch of Science/Mathematics/Statistics/Computer Applicationsor equivalent and those who are in the final or pre-final year of such programmes.
3. Candidates in the second or higher year of the Four-year Integrated Master degree programme (Post-B.Sc.) in Engineering/Technology or in the third or higher year of Five-year Integrated Master degree programme and Dual Degree programme in Engineering/Technology.
4. Candidates with qualifications obtained through examinations conducted by professional

For More informations : Click Here