സ്ത്രീകള്‍ എങ്ങിനെ വസ്ത്രം ധരിക്കണം എന്ന് പുരുഷന്‍ നിഷ്ക്കര്‍ഷിക്കുന്നത് ശരിയോ? അല്ലെങ്കില്‍ തിരിച്ചും?

Thursday, August 28, 2014

All you need to know about cap on free ATM transactions

The RBI's decision to cut the number of free transactions on other banks' ATMs will  have widespread ramifications. Starting 1 November, if you conduct more than  three transactions on other banks' ATMs in a month, you will be charged Rs 20  per transaction. The apex bank has also allowed banks to charge customers if  they use their own bank ATMs more than five times a month. This applies to  transactions in six metros: Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai, Kolkata, Bangalore and  Hyderabad.

The silver lining in the new rules on ATM  usage is that the charge structure has been harmonised. Before the RBI decided  in 2009 to make five ATM transactions free, banks used to charge anything  between Rs 15 and Rs 60 per transaction at another bank's ATM. This was later  revised to Rs 20 per withdrawal and Rs 9 for non-financial transactions. Banks  have been lobbying for the introduction of charges on ATM usage ever since the  RBI allowed this. Thankfully, the RBI has not permitted  banks to have their way and retained the cap on charges for withdrawals.

While Rs 20 per transaction is not exactly usurious, it can add up to a  sizeable amount every month if you are not careful about your cash flow. With  careful planning, you can avoid paying the ATM charges beyond the free  transactions. However, don't go overboard trying to avoid the ATM charge. For  instance, keeping a lot of cash at home to save on ATM fees could prove  counter-productive. In your effort to save Rs 20 in transaction fee, you may  lose a few hundred rupees  in interest.

Besides, it is possible that your bank does not levy charges for using ATMs  frequently. For instance, preferred customers, who hold a large bank balance or  have made investments through the bank, could be allowed more than  three free transactions a month at other ATMs and an unlimited use of the bank's  own teller machines. The change comes at a time when banks are adopting  technology at a furious pace. Most banks now offer customers the facility of  knowing their account balance or getting a mini statement through an SMS or phone banking. So, avoid using the  ATM for nonfinancial transactions that can be done through other  channels.

6 ways to avoid high ATM  charges
Here's how you can avoid the charges that are  likely to kick in from 1 November 2014.

Use cards wherever possible : Your first weapon against  ATM charges is the plastic in your wallet. Use your debit and credit cards so  that you don't need too much cash. Be alert when you do this. Some  establishments charge 1-2% of the amount as transaction fee, which will defeat  the purpose of using the cards. There is also the danger of overspending if you  use plastic money for every purchase.

Plan your cash flow better : Don't wait till you are  broke to withdraw money from the ATM. Give yourself a buffer of 2-3 days by  indulging in advance planning. In this manner, you won't be forced to use  another bank's ATM. While withdrawing cash, take out more than the amount you  need immediately. Take into account the expenses during the coming 8-10 days and  withdraw accordingly.

Prefer your own bank : If your bank's ATM is in the  vicinity, avoid using another bank's machine. Even if you have to walk 50-100  feet, your first choice should be your own bank's ATM. Only if there is no ATM  close to you should you use another bank's ATM. Some banks have apps that can  help you locate their nearest ATM on the smartphone. Make a list of your bank's  ATMs in the areas you frequently visit.

Keep emergency cash : Keep some cash at home in case you  run out of money due to unforeseen expenses. However, don't keep too large an  amount in cash. In your effort to save Rs 20 in ATM fees, you could be losing  out more in interest on that amount. Besides, keeping cash at home is risky.

Start using dormant account : The silver lining is that  the ATM charges will help revive your dormant bank account. Most banks charge a  small annual fee of Rs 80-100 for a no-frill debit card. One debit card will  allow you 36 transactions on other banks' ATMs and 60 at your own bank in one  year. That is much cheaper than the charge imposed by your current bank if you  exceed the cap on transactions.

Use SMS, phone banking for non-financial transactions : The cap on ATM usage includes non-financial transactions, such as balance  enquiry or a mini statement request. Instead of using the ATM for this, take the  SMS route. Most banks offer SMS facility for checking account balance, mini  statements with last five to 10 transactions, and the status of cheques issued  by you.

Source : http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/\

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Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Why do we join Union?

Smt. Nandita Mohanty
Chairperson, Women Sub-Committee
AIPEU, Gr-C, Bhubaneswar Division 
          With the evolution of society and growth in social needs there is a sharp development in industrialization. It involves use of modern technology and employment of large number of workers. As large number of people are involved,  it becomes necessary to safe guard the interest of the workers. They need to be organized to fulfil their demands in respect of salary, welfare and social security. There comes the concept of `Union’. 
          So, union is the long-term association of workers to advance and protect the interest of members of the union in the working relationship. According to Flippo “A labor union or a trade union is an organization of workers formed to protect, promote and improve through collective action, the social, economic and political interest of its members.” 
          Whenever any employee joins a union, he has some expectations in his mind. He may join the union for the following reasons:- 

·          Economic benefits: When any employee joins an organization the main interest is the salary or wage. As the social status of a person is defined by the economic standard he carries, more emphasis is given to the economic benefits. But any single individual has very little bargaining capacity as compared to the huge power of the management. He thinks, if he joins the union, union will fight for the economic interest of the employee as the union has great bargaining capacity to get its demands accepted by the management.  But the union has also its own limitations. It can bargain on the genuine ground according to the prevailing rules. It can demand for the economic up-gradation when the organization is economically sound. For that the employees have to give their hundred percent so that union can demand enhancement of monetary benefits. Because no organization will give any economic benefit unless and until it is economically sound. At that time expectation of economic advancement is baseless. 
·          Platform for self-expression: At the primitive days of industrialization, lives of the workers were like slaves without any voice against the tyranny of the management. They used to live at the mercy of the management. They couldn’t raise their voice against un-hygienic working conditions, hard work, low wage, long and inconvenient hours of working etc. Self-expression and individuality were totally prohibited. But the desire for self-expression is a fundamental drive which can’t be ignored. By joining the union the employees get a platform for self-expression. The union provides the mechanism through which employees can make their voice heard by the top management. Union serves as the communicating device between the employees and the management.  Sometimes due to low perspective and narrow-mindedness, some can’t understand the long-term views taken by the organization in the context of overall growth of the organization and employees. Anything which does not result in immediate reward becomes unattractive to them. This attitude results in the difference in views and conflict in union. One thing we should keep in mind that union is by the employees, for the employees and of the employees. So to be in union, one should go beyond oneself. 
·          Check-bar on arbitrary action of the management: The employees join the union to fight against the arbitrary action of the management. It works like a brake to the monopoly of the management. Employees expect a just and fare dealing from the management on the basis of the prevailing rules and regulations. Union  serves a checkmate when management goes beyond the prevailing rules and take action against the employees which is irrational, unlawful or  discriminatory. Thus union safe- guards the interest of the employees. 
·          Security :  The employees join union because they think that at the time of need the union will stand by them. They can get the protection from hazards and economic insecurities at the time of illness, accidents, unemployment etc. For example, trade union ensures compensation to the injured workers under the Workman’s Compensation Act 1923, secures the retirement benefits under Gratuity Act 1972 and PF Act 1952, employees’ health, social security, payment of wage, bonus, insurance, maternity benefit etc. and other welfare measures by compelling the management to abide by these. With the union, employees feel safe and secure both mentally and physically. 
·          Employee-employer relationship:  The employee may not have easy access to the top management. But union is the proper machinery which maintains a sound communication between the employer and the employee. Employees feel attached to the organization by this. If the relation between the employer and employees is good then industrial disputes, conflicts, strikes and lock-outs can be avoided. 
·          Sense of participation: Sense of participation is also a fundamental desire among the employees. They expect that their voice should be heard in making decisions in the organization. This is known as the Workman’s Participation. Being in the union, they can make their voice heard by the management in matters affecting them and can also influence to take a correct decision. 
·          Sense of belongingness: When any employee joins an organization the sense of belongingness is developed inside him. He tries to feel that he is the integral part of the organization. For that he may join the union. Because his co-workers are with the union. He may have the feeling that if he will not join the union he will be odd man out and can’t get any assistance at the time of need. On the contrary, when he is in the union he feels that he is attached with the organization and experiences a feel-good factor. He begins to think that he has some importance in the organization and among the co-workers. 
·          Background factor: Some who are born and brought up in the industrial area or in the organizational background where the society members and members of the family are attached with the union, join the union as a nature of practice. Here the past history works. As a result,  they think it obvious and natural enough to join the union. 
Though it is the mere truth that union is for the safe-guard of the employees, we can’t use it as the weapon against the management. If management strives for the long term benefit of the organization which may sound unreal on the today’s back ground,  then union also has to think in that angle for the mutual benefit. We should aspire for the long term benefits because our next generation may get the fruit out of it. We have to make the union strong for the bright future.

 Source : http://aipeup3bbsr.blogspot.in/

Monday, August 18, 2014

Confederation declares Nationwide Agitational Programme – Demands including DA Merger and Interim Relief

Confederation declares Nationwide Agitational Programme – Demands including DA Merger and Interim Relief
Confederation publishes  an organized series of agitational programme on its portal toady including the burning issues DA Merger and Interim Relief.
1st Floor, North Avenue PO Building, New Delhi – 110001
Website: WWW. Confederationhq.blogspot.com
Email: Confederationhq@yahoo.co.in
Dated - 17.08.2014
All CHQ Officers Bearers
All Affiliated Organizations
All State C-O-Cs

Dear Comrades,
The National Sectt. of the Confederaton met at New Delhi on 11.08.2014 to consider the follow up action required in the matter of some of the pressing issues on which Confederation had organized series of agitational programmes prior to the commencement of the Election process of the 16th Lok Sabha. The CHQ has received reports from various affiliaties to the effect that they have all endorsed the common memorandum, the Confederation had submitted to the 7th CPC. Most of the affiliates have emailed copies of the respective memorandum to the CHQ. Those who have not sent copies are requested to do so without further loss of time. This will enable the Confederation to write to the 7th CPC to provide an opportunity to these organisations to tender oral evidence to explain and elucidate their submissions in the memorandum.
The meeting noted that there has been only negative response from the Government on the issues of Interim Relief and merger of DA.
We have already sent to you a copy of our letter addressed to the Seretary, Staff Side, JCM National Council, (Com. Shivgopal Mishra) which is yet to be responded. The meeting considered the following issues as important, the pursuance of which must not brook any delay, especially in the background that the 7th CPC has formally written to the Government asking it to indicate the course of action required to be taken on the memorandum of the staff side on Interim Relief and marger of DA.
1. Merger of DA with pay for all employees with effect from 01.01.2014 including Gramin Dak sewaks and pensioners.2. Grant of Interim Relief to all employees including Gramin Dak Sewaks and Pensioners.3. Inclusion of Gramind Dak sevaks under the purview of 7th Central pay Commission.4. Scrap PFRDA Act and grant of statutory pension to all.5. Date of effect of 7th CPC recommendations should be 01.01.2014.6. Regularisation and revision of wages of casual laboures and contract workers.7. Removal of 5% condition for compassionate appointments.8. Fill up al vacant posts and creation of new posts wherever justified.9. Stop downsizing, outsourcing, contractorisation and privatisation of Government functions.10. Grant Productivity linked Bonus to all without ceiling; compute Bonus as weighted average of PLB for those not covered by PLB agreement.11. Revise OTA and NDA and implement arbitration awards.
The meeting also considered the policy perception of the new Government in the light of the administrative price hike in petroleum products, the proposals in the Railway and General Budget, the steep hike in the freight and passenger fares of Railways, the decision to hike FDI in Defence Production, Railway Infrastructure and Insurance sectors, disinvestment of public sector including nationalized banks and have come to the inescapable conclusion that under Narendra Modi dispensation, the neo-liberal policies, as expected, will only be intensified and the promised “Achche Din” is for the Corporate giants of the country. The last session of the Parliament witnessed the determination of the NDA Government in changing the labour laws on the lines of the enactment made by Rajasthan Government of Vasundhara Raje Scindhia by virtue of which in almost 90% of the manufacturing units in India, the employers are permitted to indulge in hire and fire policy, for the existing regulations will be dispensed with.
The meeting came to the decision that the confederation must organise serious and prolonged campaign, preferably in unison with the Railway and Defence Federations. We will pursue our consultation with those Federations to reach a common approach in the matter. Since it might take some more time, the meeting decided to pursue the demands through a demonstrative programme.
11th September 2014 – Submission of the Charter of Demands along with a brief Note to all heads of offices by arranging demonstration in front of all offices; the branch level/district/divisional/state level leaders will explain the demands especially the memorandums on interim relief, DA merger and GDS issues.
19th September 2014 – Dharna between 10 AM to 3 PM at all important state/districts/divisional centres.
25th September 2014 – Dharna between 10 AM to 3 PM at New Delhi with participation of the leaders of all affiliates and the members working in the city of Delhi (at a central place-to be decided by the Confederation Delhi State committee).
Confederation office Bearers will meet again at Delhi on 26.09.2014, 5 PM to decide further course of action. Confederation will bring out pamphlets and bulletins to explain various issues like minimum wage, DA, Bonus, GDS problems etc. shortly as part of an education campaign. The detailed campaign programe to be undertaken after Diwali festival will be intimated later.
Comradely yours,
(M. Krishnan)
Secretary General
Source: http://confederationhq.blogspot.in/

Only 3 free withdrawals from other ATMs, 5 from own

If you are in a metro and planning to withdraw cash from other banks' automated teller machines (ATMs), be careful. Savings bank account holders will, henceforth, enjoy only three free transactions at other ATMs, instead of five per month.

The country's banking regulator, the Reserve Bank of India has just issued a note to this effect. This will apply for transactions done at ATMs located in six metro centres — Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai, Kolkata, Bangalore and Hyderabad, which are well-served in terms of payment infrastructure.

RBI said banks are free to offer free transactions above this mandated limit but not many banks are likely to offer freebies as cost of maintaining small accounts has risen over the years.

The new diktat will not apply to customers having no-frills or basic savings bank ( BSBDA) type of accounts as well as for those situated outside these six metro centres.

The objective of this direction, RBI said, is to "move away from micro management of business decision of banks while protecting the interests of the weaker sections of the society".

RBI said it has taken into account the associated costs of infrastructure to banks and the economy more generally before coming up with the new direction.

The central bank has also advised banks to provide their own savings bank account holders with at least five free transactions per month at their own ATMs. Beyond this, banks may decide to levy transaction charges but that should not exceedRs 20 plus taxes per transaction.

The number of ATMs has increased to over 1.6 lakh across the country at the end-March 2014 from a little over 27,000 seven years back.

The point-of-sale (POS) infrastructure has increased from 3.2 lakh to 10.65 lakh terminals during the same period. The development of other payment mechanisms and related infrastructure is more visible in metropolitan areas.

Reserve Bank of India told banks to keep customers aware of the changes in the rules to improve customer satisfaction quotient.
Source : The Economic Tumes

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Connect to another computer using Remote Desktop Connection

With Remote Desktop Connection, you can connect to a computer running Windows from another computer running Windows that's connected to the same network or to the Internet. For example, you can use all of your work computer's programs, files, and network resources from your home computer, and it's just like you're sitting in front of your computer at work.

To connect to a remote computer, that computer must be turned on, it must have a network connection, Remote Desktop must be enabled, you must have network access to the remote computer (this could be through the Internet), and you must have permission to connect. For permission to connect, you must be on the list of users. Before you start a connection, it's a good idea to look up the name of the computer you're connecting to and to make sure Remote Desktop connections are allowed through its firewall.
If you're user account doesn't require a password to sign in, you'll need to add a password before you're allowed to start a connection with a remote computer.
Watch this video to learn how to connect to another computer using Remote Desktop Connection (1:13)

To allow remote connections on the computer you want to connect to

1.       Open System by clicking the Start button  , right-clicking Computer, and then clicking Properties.
2.       Click Remote settings.   If you're prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.

The Remote tab in the System Properties dialog box
3.       Under Remote Desktop, select one of the three options.
4.       Click Select Users.
If you're an administrator on the computer, your current user account will automatically be added to the list of remote users and you can skip the next two steps.
5.       In the Remote Desktop Users dialog box, click Add.
6.       In the Select Users or Groups dialog box, do the following:
·         To specify the search location, click Locations, and then select the location you want to search.
·         In Enter the object names to select, type the name of the user that you want to add, and then click OK.
The name will be displayed in the list of users in the Remote Desktop Users dialog box. Click OK, and then click OK again.


·         You can’t connect to a computer that's asleep or hibernating, so make sure the settings for sleep and hibernation on the remote computer are set to Never. (Hibernation is not available on all computers.) For information about making those changes, see Change, create, or delete a power plan (scheme).   
      To look up the computer name of the remote computer

1.       On the remote computer, open System by clicking the Start button  , right-clicking Computer, and then clickingProperties.
2.       Under Computer name, domain, and workgroup settings, you can find your computer name, and its full computer name if your computer is on a domain.
Your network administrator might also be able to give you the name of the computer.
To allow Remote Desktop connections through a Windows Firewall

If you're having trouble connecting, Remote Desktop connections might be getting blocked by the firewall. Here's how to change that setting on a Windows PC. If you're using another firewall, make sure the port for Remote Desktop (usually 3389) is open.
1.       On the remote computer, click Start and select Control Panel.
2.       Click System and Security.
3.       Click Allow a program through Windows Firewall under Windows Firewall.
4.       Click Change settings and then check the box next to Remote Desktop.
5.       Click OK to save the changes.

To set a password for your user account

Your user account must have a password before you can use Remote Desktop to connect to another computer.
1.       Click Start and select Control Panel.
2.       Double-click User Accounts.
3.       Select Change your Windows Password under User Accounts.
4.       Click Create a password for your account and follow the instructions on the screen.

To start Remote Desktop on the computer you want to work from

1.       Open Remote Desktop Connection by clicking the Start button  . In the search box, type Remote Desktop Connection, and then, in the list of results, click Remote Desktop Connection.
2.       In the Computer box, type the name of the computer that you want to connect to, and then click Connect. (You can also type the IP address instead of the computer name.)


·         To find the Remote Desktop Connection shortcut, click the Start button  , click All Programs, and then click Accessories. To quickly open Remote Desktop Connection, click the Start button  , type mstsc in the search box, and then press Enter.
·         Redirecting a device on your computer makes it available for use in a Remote Desktop session. If a Remote Desktop Connection dialog box appears after you click Connect and enter your credentials, you can redirect local devices and resources, such as your local drives or Clipboard. Click Details, and then select the check box for each item you want to redirect.
For more information about Remote Desktop, see Remote Desktop Connection: frequently asked questions.
Source : microsoft.com/

GATE 2015: Things one should know before applying

The application process for GATE 2015 shall commence on September 1, 2014. Interested candidates will have to apply online through the zonal GATE websites of IISc or any of the seven IITs.

The GATE 2015 score will be valid for a period of three years from the date of announcement of results. All the papers in GATE 2015 will be held in online mode only and some examinations will be conducted in multiple sessions.

According to GATE 2015 website, the GATE examination will be held on January 31, February 01, 07, 08, 14, 2015. There are some important facts aboutt GATE 2015 that candidates should know before applying and preparing for the examination.

The Online Computer Based Test (CBT) will be held for all the 22 papers. The online examination paper will contain some questions for which numerical answers must be keyed in by the candidate using the virtual keypad. Rest of the questions shall be Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ).

Candidates will have to go through biometric information (photograph and fingerprints) verification before the start of the examination.

GATE 2015 examinations will be held in two sessions - forenoon and afternoon sessions on alternate weekends (Saturday and Sunday) between January 31, 2015 and February 14, 2015. Examination for some of the papers in GATE 2015 will be held in multiple sessions.

Subjectwise examination schedule will be notified later. For GATE 2015, the entire process of filling up of application form, uploading of certificates/documents etc. will be online and the candidates should not send any hard copy of their application form/documents, etc. to any of the IIT/IISc zonal GATE office.

Payments of application fees will be accepted only online through different modes like net banking, debit/credit card, e-challan, etc. The admit cards for GATE 2015 would be available through the online process only. Candidates can download their admit card from GATE 2015 website. No hard copy of admit cards will be posted to the candidates.

Source : http://indiatoday.intoday.in/

How to Add Borders to Word 2010 Tables


Once you have created a table in your document, you may want to spiff it up a bit by changing the borders.
Luckily, it is not all that difficult to do in Word and there are several methods you can choose from to accomplish this, which are listed below:
  • When you select your table or place your cursor in your table, you will notice that the Conditional Table Tools menu becomes available, where you will see both the Design and Layout tabs. In the Design tab, look in the Table Styles group where you will find the Borders tool.
table tools
  • Under the Layout tab, in the Table group, click on the Properties command and Word will display the Table Properties dialog box, where you will find a Borders and Shading button.
table properties dialog
  • The Borders control on the Home tab of your ribbon, in the Paragraph group also works on tables.
home tab borders
  • There is a Borders and Shading option on the context menu when you right-click in your table.
  • The Draw table and Eraser controls found in the Tool’s Design tab, in the Draw Borders group will allow you to add and remove table lines one cell at a time.
If you click on the arrow of any of the various Borders tools, a drop-down list of ways to apply border lines to your whole table and individual cells will appear.
If borders have been applied to to the table cell where your cursor is, as in gridlines, the Borders control will be highlighted.
Interestingly enough, if your current cell does not have a border applied, but there are borders applied to any cell in your table then, at least one of the lines in the table in the borders control icon in your ribbon will be solid. It does not really stand out, so you will have to look closely to see it.
At the very bottom of the Borders drop-down list there are options to display the Borders and Shading dialog box and to toggle View Gridlines.
The Draw Table and Eraser tools are great for adding and removing one or two lines at specific locations in your table. The Draw Borders group can be found on the Design tab and it is the last one. It contains controls to set line thickness, color and style.
Clicking the Draw Table tool will convert your cursor to a pencil. Thereafter, clicking on any line in your table makes the line the color, style and thickness selected in the tool.
Clicking and dragging between any two lines in your table cell will split the cells along those line.
Clicking on the Eraser tool changes your cursor into an eraser that will delete any cell lines that it touches. The Esc key will cancel the eraser mode.
Regardless of which method you select to create your borders, there are myriad ways in which you can accomplish this task. Try them all and then make your decision on what best suits your particular needs.
Courtesy : http://bnjho.blogspot.in/

NHM Writer For Type With Your Own Language

NHM Writer For Type With Your Own Language


  • Context sensitive key preview
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Source : http://software.nhm.in/