സ്ത്രീകള്‍ എങ്ങിനെ വസ്ത്രം ധരിക്കണം എന്ന് പുരുഷന്‍ നിഷ്ക്കര്‍ഷിക്കുന്നത് ശരിയോ? അല്ലെങ്കില്‍ തിരിച്ചും?

Friday, September 05, 2014

Lokpal and Lokayukta Act: Govt. may withhold cash, jewelry details

Govt may withhold cash, jewellery details of babus: Times of India
NEW DELHI: In what could bring relief to nearly five million Central government employees, the Narendra Modi government has decided to amend the Lokpal and the Lokayukta Act to give itself a statutory power to withhold certain information from the public. 

All Central staff, as per the latest order of the Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT), have to declare their assets and liabilities, both movable and immovable, as well as those of their spouses and dependents latest by September 15. All these information would then be put up by the respective ministries on their website accessible to everyone. 
A number of representations received by the government from officials expressed fear that putting details of movable assets such as jewellery and cash in hand and bank would pose a security threat to them and their dependents, leave their children vulnerable to kidnapping and ransom demands. For instance, an official said he has put all savings in general provident fund which has accumulated to Rs 75 lakhs over a period of time. Putting this information in the public domain would leave him and his family members vulnerable. 

Sources said the amendments proposed only gives the government the statutory power to withhold information related to officials' movable assets only, such as his cash in hand or bank and jewellery owned by him or his family members. The government will not be empowered to hold back information on immovable assets: house or land owned by him. 
The amendment also makes it clear that it will have no impact on the current asset declaration guidelines. The officials will have to continue declaring all their assets - movable and immovable as per the previous directive. Only difference the proposed amendment will make is to ensure certain information is not made public. 
The DoPT is working on the proposed amendment and has already taken a view from the law ministry to bring in the required changes. Any fresh amendment will not impact the current declaration deadline of September 15 which is applicable for all employees. 
Once these declarations are received by the government, it is for the respective ministries to put them up on its website accessible to all, except those related to the movable assets for which an amendment is required to implement it.
Source : Times of India

Free software to lock Windows using USB Pen Drive

Protecting your computer with a USB has always been an additional feature for securing your Windows computer. If you leave your PC alone for short intervals, then using a USB for locking your Windows PC is recommended for you, as it is instant and safe. You just need to take out your USB drive and boom, your PC is locked – and the instant you plug it back again, it will be unlocked. It is a fast way of locking and unlocking Windows as compared to other methods.
 Today we will list a few free software that will allow you to to password protect, lock, unlock Windows PC using USB Pen Drive. Let us have a look at them.

Lock Windows using USB


predator usb 400x356 Free software to lock Windows using USB Pen DrivePredator is a free software that turns a USB drive into a key that can be used to lock or unlock your computer. Even if you are logged into your computer and you plug out the USB drive, the computer will automatically stop responding. As soon as you remove the USB drive, the keyboard and mouse will stop working and when and the screen will turn dark. And when you again plug the USB back to its place, the computer will revert back normal. 
edit 400x255 Free software to lock Windows using USB Pen DriveWinLockr is another freeware that lets you lock or unlock your Windows computer using a USB flash drive. It supports automatic Keyboard Locking. In addition to this, it comes with a nice Shutdown prevention feature, that prevents shutdowns or restarts while it is active. The full screen mode hides away everything from the screen so that no one can view your activity. Read more about WinLockr here.

USB System Lock

USL is an open source USB locking freeware that lets you lock and unlock your device using a USB flash drive. The software can run on almost all USB devices, including MP3 players, Card Readers, etc. There is a limitation of this software, and that it can protect your computer only under normal boot. It fails to run under Safe Boot. Despite its limitations it is a good software overall. Click here to download USB System Lock.
442591 Free software to lock Windows using USB Pen Drive
These apps are very good at their task and can help you out in maintaining an addition layer of security for your Windows computer. If you frequently leave your desk then you must have one of these apps, so that while leaving your desk you can instantly lock your computer by plugging out the USB and again instantly unlock your computer by plugging in the USB drive.

Courtesy : http://bnjho.blogspot.in/



Thank to
Shri. Induchoodan P.R

Wish you a Happy Teacher’s Day

“A good teacher is like a candle… It burns itself to life the way of others… Wish you a Happy Teacher’s Day.”


Dr.Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan was born on September 5, 1888, in a middle class family in the pilgrim town of Tirutani. His father, it is said, did not want his son to learn English, instead wanted him to become a priest. However, the talents of the boy were so outstanding that he was sent to school at Thirupati and then Vellore. Later, he joined the Christian College, Madras, and studied philosophy. Drawn by accident into philosophy, Radhakrishnan by his confidence, concentration and strong convictions went on to become a great philosopher. 
Philosophy and Life
    His first book, "The Ethics of the Vedanta and Its Material Presupposition"', being his thesis for the M.A. degree examination of the Madras University, published in 1908, at once established his fame as a great philosopher of undoubted ability. All his later works are landmarks in their respective fields. Expressing abstract and abstruse philosophical thoughts in intelligible language is considered very difficult. But Dr. Radhakrishnan was one of the few who could accomplish this with ease and simplicity.

    To him, philosophy was a way of understanding life and his study of Indian philosophy served as a cultural therapy. By interpreting Indian thought in western terms and showing that it was imbued with reason and logic he was able to give Indians a new sense of esteem, who were overcome by inferiority complex by imperial forces. But he also made clear to them that their long and rich tradition had been arrested and required further evolution and he exhorted Indians to cast off much that was corrupt and abhorrent. 

Social Commitment
    Dr. Radhakrishnan moved beyond being a mere academic and sought to engage his philosophical and religious studies in the political and social developments of the contemporary context.

    He believed that in India, the philosopher's duty was to keep in touch with the past while stretching out to the future. This commitment to society, the crusading urgent tone in his scholarly writings, the modern note in his interpretations of even classical texts and his intellectual resistance to the deforming pressures of colonialism gave Dr. Radhakrishnan a distinct public image. He was a coin minted differently from the usual run of politicians and academicians. 

Evocative Teacher
    Far from being a stern and severe intellectual remote from the world, Dr. Radhakrishnan was a very humane person. Exceedingly popular among his students right from his early days as a professor at Presidency College, Madras he was an evocative teacher. He was offered the professorship in Calcutta University when he was less than 30 years old. He served as Vice-Chancellor of Andhra University from 1931 to 1936. In 1939, he was appointed the Vice Chancellor of Banaras Hindu University .Two years later, he took over the Sir Sayaji Rao Chair of Indian Culture and Civilisation in Banaras.
    Recognition of his scholarship came again in 1936, when he was invited to fill the Chair of Spalding Professor of Eastern Religions and Ethics at Oxford which he retained for 16 years. His mastery on his subject and his clarity of thought and expression made him a much sought after teacher. But what made him even more popular was his warmheartedness and his ability to draw out people. This aspect of his personality continued to win him countless admirers throughout his long and illustrious public life.

    In the last decades of British rule, his was the most sophisticated and exalted analysis of Gandhi's work and thought and in free India he provided the ideological armour for Nehru's foreign policy. 

International Acclaim
    His commitment to high principles and unfailing dignity lent nobility and moral authority to all the offices which he held. If in India Dr. Radhakrishnan was a highly respected figure, abroad he became one of the best-liked public figures of his time. He earned very early international recognition as a philospher. In 1952, the Library of Living Philosophers, an institute of world-wide repute, brought out a massive volume on 'the philosophy of Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan' devoted wholly to a critical appreciation of his philosophical doctrines.

    After Independence, this philosophical luminary, who personified the essence of India yet had a universal vision, became an ideal ambassador to the Soviet Union, for the nascent nation poised to establish itself in the international arena. 

Leading the Nation
    In 1952, Dr. Radhakrishnan was chosen to be the Vice President of the Republic of India and in 1962, he was made the Head of the State for five years. It was the glory of Indian democracy that an educationist aloof from politics but with an international acclaim as a profound scholar was placed in the position of the President. And it was an advantage for a young country like India to have him to interpret its domestic and foreign policies abroad to expound its outlook and aspirations emphatically and in the rightway which was much needed in a world of uncertainity and disbelief among nations.
    His appointment as President was hailed by Bertrand Russel who said "It is an honour to philosophy that Dr.Radhakrishnan should be President of India and I, as a philosopher, take special pleasure in this. Plato aspired for philosophers to become kings and it is a tribute to India that she should make a philosopher her President".
    History reserved for Radhakrishnan's term of office as President much suspense and surprise. Within months of his ascendancy in 1962 there was the Chinese invasion. The nation's morale was dealt a blow but RadhakrishnanÕs voice, firm and resolute came on the air to reassure a shaken nation:
    "Owing to the difficult terrain and numerical superiority of the Chinese, we suffered military reverses. These have opened our eyes to the realities of the situation. We are now aware of our inadequacies and are alive to the needs of the present and the demands of the future. The country has developed a new purpose, a new will".
    In 1965, Pakistan violated our Western frontiers. Dr Radhakrishnan in his broadcast to the nation on September 25, 1965 said,"Pakistan assumed that India was too weak or too afraid or too proud to fight. India, though naturally disinclined to take to arms felt the necessity to defend herself when attacked. Pakistan also assumed that communal disturbances would occur in the country and in the resulting chaos she could have her way. Her miscalculations must have come to her as a rude shock."

    Dr.Radhakrishnan had great faith in Indian democracy. In his farewell broadcast to the Nation on May 12, 1967, he said that despite occasional forebodings to the contrary, the Indian Constitution had worked successfully so far. But democracy, he warned, was more than a system of the Government. "It was a way of life and a regime of civilised conduct of human affairs. We should be the architects of peaceful changes and the advocates of radical reform", he said. 

Great Teacher
    It was in 1962 when Dr. Radhakrishnan became the President of India that his birthday in September came to be observed as 'Teachers' Day'. It was a tribute to Dr.Radhakrishnan's close association with the cause of teachers. Whatever position he held whether as President or Vice President or even as Ambassador, Dr.Radhakrishnan essentially remained a teacher all his life. The teaching profession was his first love and those who studied under him still remember with gratitude his great qualities as a teacher.
    Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, who was one of his closest friends throughout, said about Dr.Radhakrishnan: "He has served his country in many capacities. But above all, he is a great Teacher from whom all of us have learnt much and will continue to learn. It is IndiaÕs peculiar privilege to have a great philosopher, a great educationist and a great humanist as her President. That in itself shows the kind of men we honour and respect."

    Bharat Ratna, the highest award of the nation, was conferred on him in 1954 in recognition of his meritorious service to mankind. 

* 5th September, the birthday of Dr. Radhskrishnan, is observed as Teacher's Day. 

 Source : http://pib.nic.in/feature/feyr98/fe0898/f2808981.html

Monday, September 01, 2014

Soon, attendance of govt staff to be tracked online

Soon, attendance of govt staff to be tracked online

A search for any registered employee yields complete details, along with the employee’s attendance/leave status. (Source: PTI)


The Modi government had recently directed all central government offices to introduce Aadhaar-based biometric attendance systems.

In what could be a revolutionary step towards monitoring and tracking the work of government officials, the NDA government has launched an “attendance website” to serve as a centralised database for all central government employees.
Though the website, attendance.gov.in, is still in the process of being developed, officials said it is expected to be modelled on the lines of similar websites of the Jharkhand government and the Department of Electronics and Information Technology.
To illustrate, the home page of the Jharkhand government’s attendance website gives the total number of employees present on the given day, along with graphical representations of “real-time attendance” and statistics on the percentage of people logging into office during different time slots, giving an idea of how many officials come to office during the designated timings. Further, a search for any registered employee yields complete details, along with the employee’s attendance/leave status.
Officials said the Centre’s website is likely to emulate most of these features and is expected to be as open to the public. “This level of open tracking takes transparency to another level, a key focus of this government,” said an official.
The Narendra Modi government had recently directed all central government offices to introduce Aadhaar-based biometric attendance systems. Officials said this website is the next step in that direction. The attendance record entered on the biometric devices in government offices will feed the data to this website, which will act as a centralised management information system (MIS) for attendance.
The database for all central government staff will be maintained centrally with a unique six digit ID provided for each employee, based on either the last six or first six digits of the Aadhaar number. Currently, the website has over 16,000 registered users, spread across 113 organisations. The maximum number of officials registered currently are from the Planning Commission. There are no active users or active devices yet.
For an organisation/ department to be registered, the nodal officers of that department will have to login to the website and create a master list of locations of their offices, designation of their offices and divisions/ units/ groups within their organisation. Following this, each employee can start registering online by submitting the relevant details along with Aadhaar numbers.


"You can be taken out of the workforce officially, but the work force can never be taken out of you ". 
"You will be remembered ever, for the things that you did here. We are confident your services will be in the extended platform for the cause of common workers and downtrodden and this is the beginning of another leaf "....

Govt to increase DA to 107 %

Govt to increase dearness allowance to 107 p.c

The Government is likely to approve a hike in dearness allowance (DA) to 107 per cent from the existing 100 per cent, benefiting around 30 lakh Centre’s employees and its 50 lakh pensioners including dependents.

“The average rate of retail inflation for industrial workers from July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014 works out to be 7.25 per cent. Thus the Central government will hike dearness allowance for it employees by 7 per cent,” an official said.

He said the Finance Ministry will now put a Cabinet proposal for approval of 7 per cent DA hike from July 1 this year as the revised Consumer Price Index-Industrial Workers data for June was released by Labour Ministry on Saturday.

With increase in DA, the pensioners will also gain as the benefit provided to them as dearness relief will be hiked to 107 per cent of basic pay.

The previous UPA government had increased DA to 100 per cent from 90 per cent with effect from January 1, 2014, on February 28 on the basis of agreed formula for revision of the allowance.

However, the central government employees’ union is not very enthused by the 7 per cent hike in the dearness allowance as their long pending demand of merger of DA with basic pay has not been given heed by 7th Pay Commission and the government.

“The erosion of value of wages is unbearable at 50 per cent dearness allowance. Now it will be 107 per cent. It is high time to merge DA with basic pay to provide relief to employees,” Confederation of Central Government Employees’ President KKN Kutty told PTI.

“We had summited our memorandum in this regard to 7th Pay Commission. They forwarded it to Central Government. We have apprised about the issue to the newly elected NDA government.

But no decision has been taken so far,” he said.

With merger of DA with basic pay, the salary and allowances paid in proportion of basic pay are increased. As per earlier practise DA was merged with basic pay once it breached 50 per cent mark. But the 6th Pay Commission has disallowed that.

Source : http://www.thehindu.com/news/national/govt-to-increase-dearness-allowance-to-107-from-100/article6366781.ece

Thursday, August 28, 2014

GATE 2015: Things one should know before applying

The application process for GATE 2015 shall commence on September 1, 2014. Interested candidates will have to apply online through the zonal GATE websites of IISc or any of the seven IITs.

The GATE 2015 score will be valid for a period of three years from the date of announcement of results. All the papers in GATE 2015 will be held in online mode only and some examinations will be conducted in multiple sessions.

According to GATE 2015 website, the GATE examination will be held on January 31, February 01, 07, 08, 14, 2015. There are some important facts aboutt GATE 2015 that candidates should know before applying and preparing for the examination.

The Online Computer Based Test (CBT) will be held for all the 22 papers. The online examination paper will contain some questions for which numerical answers must be keyed in by the candidate using the virtual keypad. Rest of the questions shall be Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ).

Candidates will have to go through biometric information (photograph and fingerprints) verification before the start of the examination.

GATE 2015 examinations will be held in two sessions - forenoon and afternoon sessions on alternate weekends (Saturday and Sunday) between January 31, 2015 and February 14, 2015. Examination for some of the papers in GATE 2015 will be held in multiple sessions.

Subjectwise examination schedule will be notified later. For GATE 2015, the entire process of filling up of application form, uploading of certificates/documents etc. will be online and the candidates should not send any hard copy of their application form/documents, etc. to any of the IIT/IISc zonal GATE office.

Payments of application fees will be accepted only online through different modes like net banking, debit/credit card, e-challan, etc. The admit cards for GATE 2015 would be available through the online process only. Candidates can download their admit card from GATE 2015 website. No hard copy of admit cards will be posted to the candidates.

Source : http://indiatoday.intoday.in/

Prime Minister to Launch Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana Tomorrow: To Dedicate Mobile Banking Facility on Basic Mobile Phones to the Nation

Press Information Bureau
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
27-August-2014 17:58 IST
Prime Minister to Launch Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana Tomorrow: To Dedicate Mobile Banking Facility on Basic Mobile Phones to the Nation  
            The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi will launch the Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY) tomorrow at a function in the national capital. On this occasion, an exhibition on Technology and Financial Literacy will be organized. The Prime Minister will visit this exhibition. A film on ‘Financial Inclusion’ will also be screened. The Prime Minister will unveil a Logo and a Mission Document on Financial Inclusion.  He will also distribute awards to the winners of the Logo contest and the ‘account opening kit’ to five beneficiaries on this occasion. He will dedicate the mobile banking facility on the basic mobile phone (USSD) to the nation. 

The Union Finance Minister Shri Arun Jaitley, Minister of State for Finance, Ms. Nirmala Sitharaman, Principal Secretary to the Prime Minister, Cabinet Secretary and Governor, Reserve Bank of India (RBI) will be present on this occasion among other dignitaries. 

Under PMJDY, Comprehensive Financial Inclusion based is proposed be achieved under the six pillars as under: 

Phase I (15th August ,2014-14th August,2015)- 

v     Universal access to banking facilities

v     Providing Basic Banking Accounts with overdraft facility of Rs.5000 after six months and RuPay Debit card with inbuilt accident insurance cover of Rs. 1 lakh and RuPay Kisan Card

v      Financial Literacy Programme 

Phase II (15th August 2015-15th August,2018)- 

v     Creation of Credit  Guarantee Fund   for coverage of defaults in overdraft  A/Cs

v     Micro Insurance

v     Unorganized sector Pension schemes like  Swavlamban  

In addition, in this phase, coverage of households in hilly, tribal and difficult areas would be carried out. Moreover, this phase would focus on coverage of remaining adults in the households and students. 

·        All the rural & semi urban areas of the country is proposed to be mapped into Sub Service Area (SSA) comprising 1000-1500 households with an average 3-4 villages with relaxation in NE/ Hilly states.

·        It is also proposed that looking to the viability of each centre around 74000 villages with population more than 2000 which were covered by Business Correspondents under Swabhiman Campaign will be considered for conversion into full fledged Brick & Mortar branches with staff strength of 1+1/1+2 in the next three years.

·        All the 6 lakh villages across the entire country are to be mapped according to the Service Area of each Bank to have at least one fixed point Banking outlet catering to 1000 to 1500 households, called as Sub Service Area (SSA). It is proposed that SSAs shall be covered through a combination of banking outlets i.e branch banking and branch less banking.Branch banking means traditional Brick & Mortar branches. Branchless bankingcomprises of fixed point Business Correspondents agents, who act as representative of Bank to provide basic banking services.

·        The implementation strategy of the plan is to utilize the existing banking infrastructure as well as expand the same to cover all households. While the existing banking network would be fully geared up to open bank accounts of the uncovered households in both rural and urban areas, the banking sector would also be expanding itself to set up an additional 50,000 Business correspondents (BCs), more than 7000 branches and more than 20000 new ATMs in the first phase .

·        The comprehensive plan is necessary considering the learnings from the past where a large number of accounts opened remained dormant, resulting in costs incurred for banks and no benefits to the beneficiaries.  

v     The plan, therefore, proposes to channel all Government benefits (from Centre/State/Local body) to the beneficiaries to such accounts and pushing the Direct Benefits Transfer (DBT) scheme of the Union Government including restarting the DBT in LPG scheme. MGNREGS sponsored by Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD, GoI) is also likely to be included in Direct Benefit Transfer scheme.

·        Keeping the stiff targets in mind, in the first phase, the plan would focus on first three pillars in the first year starting from 15th August, 2014.

·        The target for setting up additional 50,000 BCs is quite challenging given the constraints of telecom connectivity.

·         In order to achieve this plan, phase wise and State wise targets for Banks have been set up for Banks for the period 15th August, 2014 to 14th August, 2015. 

·        In order to achieve a “demand” side pull effect, it would be essential that there is Branding and awareness of Business Correspondent model for providing basic banking services, Banking Products available at BC outlets and RuPay Cards. A media plan for the same is being worked out in consultation with banks.

·        A Project Management Consultant/Group would be engaged to help the Department implement the plan.

·        It is proposed to launch the programme simultaneously at National level in Delhi, at every State capital and all district headquarters.

·        A web-portal would be created for reporting/monitoring of progress.

·        Roles of various stakeholders like other Departments of the Central Government, State Governments, RBI, NABARD, NPCI and others have been indicated.

·        Gram Dak Sewaks in rural areas are proposed as Business Correspondent of Banks.

·        Department of Telecom has been requested to ensure that problems of poor and no connectivity are resolved. They have informed that of the 5.93 lakh inhabited villages in the country (2011 census) only about 50,000 villages are not covered with Telecom connectivity.

All you need to know about cap on free ATM transactions

The RBI's decision to cut the number of free transactions on other banks' ATMs will  have widespread ramifications. Starting 1 November, if you conduct more than  three transactions on other banks' ATMs in a month, you will be charged Rs 20  per transaction. The apex bank has also allowed banks to charge customers if  they use their own bank ATMs more than five times a month. This applies to  transactions in six metros: Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai, Kolkata, Bangalore and  Hyderabad.

The silver lining in the new rules on ATM  usage is that the charge structure has been harmonised. Before the RBI decided  in 2009 to make five ATM transactions free, banks used to charge anything  between Rs 15 and Rs 60 per transaction at another bank's ATM. This was later  revised to Rs 20 per withdrawal and Rs 9 for non-financial transactions. Banks  have been lobbying for the introduction of charges on ATM usage ever since the  RBI allowed this. Thankfully, the RBI has not permitted  banks to have their way and retained the cap on charges for withdrawals.

While Rs 20 per transaction is not exactly usurious, it can add up to a  sizeable amount every month if you are not careful about your cash flow. With  careful planning, you can avoid paying the ATM charges beyond the free  transactions. However, don't go overboard trying to avoid the ATM charge. For  instance, keeping a lot of cash at home to save on ATM fees could prove  counter-productive. In your effort to save Rs 20 in transaction fee, you may  lose a few hundred rupees  in interest.

Besides, it is possible that your bank does not levy charges for using ATMs  frequently. For instance, preferred customers, who hold a large bank balance or  have made investments through the bank, could be allowed more than  three free transactions a month at other ATMs and an unlimited use of the bank's  own teller machines. The change comes at a time when banks are adopting  technology at a furious pace. Most banks now offer customers the facility of  knowing their account balance or getting a mini statement through an SMS or phone banking. So, avoid using the  ATM for nonfinancial transactions that can be done through other  channels.

6 ways to avoid high ATM  charges
Here's how you can avoid the charges that are  likely to kick in from 1 November 2014.

Use cards wherever possible : Your first weapon against  ATM charges is the plastic in your wallet. Use your debit and credit cards so  that you don't need too much cash. Be alert when you do this. Some  establishments charge 1-2% of the amount as transaction fee, which will defeat  the purpose of using the cards. There is also the danger of overspending if you  use plastic money for every purchase.

Plan your cash flow better : Don't wait till you are  broke to withdraw money from the ATM. Give yourself a buffer of 2-3 days by  indulging in advance planning. In this manner, you won't be forced to use  another bank's ATM. While withdrawing cash, take out more than the amount you  need immediately. Take into account the expenses during the coming 8-10 days and  withdraw accordingly.

Prefer your own bank : If your bank's ATM is in the  vicinity, avoid using another bank's machine. Even if you have to walk 50-100  feet, your first choice should be your own bank's ATM. Only if there is no ATM  close to you should you use another bank's ATM. Some banks have apps that can  help you locate their nearest ATM on the smartphone. Make a list of your bank's  ATMs in the areas you frequently visit.

Keep emergency cash : Keep some cash at home in case you  run out of money due to unforeseen expenses. However, don't keep too large an  amount in cash. In your effort to save Rs 20 in ATM fees, you could be losing  out more in interest on that amount. Besides, keeping cash at home is risky.

Start using dormant account : The silver lining is that  the ATM charges will help revive your dormant bank account. Most banks charge a  small annual fee of Rs 80-100 for a no-frill debit card. One debit card will  allow you 36 transactions on other banks' ATMs and 60 at your own bank in one  year. That is much cheaper than the charge imposed by your current bank if you  exceed the cap on transactions.

Use SMS, phone banking for non-financial transactions : The cap on ATM usage includes non-financial transactions, such as balance  enquiry or a mini statement request. Instead of using the ATM for this, take the  SMS route. Most banks offer SMS facility for checking account balance, mini  statements with last five to 10 transactions, and the status of cheques issued  by you.

Source : http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/\