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സ്ത്രീകള് എങ്ങിനെ വസ്ത്രം ധരിക്കണം എന്ന് പുരുഷന് നിഷ്ക്കര്ഷിക്കുന്നത് ശരിയോ? അല്ലെങ്കില് തിരിച്ചും?
Monday, October 31, 2011
Highlights of draft Post Office Bill 2011
1. Opening of market by reducing the exclusive privilege of Central Government:
Gradual opening of the market by phase wise removal of the monopoly proposed. Exclusive privilege reduced up to 150 gm. In case of letters and up to 50 gm. in case of express mail. Couriers can carry letters even within 150 gm and 50 gm ( the reserve area) subject to them charging twice the postal rates for letters and twice the rates for express service.
2. Sunset clause:
A 15 years SUNSET clause for complete removal of exclusive privilege in express service and Parliamentary Review of exclusive privilege in case of letters is proposed.
3. Universal Service Obligation of the Central Government:
As proposed, USO is defined as the obligation of the Central Government to provide, through the Department of Posts, basic postal services at reasonable access, affordable price and with specified service parameters throughout the country. Commitment to provide postal service, delivery and access to post office 6 days of the week except holidays.
4. Definitions:
Definitions of certain ‘terms’ are proposed keeping in view the definition adopted by different countries, as also the requirement of customers i.e.
a) “postal services” means services provided by the Central Government or on its behalf and includes services related to
(i) handling of addressed letters,
(ii) handling of addressed parcels and packages,
(iii) handling of addressed press products,
(iv) handling of these articles as registered or insured mail,
(v) express services for these articles,
(vi) handling of unaddressed articles,
(vii) Value Payable Post,
(viii) money remittance
(ix) Post Office Counter Services
(x) services on behalf of any Ministry or Department of the Central or State Governments, or services on behalf of any other organization
(xi) other services not specified elsewhere;
b) “courier services” means services related to the handling of articles of mail i.e. collection, sorting, dispatch, conveyance and delivery including
(i) handling of addressed letters subject to provisions in Section 4,
(ii) handling of addressed parcels and packages,
(iii) handling of addressed press products,
(iv) express services for these articles subject to provision in Section 4
(v) handling of unaddressed articles,
c) “express services” means postal / courier services related to handling of articles of mail and expedited delivery within a clearly specified and declared time limit with confirmation of receipt and with or without end‐to‐end integration to ensure track and trace and a record of delivery ;
d) “Registered Courier” means any person registered as such under Section ‐‐‐and includes his employee or agent or assignee;
e) “Licensee” means a Registered Courier who has been given license under Section ‐‐;
5. Registration and Licensing:
The Central Government may grant registration to any person undertaking the provision of any courier service in India, who shall be called a Registered Courier. The Central Government may also grant license to any Registered Courier, who shall be called alicensee, for providing certain specific services. There is no registration fee or license fee. Licensing conditions involve adherence to quality, guarantee relief to customers in case of any deficiency in service and commitment to ensure confidentiality and security of letter. All operators will require registration for providing any type of courier service in India. But license will be required only for reserve area,USO and letter mail.
6. Registering Authority:
It is proposed that Central Government shall appoint Registering Authority, in such manner and to perform such functions, as may be prescribed.
7. Appellate Authority:
An Appellate Authority is proposed for redressal of grievances of any person aggrieved by an order of Registration Authority.
8. Setting up Extra Territorial Offices of Exchange (ETOE) and International mail Processing Centers (IMPC) abroad:
Central Govt. may establish ETOEs/IMPCs in other countries for providing international Mail Services including express and parcel services subject to arrangements with such Postal Administrations regarding terms and conditions.
Courtesy: indiapost.gov.in
Weblink 7.6 - A useful internet tool

The flash screen of Weblink is removed and it is fast to use Weblink. Just start using new weblink from today.

Courtesy : http://doputtur.blogspot.com/
How do I forward my Gmail to another email account automatically?
- Log in to your GMail account.
- Click Settings (at the top)
- Click Forwarding and POP/IMAP (at the top of the Settings box)
- Enter the email address to which you'd like your Gmails forwarded.
- Click the drop-down menu (in the next line)
Choose "Archive GMail's copy" or
Choose "Delete GMail's copy"
- Click Save Changes.
You can create upto 20 filters
Make Your Mobile Number As Not Reachable!
Make Your Mobile Number As Not Reachable!
*** No need remove sim or battery***
Make Your Mobile Number As Not Reachable!We sometimes don't
want to receive calls at a particular time. But the caller understands that we are not receiveing call.
So make your phone as unreachable and the caller will
thought that its a network
problem. No need of removing sim card!
Lets start the game!
Go to Menu; Settings; Phone;Operator selection; Manual!
Now your phone will search for available operators.
Select any other network except your own network
(i.e. If you are using Airtel, select vodafone in).
You'll get an error message No network access!
Now look at the signal bar. It is empty!
But dont press back. If you press back, the phone will capture signal again.
If any caller call you then, he will hear that your phone is out of network range!
This trick works on almost every phone
*** No need remove sim or battery***
Make Your Mobile Number As Not Reachable!We sometimes don't
want to receive calls at a particular time. But the caller understands that we are not receiveing call.
So make your phone as unreachable and the caller will
thought that its a network
problem. No need of removing sim card!
Lets start the game!
Go to Menu; Settings; Phone;Operator selection; Manual!
Now your phone will search for available operators.
Select any other network except your own network
(i.e. If you are using Airtel, select vodafone in).
You'll get an error message No network access!
Now look at the signal bar. It is empty!
But dont press back. If you press back, the phone will capture signal again.
If any caller call you then, he will hear that your phone is out of network range!
This trick works on almost every phone
Block / UnBlock Any Website in your Colleges & Offices Or Any Where You Want
Many times in schools, colleges & offices surfing some sites are banned.
To overcome this you can unblock these or block some other websites and play pranks !
Follow the Instructions Below To Block a Website:
To overcome this you can unblock these or block some other websites and play pranks !
Follow the Instructions Below To Block a Website:
Open the folder C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc
There you will find a file named HOSTS
Click on the file and right click.
From the right click menu select Open with.
Now, select Notepad to open the file from the list.
Now, in the file under the line localhost add another line as http://www.facebook.com.
File > Save.
Follow the Instructions Below To UnBlock a Website:
-> Do Same as above upto and then,
Now, open your web browser and try opening http://www.facebook.com, it will not load.
To unblock sites just do the opposite. ( means to remove : http://www.facebook.com. )
There you will find a file named HOSTS
Click on the file and right click.
From the right click menu select Open with.
Now, select Notepad to open the file from the list.
Now, in the file under the line localhost add another line as http://www.facebook.com.
File > Save.
Follow the Instructions Below To UnBlock a Website:
-> Do Same as above upto and then,
Now, open your web browser and try opening http://www.facebook.com, it will not load.
To unblock sites just do the opposite. ( means to remove : http://www.facebook.com. )
Transfer norms for employees who are parents of Special Children
While considering request of Government Employees who are parents of Special Children, regarding their place of posting, DOPT has given following guidelines to the all Central Government Departments.No. AB 14017/41/90-Estt. (RR)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
(Department of Personnel & Training)
********New Delhi, 15th February, 1991
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
(Department of Personnel & Training)
Subject: Posting of Government employees who have mentally retarded children.
The undersigned is directed to say that there has been a demand that an employed parent of a mentally retarded child should be given posting at a place of his/her choice. This demand has been made on the plea that facilities of medical aid and education of such children are not available everywhere. Also looking after such children does require special care and patience and is expensive. Hence some concessions from the Government at least in matters of posting at a place of choice is called for.
2. The matter has been examined. Considering that the facilities for medical help and education of mentally retarded children may not be available at all stations, a choice in the place of posting is likely to be of some help to the parent in taking care of such a child. While administratively it may not be possible in all cases to ensure posting of such an employee at a place of his/her choice, Ministries/Departments are requested to take a sympathetic view on the merits of each case and accommodate such requests for posting to the extent possible.
BSNL plans to trim landline operations, cut jobs
State-run Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd (BSNL) plans to sharply scale down the manpower strength of its beleaguered landline business, which accounts for nearly 65% of its 2.77 lakh-strong workforce, in one of the boldest moves to transform the loss-making telco into a nimble, profit-making organisation.
"Poor revenues coupled with a steep reduction in the number of landline connections over the past three years from some 34 million to under 25 million has made a sizeable number of positions and functions in the consumer fixed access (CFA) division redundant. A review of the manpower requirement is underway, but we are yet to take a call on which positions to retain and which to abolish," a top company executive with direct knowledge of the development told ET.
At present, BSNL is doing an internal assessment of whether its loss-making landline business justifies the existence of innumerable phone mechanics,telecom technical assistants, regular mazdoors and junior telecom officers who collectively number more than a whopping 1.5 lakh on its rolls.
The number of staff functions in the CFA business is directly linked to the number of active landlines. But the growing instances of people surrendering their landlines has induced BSNL's senior management to consider outsourcing a host of activities, including operations & maintenance.
Source : EconomicTimes
How to Uninstall Symantec EndPoint Client If Uninstall Password is in place
Sometimes its hard to uninstall SEP client if uninstall password is lost or SEPM is down.
In such cases you may follow these steps
Start - Run
type smc -stop ( If it prompts for password; navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Symantec\Symantec Endpoint Protection\SMC, delete the smcexit key and then type smc -stop)
Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Symantec\Symantec Endpoint Protection\SMC
look for smcinstdata key; delete it
Go to add/remove program and uninstall the client..
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Settlement of Savings Banks Claims - Revised Procedures
Types of Claims
7 days from the date of Receipt
What the customer should present?
7 days from the date of Receipt
What the customer should present?
- Claim Application – SB 30
- Death Certificate – in original
- Passbook
- Copy of ID Proof and address proof of the claimant(s)
What the customer should present?
With legal evidence
Without nomination
With legal evidence
Death certificate
• Account Particulars are correct and verified with our records ( Account No., Name of Depositor, Balance, Nominee name if any., etc.,)
• BPM/SPM/PM/Sr., PM has accepted the two witnesses in the claim application
• ID Proof and address proof submitted
• Death Certificate in original submitted
• Legal evidence is submitted (if No Nomination exist and claim exceeds 1 lakh)
• Annexure viz., (if No Nomination and No legal evidence)
• Letter of Indemnity – signed by claimant and suritie(s) attested by Notary public
• Affidavit – executed before the Oath Commissioner
•Letter of disclaimer on affidavit – executed before the Oath Commissioner
• Receipt of claim application should be acknowledge on the same day
• Sanction the claim if satisfied with the above check list if you are competent
• Otherwise forward on the same day to the competent authority by Insured post
• Pay the amount by getting the acquittance on the claim application
• Preserve a copy in claim file and forward the original as voucher to the HO / SBCO
• If the claim is to be sanctioned by any other administrative authorities other than the Postmaster, then the sanction will be issued separately and the PM concerned will sign in the claim for by attaching a copy of sanction.
Special Procedure of claims :
• Transfer of account to the name of the claimant
– RD and TD account can be continued by the claimant till maturity
– Separate Form 1/ SB 3 card/ SS will be given by the claimant
Necessary remarks will be entered in the concerned remarks
What the customer should present?
- Claim Application – SB 30
- Death Certificate – in original
- Passbook
- Letter Indemnity ( signed by the claimant(s) and Suritie(s) and attested by the Notary Public)
- Affidavit (Executed before Oath Commissioner)
- Letter of disclaimer on Affidavit (Executed before the Oath Commissioner)
- Copy of ID Proof and address proof of the claimant(s)
With legal evidence
- What the customer should present?
- What the customer should present?
- Claim Application – SB 30
- Death Certificate – in original
- Passbook
- Legal evidence in original or certified copies or attested copies with original (Original will be returned after verification)
- Copy of ID Proof and address proof of the claimant(s)
(SB/TD/PPF) | RD/ MIS | SCSS | |
Time Scale SPM | 1000 | Cl III SPM Cl II SPM – 1000 Cl I SPM – No limit | No limit |
LSG Norm based | 2000 | No limit | No limit |
SPM/DPM/PM in HSG (Non Gazetted) | SPMs - 5000 PMs – No limit | No limit | No limit |
DPM/Sr., PM/Dy., Chief PM/SPOs (All Gazetted Gr.B) | No limit | No limit | No limit |
Chief PM/ SSPOs (Gazetted Gr.A) | No limit | No limit | No limit |
Regional Director/ Director in GPO | Need not be referred to. | Need not be referred to. | Need not be referred to. |
CPMG/ PMG | Need not be referred to. | Need not be referred to. | Need not be referred to. |
Time Scale SPM | 1000 |
LSG Norm based | 2000 |
SPM/DPM/PM in HSG (Non Gazetted) | 5000 |
DPM/Sr., PM/Dy., Chief PM/SPOs (All Gazetted Gr.B) | 20000 |
Chief PM/ SSPOs (Gazetted Gr.A) | 50000 |
Regional Director/ Director in GPO | 75000 |
CPMG/ PMG | 100000 |
Time Scale SPM | 1000 |
LSG Norm based | 2000 |
SPM/DPM/PM in HSG (Non Gazetted) | SPM – 5000 PM - No limit |
DPM/Sr., PM/Dy., Chief PM/SPOs (All Gazetted Gr.B) | Need not be referred to. |
Chief PM/ SSPOs (Gazetted Gr.A) | Need not be referred to. |
Regional Director/ Director in GPO | Need not be referred to. |
CPMG/ PMG | Need not be referred to. |
- Issued by Municipality/ local bodies, Hospital, Police station in prescribed form
- When death occurs in a place where none of the above said authorities exist, a certificate of death in original form a Gazetted Officer, a MP/ MLA/ Panchayat Officer/ Village Police Patel may be submitted
- Certificate from last employer/ Doctor/ Hakkim who last attended the deceased if BAL < 250
- Certificate of death issued by Parsee panchayat, Burial Certificate issued by Church authorities may be accepted if certificate can not be had from Municipality/local body/ Hospital etc.,
• Account Particulars are correct and verified with our records ( Account No., Name of Depositor, Balance, Nominee name if any., etc.,)
• BPM/SPM/PM/Sr., PM has accepted the two witnesses in the claim application
• ID Proof and address proof submitted
• Death Certificate in original submitted
• Legal evidence is submitted (if No Nomination exist and claim exceeds 1 lakh)
• Annexure viz., (if No Nomination and No legal evidence)
• Letter of Indemnity – signed by claimant and suritie(s) attested by Notary public
• Affidavit – executed before the Oath Commissioner
•Letter of disclaimer on affidavit – executed before the Oath Commissioner
• Receipt of claim application should be acknowledge on the same day
• Sanction the claim if satisfied with the above check list if you are competent
• Otherwise forward on the same day to the competent authority by Insured post
• Pay the amount by getting the acquittance on the claim application
• Preserve a copy in claim file and forward the original as voucher to the HO / SBCO
• If the claim is to be sanctioned by any other administrative authorities other than the Postmaster, then the sanction will be issued separately and the PM concerned will sign in the claim for by attaching a copy of sanction.
All payment should be made by cheque irrespective of amount
• Claim Closure without PB
– refer the case to the Head of the Division
– If permitted, get an application from the claimant to do so
– Attach it with the warrant of payment
– Make remarks in Ledger and other records
• Payment to Minor claimants –
– to the person appointed in the nomination to receive it.
– Where no nomination exist, Guardian (Father or Mother or a person entitled under law when neither parent is alive)
– Certificate to be furnished by the Guardian that the minor is alive and the money is required on behalf of the minor.
– refer the case to the Head of the Division
– If permitted, get an application from the claimant to do so
– Attach it with the warrant of payment
– Make remarks in Ledger and other records
• Payment to Minor claimants –
– to the person appointed in the nomination to receive it.
– Where no nomination exist, Guardian (Father or Mother or a person entitled under law when neither parent is alive)
– Certificate to be furnished by the Guardian that the minor is alive and the money is required on behalf of the minor.
• Transfer of account to the name of the claimant
– RD and TD account can be continued by the claimant till maturity
– Separate Form 1/ SB 3 card/ SS will be given by the claimant
Necessary remarks will be entered in the concerned remarks
How to Remove Norton Anti Virus from my PC completely?
It's not so easy to remove Norton by using the Windows utility. You need to carefully remove from Registry also. It's little tricky and long process. Please do the cleaning with care.
First Step
The is very very tricky. Do it with care :
First Step
- Remove Norton using Windows utility
- Start --> Control Panel --> Add/Remove Programs.
- Select Norton application
- Click Change --> Remove All.
- You will be asked to restart your PC. Without fail Restart
- Start --> My Computer --> Program Files.
- Right click on each Symantec folder
- Select Delete.
- Go to the Common Files folder at or near the top of the Program Files window.
- Delete every Symantec folders.
- Again restart your PC.
- Go to Start --> Search --> All Files and Folders --> More Advanced Options.
- Check each option except for "Case sensitive"
- Type 'Norton' and Search
- Delete each Norton folder from the search results (Again, right click, choose "Delete").
- For the third time, restart your PC.
- Go to Start --> Search --> All Files and Folders --> More Advanced Options.
- Check each option except for "Case sensitive"
- Type 'Symantec' and Search
- Delete each Norton folder from the search results (Again, right click, choose "Delete").
- For the third time, restart your PC.
The is very very tricky. Do it with care :
- Start --> Run
- Type in "regedit"
- Go to the top of the Regedit window.
- Click (+) next to HKEY_CURRENT_USER.
- Go down the thread until you see Software.
- Click on Software
- Scroll down the thread until you see Symantec.
- Right click on Symantec and choose "Delete".
- From there go down to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
- Go down the thread until you see Software.
- Click on Software
- Scroll down the thread until you see Symantec.
- Right click on Symantec and choose "Delete".
- Restart your PC.
- Start --> Run
- Type in "regedit"
- Go to the top of the Regedit window.
- Click (+) next to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
- Click (+) next to Software
- Click (+) next to Microsoft, Click (+) next to Windows
- Click (+) next to CurrentVersion.
- Select the Run folder
- Right-click and delete each Symantec entry you see (if present).
- Restart your PC.
Classification of Posts - Both V CPC and VI CPC
Classification of Posts - Both V CPC and VI CPC
Grouping of Posts
Classification of Posts | V CPC(Description of Posts) | VI CPC(Description of Posts) |
Group “A” | posts carrying pay or scale of pay with a maximum of not less than 13500/- | CS Scale (Rs.90000-fixed), Apex Scale (Rs.80000-fixed) HAG Scale (Rs.75500-80000) Grade Pay: Rs.12000, Rs.10000, Rs.8900 and Rs.8700 (PB-4), and Rs.7600, Rs.6600 and Rs.5400 (PB-3) |
Group “B” | pay with a maximum of not less than Rs.9000/- but less than 13500/- | Grade Pay: Rs.5400, Rs.4800, Rs.4600 and Rs.4200 (PB-2) |
Group “C” | Rs.4000/- but less than Rs 9000./- | Grade Pay: Rs.2800, Rs.2400, Rs.2000, Rs.1900 and Rs.1800 (PB-1) |
Group “D” | Below Rs.4000/- | Grade Pay: Rs.1300, Rs.1400, Rs.1600,Rs.1650 in the scale of pay of Rs.4440-7440 in 1S Scale (Till the posts are upgraded) |
Courtesy : http://postmastermaharashtra.blogspot.com/
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