സ്ത്രീകള്‍ എങ്ങിനെ വസ്ത്രം ധരിക്കണം എന്ന് പുരുഷന്‍ നിഷ്ക്കര്‍ഷിക്കുന്നത് ശരിയോ? അല്ലെങ്കില്‍ തിരിച്ചും?

Friday, August 26, 2011

Basic Computer for IPO Examination and Postmaster Examination

(10 Marks)
Question Pattern

Abbreviations & Explanation

ANSI - American National Standards Institute
ASCII - American Standard Code for Information Interchange
ALU - Arithmetic Logic Unit
BCD - Binary Coded Decimal
ENIAC - Electronic Numeric Integrator And Calculator
EDVAC - Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer
EDSAC - Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator
EBCDIC - Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code
EPROM - Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
IBM - International Business Machines
MODEM - MOdulator/ DEModulator.
PROM - Programmable Read Only Memory
RAM - Random Access Memory (Non-volatile)
ROM - Read Only Memory (Volatile)
UNIVAC - Universal Automatic Computer
WWW - World Wide Web

Terms Usages

World’s First introduced?

First Digital Computer used was UNIVAC - Universal Automatic Computer (1951)


General: -
· Computer is a electronic device that can accept input and store data, process it and produce output.
· The father of Computer – Charles Babbage (Introduced first computer on 1830.)
· The Inventor of Computer Mouse – Prof. Douglas Engelbart of Stanford Research Institute.

Generations of Computers

1st - Vacuum Tubes
2nd - Transistors
3rd - Integrated Circuits
4th & 5th - Micro Processors

Types of Computers

(1) Super Computer
(2) Main frame
(3) Minicomputers
(4) PCs/Micro Computers

Input devices

A device used to send or feed or put information to a computer is called Input device:

(a) Key Board
(b) Mouse
(c) Track balls
(d) Microphones
(e) Joysticks
(f) Scanners
(g) Digital Cameras
(h) Optical Mark Reader
(j) Optical Character Reader

Output Devices

Devices which are giving the result of the process, is called as Out put devices: -

(a) Monitor
(b) Printer
(c) Projectors

Hard drives are functioning as input as well as output devices.

Memory Storage Devices: -

Primary Storage (Real time storage): -

1. RAM - Random Access Memory (Non-volatile)
2. ROM - Read Only Memory (Volatile)

Secondary Storage Devices: -

(a) Hard Disk
(b) Floppy Disk
(c) Tape Cartridges
(d) Memory Cards
(e) Compact Disks
(f) Digital Versatile Disk (DVD)
(g) Pen/USB Drives

Units for Memory: -

Bit is a smallest storage of memory, is either 0 or 1.

4 bits = 1 nibble 1024 bytes = 1 Kilo Byte
2 nibbles = 1 bits 1024 kilo byte = 1 Mega Byte
8 bits = 1 byte 1024 Mega Byte = 1 Giga Byte

# Hard Disk and Floppy disks are functioning on the basis of Magnetic Media.
# CDs are functioning on the bases of Optical media (Use of Laser Light/beam)


1. Processor Speed is measured in Hertz.

2. RAM speed measured in Nano Seconds

3. Storage of data / Capacity of Disks is measured in Bytes

4. Hard disk drive speed is measured in RPM (rotation per minute)

5. CDROM Drive efficient is measured in MBPS (1X= 150 MBPS)

Access time - Time taken to complete a movement or transfer or information.
Algorithm - Instructions used to solve problem.
ANSI - American National Standards Institute, Organisation publishes rules, or
standards for the computer industry.
ASCII - American Standard Code for Information Interchange, is the one of the
code used to represent letters, numbers & commands used by the computer.

Data Base is a collection of information, on a subject.

RDBMS is Relational Data Base Management Systems. Oracle, SQL, Cybase are few examples for RDBMS

Hardware - Physical/tangible components of computer

MODEM - Device enables a computer to communicate through Telephone line is called MOdulator/ DEModulator.

The number of Pixels on the VDU (Monitor), expressed as a matrix is called Resolution.
e.g. 640 x 480 (i.e. the monitor contains 640 pixels horizontally across the screen and 480 pixels vertically down the screen).

Network is a process of connecting two or more computers to share resources among them. (e.g.) LAN, WAN, MAN

Memory chips retain data even when Computer is turned off is called Non – Volatile Chips e.g. ROM, SRAM. RAM is a volatile memory.

The CO-processor used for processing Mathematical calculations is called Math Co-processor.


Internet is spider-net like structure of many-many interconnected computers. It’s governed by ISPs (Internet Service Providers) and Hosts Computers located throughout the world. The theory of internet was emerged when in Cold war days the Army of America was in search of a system which can carry the confidential data and information across his Army bases with swiftness and safely. Then the scientists of America was go through an experiment of connecting LANs of their army bases and developed the base theory of TCP/IP in which data transits through net in small packets and when these packets received at destination the receiving end computer joint them and provide for user info.

Now we are using the second generation of Internet with the bandwidth of 8-32 MHz and very shortly it will be available in Hyper Band with the capacity of 400 MHz.

World Wide Web, which organizes the Internet related resources easy to access the information available on the net.

Electronic Mail (E-Mail)

Email is the process of sending and receiving messages.

Expended form of COMPUTER

The meaning of computer is CO-ordinated Machine for the PUrpose of Technical and Educational Research


Printer is one of the output devices. Following are the types of printers available recently: -

(a) Desy Wheel Printer
(b) Line printer
(c) Dot matrix printer
(d) Ink Jet
(e) Bubble Jet
(f) Laser printer
(g) Plotter

Silent features of Line printer:-

(i) Printer is nothing but like a type writer and the same logic (i.e. Hammer method) is used with this machine i.e. printer.

(ii) this printer having the capability to print 30 to 3000 line per minute depending upon the board and mechanism.

(iii) the logic of this printer is very simple that is normally printers are doing print left to right only, at the time of the returning they didn’t doing any job after reaching left most then starting to print it is the common logic for printer

In the case of the line printer to increase the quantity of job at the time of the returning the line printer continuing the job where from they finished this is called zig-zag method because the line printer having the capability to print 30 to 3000 lines per minute.

(iv) this printer is very costly

(v) and it also makes some noisy sounds.

Silent features of Dot Matrix Printers

(i) It is low cost

(ii) It will print the character as dot forms and fulfill the line after the doing two or three times for a line

(iii) It makes noisy sound
Some important terminology with description: -


A search tool for use with FTP that searches an Archie site (a database of file names) for a specific filename.

ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network)

The predecessor of the Internet, in use between 1971 and 1990, connecting military and academic institutions. Officially dismantled in 1990.


An organization that issues digital certificates. A CA is responsible for guaranteeing a certificate holder's identity.

CGI (Common Gateway Interface)

A specification for transferring information between a Web server and a CGI program. The programs can be written in any language like C, Peri, Visual Basic, Java, as long as it conforms to CGI specifications. CGI makes it possible for Web Servers to dynamically interact with users. The most common use of CGI is seen in online forms.


When you access a service on a computer, then your computer is the client, while the other one is called the server. Services include file and print e-mail, Web, etc.


An attachment sent along with a message for authentication purposes. A digital certificate verifies that the user sending the message is who he or she claims to be.

A service that stores information on the network in a hierarchical format for easy accessibility. It can store information about applications, equipment, and users on a network.


A group of computers that function under common rules. On the Internet, it's put as an extension in a host name for identifying the types of host. Various domain types have been identified. These include.com (company/commercial), .edu (educational institutions), .gov (government), .mil (military), .org (organization). Outside the domain name is a 2-letter country code (.in for India).

DNS (Domain Name System)

A System used on the Internet to translate IP address into easy to remember names. The service that does this translation is called DNS. DNS servers are connected with each others over the internet. So, if one DNS server doesn't have an IP address translation in its table, it queries other systems running DNS to find out.


To copy a file from a remote machine, for example, with anonymous FTP, or when you want to copy a program from a website and save it to your hard disk.

DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)

A protocol used for dynamically assigning IP address to clients that request for it. When configuring a DHCP server, a pool or range of IP addresses has to be given. The server then uses DHCP to assign the IP address from this pool.

DHTML (Dynamic HTML)

Refers to Web pages that change their contents depending on client request.


A standard utility that is part of the TCP/IP protocol stack that lets you determine who is a valid user and who is logged into a system you have access to. It's used in UNIX based systems. The syntax is finger username@domain.name, or finger@host.


A system to prevent unauthorized access to a private network. A firewall is used on a network directly connected to the Internet to prevent outside Internet users from accessing it.


Software that is distributed free of charge, but often without customer service or much documentation.

FTP (File Transfer Protocol)

A simple program to transfer files over a network from one computer to another. Many FTP servers allow you to download files with out having an account on the machine, by using anonymous or FTP for a user name and your e-mail address as a password. This is a major means of distributing software and info on the Internet.


A device that is connected to the Internet, and allows other machines inside a company's network to access the Internet. In other words, it's the connection point between a LAN and the Internet. The device can be a specialized piece of hardware like a router, or it can be software installed on a computer.

GIF (Graphics Interchange Format)

A standard graphics image format used on the Internet.


A menu-based system for organizing and distributing information on the Internet. It's similar to FTP as it lets users browse or download files and directories. A key feature of Gopher is the ability to include menu items that connect the user to other Gopher servers. Gopher is no longer in popular use.


Originally this term refer to crackerjack programmers and computers experts and connoted respect. Through this meaning is still in use, this word now also in use (specialy by the media) to refer to people who deliberately try to penetrate the security of other computers. The computers use community prefers to call these people crackers.


Information in the beginning of a piece of data being sent over a network that describes its content, the destination address, etc.


An HTML document that servers as the main access point to a company's Website.


When you connect to or log onto a remote computer on which you don't have your own account, (perhaps using a special account for guests) you are referred to as a guest or visitor.

HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language)

A simple and easy to learn programming language that Web documents are written in.

HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol)

The protocol used on the Internet to transfer HTML documents. All Web browsers use this protocol to read the Web pages.


A new concept for organizing information made possible by computers, where keywords or phrases can be used not only to reference additional resources, but also serve as software links to these resources.


The Internet Message Access Protocol lets you view your e-mail at the server mailbox as an extension of your computer. You can view, delete and search for mail on the server, and only down load the ones you need to your local machine.


The manner in which a user provides information to a computer program. Some examples are GUI for graphical user interface and CLI for command line interface.


The internet is the Grand Daddy of all networks. It's a collection of computers and computer networks across the world that communicates across dedicated high-speed phone lines using a single protocol family called TCP/IP.


A unique set of four numbers between 1 and 254 separated by periods, such as, used to identify every machine connected to the Internet. As these numbers are very difficult to remember, they are mapped to an easy to remember name, which is called the host name.

IRC (Internet Relay Chat)

A program that allows multiple users to conduct typed conversation in real time over the Internet.

ISO (International Organisation for Standardization)

An International body made up national standard bodies from over 75 countries. It's engaged in defining standards. The most popular computer standard define by ISO was the OSI model.

ITU (International Telecommunication Union)

An international body engaged in defining telecommunication standards.

JPEG (Joint Photographics Expert Group)

A standard (compressed) format for colour images commonly used on the Internet. They use the JPG or JPEG extensions.

JUGHEAD (Jonzy's universal gopher hioerachy excavation and display)

A powerful gopher search tool written by Rhatt "Jonzy" Jones.


A simple modern protocol for transferring files between Macs and/or PCs, or from these to bigger computers. Since TCP/IP was adopted as the official Internet protocol in 1983, most PCs software has abandoned Kermit. However, Kermit and its cousins X-, Y-, and Z- modern are still needed in the absence of an Ethernet or SLIP connection.

LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)

A set of protocols for querying information directories. There are various directory services on the Internet that can be queried for information. LDAP is being used in operating systems like the upcoming Windows 2000 and NetWare for querying their directory services. LDAP is a simpler version of the X.500 directory service standard.


A text only Web browser.


A mechanism for simultaneously distributing e-mail messages to a group of e-mail users who have subscribed to the list. A common use of mailing lists is in newsletter subscriptions.

MIME (Multipurpose Internet mail Extensions)

A way to encapsulate binary file attachments, such as images and sound into e-mail messages. The method was originally suggested in RFC-1341.

Courtesy : http://postmasterpunjab.blogspot.com

India Post wins Today’s Traveller award for Best Customer Service Organization 2011

The fifth edition of ‘Today’s Traveller’ award function to recognize and honour outstanding performers in the corporate, travel & tourism sector was held on 23rd August 2011 at Hotel Taj Palace, New Delhi.

The awards were presented by Mr. Subodh Kant Sahai, Hon’ble Minister for Tourism.

Department of Posts has won the‘Today’s Traveller Award’ for Best Customer Service Organization for the year 2011. Shri Alok Sharma, General Manager, Department of Posts accepted the award on behalf of Department of Posts.

The award citation says "Department of Posts has done a commendable job in reaching every citizen of India with its path-breaking innovations. There has been a major transformation in Department of Posts’ manpower development, whereby both the front and back office staff and the entire personnel make sincere efforts to understand and address customer's needs, respond to their inquiries/complaints and provide efficient and reliable services with a good degree of enthusiasm."

10 keys to bring more inspiration into your life

When you were born, you were crying and Everyone around you was smiling.

Live your life so that when you die, you're the one smiling and Everyone around you is crying.

Have you ever asked yourself what is inspiration?

When the word inspiration is broken down into it's component parts, it simply means "in - spirit".

When you are living "in - spirit" You feel excited about yourself and your life. You have a special connection with all parts of your mind and body.

The question is how can we connect to our spirit at all times to take that actions that make all things possible ?

Below are ten keys to opening your doors to your inspiration.

1. The first key to inspiration is enjoyment. It would take a spiritual master to get inspired about doing the dishes. So find something that really excites you. It can be anything that you really enjoy.

2. The second key is love. When you are actively pouring love into what you are doing, this will guarantee that you are opening yourself to experiencing more inspiration.

3. The third key is to trust yourself. Listen to that little voice inside yourself and know that this comes from heart. This is called intuition.

4. The fourth key is to follow what your intuition tells you. The more you listen to it, the stronger your intuition will become. If you don't pay attention, that little voice gets fainter and fainter until you can no longer hear it.

5. The fifth key is to keep telling yourself "I can". These are some of the most powerful words that you can ever use. When you say this to yourself often enough, you build abridge between yourself and your inspiration.

6. The sixth key is not to listen to anyone that says "no you can't". They might think that they may not be able to, and try to project this negative belief onto you, but remember to keep telling yourself that, "I can! "

7. The seventh key is to believe in yourself. When you are backed by a strong belief in yourself and your dreams, nothing is impossible.

8. The eighth key is to avoid negativity. Ask yourself, do you really need to read the newspaper or watch the news on TV everyday ? Nothing kills inspiration quicker than being surrounded by bad news.

9. The ninth key is acceptance. Accept that on some days you feel much more inspired than on others. This is normal, nobody can be completely inspired every minute of the day.

10. The tenth key is possibly the most important of all. Take action every day, no matter how small a step it seems. Action is the fuel to the fires of inspiration. Make it a daily practise to keep your fire burning. The taking of actions, no matter how small, will fill you with inspiration for taking the next step

Free Monthly Season Ticket for Students

The facility of Free Monthly Season Ticket (MST) is available for boy and girl students, for travel n 2nd class of all passenger/local trains between stations serving places of their residence and school/college/Madrasa. In case of boys, this facility is available upto class 12th while in case of girls, it is available upto the level of Graduation which also includes professional/vocational courses such as B. Tech., B.Sc. (Engineering), M.B.B.S. etc.

This information was given by the Minister of State for Railways Shri K. H. Muniyappa in written reply to a question in Lok Sabha today.


Name of the Scheme
Rate of Interest
Maturity Period
Minimum Deposit
Other Facilities.
Post Office Savings Bank Account
3.5 %
Per Annum

Minimum Rs.50/
SB cheque account min dep is Rs500/
Maximum Limit
Individual – Rs. 1Lakhs
Jointly – Rs.2 Lakhs
Cheque facility available Interest exempt from Income Tax.
Recurring Deposit Account
Rs.10/- account fetches Rs.728.90 on maturity
5 years account can be continued for another 5yr term.
Rs.10/- or Multiple Rs. 5/-
Insurance benefit covered up to Rs.50/- denomination. Premature encashment available after 3 years.
Term Deposit
1 Year

2 Year

3 Year

5 Year

6.25 %


7.25 %

7.50 %

Rs.200/- and multiple by 200 only

Maximum- no limit
Interest payable annually. But calculated quarterly.

Public Provident fund account
8 % per annum
compounded quarterly.

15 years

Minimum Rs.500/-
Maximum Rs.70,000/-
In a financial year
Interest exempted from Income Tax. Withdrawal is permissible from 7thFinancial Year.
Post Office Monthly income Scheme
8 % per annum
Interest payable monthly
6th years
Minimum Rs.1,500/-
Maximum limit-
Individual Rs.4.5 Lakhs
Jointly Rs.9 Lakhs
After Completion of 6 years 10 % Bonus also payable on maturity value.
Kisan Vikah Patra
Money double in 8 years 7 month
8 years 7 months
Maximum- no Limit
Pre mature facility payable after completion of 2 and half years.
National Savings CertificatesVIII issue
8 % per annum
interest compounded half yearly
6 years
Maximum- no Limit
Income rebate available under section 80 L & 88
Premature facility available after completion of 3 years.
Senior Citizen Savings Scheme
9 % per annum payable quarterly
5 years
Rs.1,000/- or Multiple thereof .
Maximum- 15 Lakhs.
Account can be opened in SBI or selected Nationalized Bank or Post Office.

  • Nomination and transferred facilities are available in all schemes.

Integrated Postal Services will be in place in two years, says Sachin Pilot

Union minister of state for communication and information technology, Sachin Pilot, Union Minister for renewable energy Dr, Farooq Abdullah and Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah at the inauguration of the floating post office in the Dal Lake in Srinagar on Monday.

There is a plan to add banking facilities in post offices at a cost of Rs. 19,000 crores'
Faced with the challenge posed by the Information Technology revolution, the Ministry of Communications plans to have integrated postal services in two years.
Speaking to The Hindu, Union Minister of State for Communications Sachin Pilot said a good amount of work had been done in this direction but it would take his department two years to complete the task and “keep our thread with the people alive.”
Mr. Pilot disagreed with the view that with the internet revolution spreading, the postal services were losing clientele. “We have not closed a single post office and their relevance is not lost. But we have to integrate that with other services like banking, insurance and other day-to-day needs of the people,” he said. India today had 1,55,000 post offices with 5,80,000 employees.
Mr. Pilot said IT had progressed very well with 2.6 million getting jobs in the sector. He said his department had moved a proposal to add banking facilities in post offices at a cost of about Rs. 19,000 crores. “This would prove a turnaround in reviving the post offices and making them viable delivering centers,” he said adding that computerization and internet connectivity of all the post offices was another remarkable initiative in the offing.
The Minister said the Speed Post Service had grown popular. “There is 20 to 30 per cent growth in this service every year,” he added.
Floating post office
Mr. Pilot, who was on a three-day visit to Kashmir, inaugurated a computer programme in Kashmiri language at the DOAEEC Centre. Similar programmes will be launched in Dogri and Gojri languages. He also inaugurated a floating post office in the Dal Lake. This project is being revived after many years. “Similar post offices will be revived in Pahalgam and Gulmarg,” he said.
Telephone facility
Mr. Pilot said he had ordered that 300 digital satellite phones be made available in border areas where the people did not have access to mobile phones. Only the BSNL was offering telephone facility in remote areas. “In Kargil, we are the only service provider,” he said adding, “our objective is not to earn profit but to give facilities to people.”
With 1,700 post offices in Jammu and Kashmir, the Ministry was in the process of computerizing all the post offices and work was going on in full gear. “Geographically, we are the largest stake holder in the State and we will not fail the people,” he said.
On lifting the ban on pre-paid SMS, Mr. Pilot said it was the subject of law enforcement agencies. “We are working with the MHA on this and trying to find a solution, which also should not jeopardize the security of the State. But I am hopeful of a solution,” he said.
Courtesy: The Hindu, August 24, 2011


Permission for Joining Private Sector

There is no cooling off period applicable to officers after retirement for seeking permission to take up employment in the private sector. In accordance with sub rule (1) of Rule 10 of CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972, if a pensioner who held a Group ‘A’ post at time of retirement, wishes to accept any commercial employment before expiry of one year of retirement, he/she is required to obtain previous sanction of the Government. Similar provision also exists for All India Service Officers in Rule 26 of AIS (DCRB) Rules, 1958. The data on the number of requests received from retired officers seeking such permission is not centrally maintained.

In granting or rejecting permission to such an applicant, the competent authority shall have regard to the factors mentioned in sub-rule (3) of Rule 10 of the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 and Sub-Rule (3) of Rule 26 of AIS (DCRB) Rules, 1958 as the case may be.

This was stated by the Minister of State in the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions Shri V. Narayanasamy in written reply to a question in the Lok Sabha today.

Source : PIB

Books Suggested For IPO Exam 2011

Fast Track Books for Preparation

1. Better You Know
(Guide to Inspector of Post Offices Examination).
V. K . Balan
S. Venkatesh
Nellikal Publisher.
( Useful for Paper-I) Rs.425

2.Master Guide to FR & SR Service Rules and Financial Rules
Muthuswamy and Brinda
Swamy Publisher.
(Useful for Paper-II) Rs. 275

3. Code of Criminal Procedure 1973 Rs.165
4. Indian Penal Code 1806 Rs.100
5. The Indian Evidence Act 1872 Rs.50
6. Consumer Protection Act 2010 Rs.50
7. Bare Act : Right to Information Act (Universal's) Rs.50
(Useful for Paper III)

These Books can be Had from :
Kairali Books Syndicate
CONTACT NUMBER : 09810353797,09868790657,09968954720,011-25882753

Note : If you know more books for the Preparation of IPO For Fast Track Then Please comment or email to mailto:mortalfriends003@gmail.com. Thanks for your cooperation in advance

Courtesy : http://postmasterpunjab.blogspot.com