സ്ത്രീകള്‍ എങ്ങിനെ വസ്ത്രം ധരിക്കണം എന്ന് പുരുഷന്‍ നിഷ്ക്കര്‍ഷിക്കുന്നത് ശരിയോ? അല്ലെങ്കില്‍ തിരിച്ചും?

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Some Doubts and Clarifications on Pay Fixation (7th cpc revised Pay) :

 Let   Mr. X  drawing Rs. 16010 (G.P 2800) got  promotion (up gradation)  under MACP Scheme(G.pay Rs.4200)  on 08.04.2016 ?  Shall he opt to continue in  Old scales up to MACP date ?

Ans.  Govt. servant  to  opt to continue his old scale up to (1)  until   the  date on which he earns next increment /  any subsequent increment  (ii)  until he vacates his post (iii) ceases to draw pay in that scale.

  In the above case  Mr. X. cannot  take  option to continue in old scales up to  08.04.2016 i.e  on  MACP up gradation. His pay will be fixed as on 01.01.2016 and MACP  fixed on 08.04.2016 (or DNI as per  his option) .  The pay fixation is as calculated.

Pay as on 01.01.2016  :   13210 + 2800 (g.p) = 16010 

Old pay
NEW  - 7thCPC

(16010) + 1400 (diff g.pay)
Opted to fix pay after accrual of increment on 01.07.2016

16490 + 500  ( added promotion incrt)  + Diff g.pay 1400= 18390 *
(Promoted to the G.Pay for Rs. 4200)
 42800 (inct)
44100 (promotion inct)
44900 ( Level 6 in Pay Matrix G.p 4200)
MACP - Pay fixation
Note: But straight away pay fixation on 01.07.2016 by multiplying 18390 * 2.57 = 47262 by fixing at  47600 (in G.pay 4200 pay matrix) is not possible. i.e. Option to continue in old scale up to MACP up gradation and then fixation to new 7cpc pay is not applicable.

NOTE:  Let  Mr.  X -  got promotion to IPO  (inspector Posts- G.pay 4200  (now g.pay is  4600) for case study  taken as 4200.) through  LDCE on 08.04.2016. In this  case by taking  all  above data  he will opt  (after accrual of inct) to fix straight away by multiplying 2.57 * 18390 = 47262 to fix at 47600 . And he will continue to draw old scale up to 08.04.2016. (He forego  arrears). This provision comes under “until he vacates his post (PA)” he will opt to draw old pay.  

(prepared by M.S.Reddy, Ex-Accountant). 
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