സ്ത്രീകള്‍ എങ്ങിനെ വസ്ത്രം ധരിക്കണം എന്ന് പുരുഷന്‍ നിഷ്ക്കര്‍ഷിക്കുന്നത് ശരിയോ? അല്ലെങ്കില്‍ തിരിച്ചും?

Monday, September 17, 2012

Do Not Respond To Mails Asking For Your Internet Banking Account Details : RBI Cautions Public

It has come to the notice of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) that a fraudulent email has been sent and signed in its name as `Reserve Bank of India'. The mail has referred to provisions of Banking Regulation act, 1949 and Prevention of Money Laundering Rules, 2005 and informs bank account holders about the Reserve Bank setting up a new 24×7 Centralised Monitoring Centre to monitor financial transaction flow from the Internet Banking Accounts. The email then gives a link asking bank account holders to update their account information for updation in their database.
The Reserve Bank clarifies that it has not sent any such mail and has not set up any 24×7 Centralised Monitoring Centre to monitor financial transaction flow from the Internet Banking Accounts. Members of the public receiving such emails are cautioned not to open the mail or attachment and / or try to download it on their computer or provide their data on such links as it may lead to their data being compromised.
Source: RBI Press Release

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