സ്ത്രീകള്‍ എങ്ങിനെ വസ്ത്രം ധരിക്കണം എന്ന് പുരുഷന്‍ നിഷ്ക്കര്‍ഷിക്കുന്നത് ശരിയോ? അല്ലെങ്കില്‍ തിരിച്ചും?

Saturday, July 04, 2015

ഗുരു നിന്ദി ത രെ തിരി ച്ചറിയുക

 SNDP യോഗം  ശാഖ നമ്പർ  11 തലവടി ഗുരു നിന്ദി ത രെ  തിരി ച്ചറിയുക
തലവടി 11  നമ്പർ  SNDP ശാഖയിലെ ഗുരു ക്ഷേത്ര നിർമ്മാണം
തട സ്സപ്പെ ടു ത്തു ന്നതിന് പരാതി  കൊടുത്ത  വാലു പറമ്പിൽ  അഭി ലാഷി ൻറെ 
പിന്നിലെ  ഗുരു വിരോ ധി കളെ  തിരി ച്ചറി യുക
ജാരന്മാരുടെ വ്യാജപ്ര ചരണം
ഉടമ യി ല്ലാത്താ  തുറന്ന കത്ത്  ഏന്തി നു വേണ്ടി ?
ബഹുമാന്യ  യോഗാംഗങ്ങളെ ,
ശാഖാ ഭാര വാഹി കളെ  ബോ ധ പൂർവ്വം  തേ ജോവധം ചെയ്യാനും അപകകീർത്തി പ്പെടു ത്തു വാനും  ഉടമ യി ല്ലാത്താ വ്യാജ കത്ത് പ്രചരിപ്പിക്കുന്നു. മാ ഫി യകൾ  ഒളിയമ്പിൽ കുടിനടത്തുന്ന വിചാരണ, സ ത്യസ ന്ധത യോടെ  ആത്മാർ പ്പണം  ചെയ്തു  പുരോ ഗ തി യി ലേക്കു  നയി ക്കു ന്നവരെ  വ്യക്തിഹത്യ ചെയ്തു  പിന്തി രിപ്പിക്കുവാൻ  നടത്തു ന്ന കുടില തന്ത്ര മാണ് .
എതിരില്ലാതെ  തെരഞ്ഞെടുത്ത ഭരണ സമിതി  ഐക്യത്തോടെ  പ്രവർത്തിക്കുന്നത്  നല്ല  മനസ്സോ ടെ  കാണാൻ  പറ്റുന്നി ല്ല.
ശാഖാ   ഭരണ ക്ര മം  എന്ത്  എന്ന്  മനസ്സി ലാക്കാ ത്ത വർ ,ശാഖാമാനേജിംഗ്  കമ്മറ്റി  ചർച്ച ചെയ്ത്  എടു ക്കാത്ത ഒരു  തീരു മാനങ്ങളും  ഇവിടെ  നടപ്പി ലാകുന്നില്ല. വിരു ദ്ധരുടെ  വി ല കു റഞ്ഞ നി രീ ക്ഷണം .
മനസാക്ഷി യില്ലാത്ത മാഫിയാക്കാർ  ദൈ വത്തെ പ്പോലും  പേടി യില്ലതാവർ. കോടി കണക്കി നു  ശ്രീ നാരായണ സമുഹം  ഈ ശ്വരനായി  ആരാ ധി ക്കു ന്ന ശ്രീ നാരായണഗുരു വിന് ഒരു  ക്ഷേത്രം  പുതു പ്പറമ്പിൽ  നിർമ്മി ക്കുന്ന സ്ഥലത്തിൻറെ  ഭൂമി  മ ണ്ണ ടിച്ച് ഉയർത്തുവാൻ  ആഗ്ര ഹി ച്ചു .         ഈ  സംരംഭത്തിന്  ക്വ ട്ടേ ഷ ൻ  നൽകിയവർ  
(1) സബി കുമാർ  പുന്നശ്ശേ രിൽ---------------------- -------തുക 7,54,819രൂപ  
(2 ) അഭി ലാഷ്  വാലുപറമ്പിൽ  വളഞ്ഞ വട്ടം ----- തുക 7,60,000 രൂപ 
 ഫോണ്‍ നമ്പർ 8547311312 
(3)ഷി ബു കുമാർ  കുന്നേൽ ------------------------ -----------തുക 8,33,000 രൂപ
(4 )സജി  വർക്കി മാലിയിൽ   ഏടത്വാ -------- -----------തുക 8,95,000 രൂപ
ഇവർ ക്വ ട്ടേ ഷ ൻ  നൽകിയത്  അവസാന  നി മി ഷ മാ ണ്. ഓരോ  കമ്മറ്റി  അം ഗ ങ്ങ ളും  ഒട്ടിച്ചു  നല്കിയ ക്വ ട്ടേ ഷൻറെ  കണ്ടിഷൻ  പരിശോ ധി ച്ച് ഉറപ്പു വരു ത്തി യ ശേഷമാ ന്ന്    തുറന്നു  കുറഞ്ഞ  നിരക്കു കാരന്  ഉറ പ്പി ച്ച്ത് 
.ക്വ ട്ടേ ഷനിൽ  പങ്കെടുത്തവർ  തനി ക്കു ലഭി ക്കാതെ  വന്നപ്പോൾ (അഭി ലാഷിന്റെ  പേരിൽ  പരാതി  ക ളക് ടർ ക്കു  നല്കി യി ട്ടു ണ്ട് ) നിയമലംഘനവും  ആ യ തി ൻറെ  ശി ക്ഷ യും  പറഞ്ഞ്  പേടി പ്പി ക്കു ന്നത്  ഇവിടെ  ഈ മാഫിയാക്കാർ നി ത്യവും  നിയമലംഘനം  നടത്തുകയാണ്. പുതു പ്പറ മ്പ്  ക്ഷേത്രത്തിന്റെ  വികസനം  മുഴുവനും  നിലം നികത്തലിൽ കുടി യാണ്
. ഭാവിയിൽ  ആന ക്കൊട്ടി ൽ നിലം  നികത്തിയാ ലെ  നടക്കു .ക്ഴിഞ്ഞകാലങ്ങളിൽ  നിലം  നിക ത്തി യപ്പോൾ ഇവർ  എതിരാ യി  വരാ തി രു ന്നത്  എന്തു കൊണ്ട് ? പുതു പ്പ്രറ മ്പ്  ക്ഷേത്രവികസന  ത്തി ന് ഏതി രായി  ചി ന്തി ക്കു ന്നവർ  ഒത്തു കുടി  പേടി പ്പി ക്കുന്ന നിയമ പാലനം  അവർ  മാത്യക യായി  കാണിച്ചു തരുമോ ?


Digital touch to India Post (Special article on Digital India Week)

Bruhaspati Samal
Postmaster, Ashoknagar MDG &
Secretary, AIPEU, Gr-C, Bhubaneswar

“It makes the Post Office what under any other system it never can be the unrestricted means of diffusing knowledge, extending commerce and promoting in every way the social and intellectual improvement of the people” stated Lord Dalhousie, the father of India Post in his Minute dated 30th December, 1851. To prove this statement, honestly, if one searches about an organization which serves India, the land of heterogeneous racial, lingual, religious, and social culture upholding its rich cultural heritage through religious pluralism protecting the national unity, social cohesion, secular and federal structure and democratic ethos, certainly, the name of India Post comes to mind. Competently assisting the rulers, elite and mercantile community in its various forms in ancient and medieval times, it has conveniently served both the British rulers and general public in modern times as a forceful organization in raising national and political consciousness. Long before the times of email and mobile phones, pigeons, barefoot runners and bullock carts were used to carry messages from one part of India to another. Prior to independence, India Post, through a limited work force could be able to develop a vast network of communication even before the Railways and Telephones were introduced with wide spread impact on the socio-economic life of the nation through efficient and prompt service.
From pigeon to post, India Post has travelled a long way with the passage of time. From 23,344 post offices primarily opened in urban areas prior to independence catering to the needs of Britishers for development of their trade and exercising control over their vast Indian possessions with one post office serving 15038 persons covering an area of 53 square miles to 1,54,882 post offices (139182 i.e. 89.86% in rural area and 15700 i.e. 10.14% in urban area ) having 459948 employees (200344 Departmental and 259604 Gramin Dak Sewak) as on 31.3.2014, India Post has registered nearly a seven fold growth during the period of last seven decades focusing its expansion to rural areas and thus has been acknowledged as the largest postal network in the world with one post office serving 8221 people in average covering an area of approximately 21.2 sq. kms and providing postal facilities within reach of every citizen in the country at affordable prices adopting every mode of transmission from bare foot to air route with recorded delivery of 1,575 crore mails approximately every year.
The beginnings of this vast postal network can be traced back to 1727 when the first post office was set up in Kolkata. Subsequently, General Post Offices (GPOs) were also set up in the then three Presidencies of Kolkata (1774), Chennai (1786) and Mumbai (1793). To bring some uniformity amongst the then post offices, the Indian Post Office Act of 1837 was enacted. This Act was followed by the more comprehensive Indian Post Office Act of 1854. This Act reformed the entire fabric of the postal system. Its provisions granted the monopoly of carrying mail in the British territories in India to the Indian Post Office. The present postal system in India thus came into existence with the Indian Post Office Act of 1854. The same year, the Railway Mail Service was introduced as also the sea mail service from India to Great Britain & China. Thereafter, the India Post Office Act of 1898 was passed which regulated postal services in the country. In 1852, the first ever adhesive postage stamps in Asia were issued in Scinde; these stamps subsequently became famous as the Scinde Dawks. These stamps were in circulation up to June 1866. On 18th February, 1911, the world’s first airmail flight - from Allahabad to Naini - took place. It traversed a distance of 18 kilometers (approx.) across the river Ganges. The first postage stamp valid across the country was issued on 1st October, 1854 which provided an affordable and uniform rate of postage based on weight. Since then, the Department of Posts has proved to be one of the greatest institutions of the country which plays an important role in the socio-economic activity of the nation. The postal network of India touches the remotest corners of the country.
Briefing the Department’s long journey from pigeon post to e-post, it is evident that the Department of Posts actively entered into the digital era through counter mechanization installing 102 personal computer-based MPCMs in 22 selected post offices during the year 1990 – 91 and conceived the Project Arrow concept in April, 2008 under “Look & Feel Good” concept. The Government of India has approved the Department of Posts’ IT Modernization Project, 2012 with a total outlay of Rs.4909 crore in November, 2012. The IT Modernization Project aims at modernization and computerization of all post offices in the country including 129389 Branch Post Offices in rural areas. It is an ambitious IT transformation project undertaken by the Department of Posts. By setting up an IT infrastructure spanning across all Post Offices and Branch Post Offices in rural areas, the Department will be able to harness the benefits of consolidated information and capabilities across various functional silos as well as geographical reach. The transformation from physical to digital network will provide a national asset for all users apart from Post Offices including various Government Departments, business houses and citizens to use the IT enabled country wide network for communication, banking, insurance and service delivery needs. This mega IT driven transformation is the first of its kind undertaken by any postal operator in the world as well as any Government Department in the country. Upon completion of this project, the Department of Posts shall emerge as an engine to transform the rural economic landscape in the country besides providing value-added mail and financial services to the urban customers.
The transformation from physical to digital network will enable the Government to use the postal network for communication, banking, insurance, mails and service delivery needs of the citizens. The IT Modernization Project, particularly the rural ICT solutions will rebuild the rural postal network to create an institutional last mile infrastructure for delivery of all government services to citizens. The project will make the post office the focal point of delivery of social security and employment guarantee schemes including disbursement of wages under MGNREGS Schemes of theCentre and State under Direct Benefit Transfer, will provide biometric authentication of financialtransactions ,provide multiple channels like ATM, mobile banking, net-banking for savings bank customer. It will provide an electronic and secure mode of money transfer particularly in rural areas. The Core Banking Solution (CBS) Project will bring facilities of ATM Banking, Internet Banking, Mobile Banking and Phone Banking to the Post Offices Savings Bank (POSB) customers to perform transactions 24×7 in ATMs and to transfer money from their account to any bank account through National Electronic Fund Transfer (NEFT) and Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS). Out of 25493 departmental post offices , India Post has already launched Core Banking Solution in 2590 post offices as on 30.06.2015.
Digital India Programme is a flagship programme of Government of India launched in 2014 with a vision to transform India into a digitally empowered society and knowledge economy. The thrust of the Digital India Programme is the Digital Empowerment of Citizen of India. In Digital India Programme, Department of Posts has been entrusted to shape up the post offices into a multi service centre. The Department is digitizing all its 154882 Post Offices including 129389 Gramin Dak Sewak Post Offices. The digitized post office may work as multi service centre. It may become the nodal centre for the dissemination of information vis-à-vis Government Policies; disbursement of social security benefits; financial inclusion of rural mass. These post offices will offer a digital means of communication, carrying physical goods and money transfers.
The Post is poised to play an important role in the society bridging the urban rural divide and bringing IT-enabled services to all sections of the society through 154882 IT-enabled post offices. The reduction of paper-based processing would enable an environmentally sustainable greener Post Office.

(Data Source : indiapost.gov.in)

Know Your College (KYC)

Press Information Bureau
Government of India
Ministry of Human Resource Development
03-July-2015 16:12 IST
Know Your College (KYC)

With the time for admission to colleges having arrived, there is often confusion in the minds of students regarding which colleges to join and the courses to be taken up. To help the students make an informed decision on the choice of college and the courses, the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India has developed a “Know Your College” portal.

The portal was launched by the President of India on 11th November, 2014 to help prospective students make informed selection of a college. This portal covers almost 10,500 colleges which conduct about 14,000 programs in Technical Education and 35000 colleges conducting at least 20,000 programs in Non-Technical education. It is a repository of information pertaining to colleges and information related to its faculty, labs, library, infrastructure, and availability of hostel facilities etc. Students are encouraged to send their complaints on discrepancies of information provided by colleges through this portal.
This portal is being maintained by AICTE and is available to the public at www.knowyourcollege-gov.in. It is a single stop destination for students for making an informed choice.


Framing a Transfer Policy in all cadres - Dopt Orders



Framing a Transfer Policy in all cadres - Dopt Orders
G.I., Dept. of Per. & Trg., O.M.No.11013/10/2013-Estt.A, dated 2.7.2015
Subject: Framing a Transfer Policy in all cadres – regarding
The undersigned is directed to refer to the OMs of even number dated 13thJune, 2014, and 3 July, 2015 wherein all the Ministries/Departments were requested to (i) prescribe Minimum Tenure, (ii) set up a mechanism akin to Civil Services Board for recommending transfer, and (iii) place in public domain the transfer policy.
2. The Rotational Transfer Policy should aim to harmonise objectives of institutional memory, avoid development of vested interests, and provide exposure to the employees of working in different organisations, inter alia ensuring overall growth of an officer. The Transfer Policy should provide for both a minimum as well as maximum tenure. Any transfer before completing the minimum prescribed tenure or stay beyond the maximum tenure should be with the approval of the Committee constituted for the purpose, for reasons to be recorded in writing.

3. The draft Rotational Transfer Policy for the Central Secretariat ServiceNavailable on the website of Department of Personnel and Training at www.persmin.nic.in (Annexure). It lays down guidelines on tenures, postings on promotion, posting on return from leave/deputation, outstation postings, mutual transfers etc. Appropriate provisions on these aspects may be made in the Rotational Transfer Policy in each cadre that will best serve public interest.
4. In addition, instructions of Central Vigilance Commission in the Circular No. 03/09/13 (No.004/VGL/090/225553 dated 11.9.2013) reiterate that sensitive posts should be identified and staff working in these posts strictly rotated after every two/three years to avoid developing vested interests. The OMs of this Department also lay down guidelines on postings of spouse at the same station, and postings of disabled Government servants/ parents of disabled children.
4. The Ministries/Departments/Cadre Authorities may communicate action taken report on the following latest by 10.7.2015, (i) framing of Rotational Transfer Policy and putting up in public domain(ii) Identification of sensitive posts (iii) rotation of officers from sensitive posts in true spirit of the provision.
Source  : www.persmin.gov.in
[ http://ccis.nic.in/WriteReadData/CircularPortal/D2/D02est/11013_10_2013-Estt.A-02072015.pdf ]

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Thursday, July 02, 2015

Expected DA hike from July 2015 might be 6% (ie 113% + 6% = 119% )

As already calculated in March, 2015 & April 2015 Expected DA/DR will be 119% with effect from July, 2015, it is now confirmed with 2 points increase in May, 2015 CPI-IW. As per press release issued on today by Labour Bureau the All India Consumer Price Index for Industrial Worker for the month May, 2015 increased by 2 points and pegged at 256. The 6% increase in future DA/DR from July, 2015 i.e. DA/DR will be 119% from July, 2015 is more confirm with this increase. 

A 6 points increase in June, 2015 CPI-IW Index is needed to increase the above said calculation in expected DA/DR to 120% and the other side a 8 point decline in June, 2015 CPI-IW Index is needed to decrease the expected DA/DR to 118%. The 6 points increase and 8 point decrease is future CPI-IW index is not near to possibility.

Therefore, Dearness Allowance for Central Government Staff and Dearness Relief for Pensioners with effect from July, 2015 is likely to increase 6% and to be 119% the present DA/DR is 113%

Electronic Filing of Income Tax Returns for 2015-16 Commences

ITR 1-Sahaj, 2 and 2A can be Used by Individuals or HUF Whose Income Does not Include Income from Business 

ITR 4S - SUGAM can be Used by an Individual or an HUF Whose Income Includes Business Income Assessable on Presumptive Basis 

Taxpayers Requested to E-File Their Returns Early to Avoid the Rush Closer to the Last Date of Filing. 

The Income Tax Department has released the software for preparing the Income Tax Return forms 1- SAHAJ, 2, 2A and 4S- SUGAM for AY 2015-16. The e-filing of these return forms has been enabled on the e-filing website-https://incometaxindiaefiling.gov.in

ITR 1-SAHAJ, 2 and 2A can be used by individual or HUF whose income does not include income from business. ITR 4S - SUGAM can be used by an individual or HUF whose income includes business income assessable on presumptive basis. The elaborate details of the persons who can use these forms are available in the instructions for filling the forms. 

The facility for pre-filling of information for these return forms is available in the software for preparing the return forms. When the taxpayer exercises this option and just fills in his PAN, then personal information and information on taxes paid and TDS will be auto-filled in the form. Taxpayers are requested to use the return preparation software available free of cost under the ‘Downloads’ section on the home page of the Income Tax Department’s e-filing website-https://incometaxindiaefiling.gov.in. The use of Departmental software will ensure preparation of error-free returns thereby avoiding any need for future rectification due to data validation mistakes. 

Taxpayers are requested to e-file their returns early to avoid the rush closer to the last date of filing. 

Source : PIB

PA / SA Examination 2015 - Last date 13/07/2015

Guides for Direct PA / SA through Staff Selection Commission

Staff Selection Commission has notified for recruitment of Postal Assistant and Sorting Assistant . Tentative number of vacancies : 3523
Written examination will be conducted on Sundays 01.11.2015, 15.11.2015 and 22.11.2015.

The scheme of the examination is detailed below:
General Intelligence (Reasoning)
50 marks
General English
50 marks
50 marks
General Knowledge and Current Affairs
50 marks
200 marks
Negative marks for each wrong answer
0.25 mark 
English Tpye: Speed  35 words per minute
                      Useful guides for the examination
Guide for  General English from Jeevajegan Publications
Rs. 150/-
Guide for  Mathematics from Jeevajegan Publications
Rs. 250/-
Guide for Reasoning from Raman’s  Publications
Rs. 120/-
Guide for General Knowledge from SURA Publications
Rs. 170/-
Type master CD and typing practicing material
Rs.   70/-
Rs,   40/-
Total amount to be remitted
Rs. 800/-
  All books are in English version only
To get the books by Registered Post, please remit Rs. 800/- Eight hundred only by Money Order to the following address:
Madurai 625014.
 Please write the particulars of books required and your cell number in Money order coupon without fail.

Employment News: 13th June - 19th June 2015

1. Staff Selection Commission.
Name of Post – Postal & Sorting Assistant, Data  Entry  Operator and Lower Division Clerk
No. of Vacancies – 6,578
Last Date - 13.07.2015

2. IDBI Bank.
Name of Post – Assistant Manager Grade ‘A’
No. of Vacancies – 500
Last Date - 24.06.2015
3. National Buildings Construction Corporation Limited.         
Name of Post – General Manager, Addl. GM (Law), Deputy General Manager
(Engg), Project Manager (Civil), Manager (Finance) etc.
No. of Vacancies - 109
 Last Date - 07.07.2015
4. Reserve Bank of India.
Name of Post– Junior Engineer (Civil) and Junior Engineer (Electrical).
No. of Vacancies - 23
Last Date - 26.06.2015
5. Directorate General Border Security Force.
Name of Post – Para Medical Staff
No. of Vacancies - 60
Last Date - 30 days from the date of publication
6. Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences.
Name of Post– Assistant Professor
No. of Vacancies – 33
Last Date - 21 days from the date of publication.

SSC Combined Higher Secondary Level (CHSL) 2015 Exam Notification Out :




http://sapost.blogspot.in/Staff Selection Commission has notified the Combined Higher Secondary Level (10+2) Examination, 2015. The Staff Selection Commission will hold an examination for Recruitment of Postal Assistants/Sorting Assistants, Data Entry Operators and Lower Divisional Clerks on Sundays 01.11.2015, 15.11.2015 and 22.11.2015. Further details are as follows:
Advertisement F.No. 3/4/2015-P&P-I 

Opening Date for Online Registration: 13 June 2015
Closing Date for Online Registration: 13 July 2015 (5:00PM)
Date of Examination: 1 November 2015, 15 November 2015 and 22 November 2015
Note: Candidates can also apply through Post.
Pay of the Posts:
Postal Assistant/Sorting Assistant PB -1(Rs. 5200-20200) Grade Pay 2400
Data Entry Operator : Pay Band-1 (Rs. 5200-20200), Grade Pay Rs. 2400
Data Entry Operator : Pay Band-1 (Rs. 5200-20200), Grade Pay Rs. 1900
Lower Division Clerk: Pay Band -1 (Rs. 5200-20200), Grade Pay Rs. 1900
Vacancies: Tentatively the vacancies for the post of Postal Assistant/Sorting Assistant, LDC and DEO are 3523, 2049 and 1006 respectively.
Educational Qualification ( As on 01.08.2015)
* Must have passed 12th Standard or equivalent examination from a recognized Board or University.
* Candidates who have not acquired but will acquire the educational qualification and acquire documentary evidence from the Board/University in support thereof as on 01.08.2015 will also be eligible.
Age Limit: 18-27 years as on 01.08.2015 (Candidates born not before 02-08-1988 and not later than 01-08-1997.) .Age relaxation as applicable for different categories.
How to apply:
Applications must be submitted only in the prescribed format (Annexure-I) On-line or by Post. Detailed instructions as in Annexure - II A or Annexure - II B, may be referred to for postal applications and on-line applications respectively.
Scheme of the Examination: The Examination will be conducted in three tiers as indicated below-
Tier -I -- Written Examination (Objective Multiple Choice Type)
Tier -II -- Written Examination (Objective Multiple Choice Type)
Tier -III -- Personality Test cum Interview/Computer Proficiency Test/Skill Test (wherever applicable)/Document Verification.
Please note: The Commission reserves the right to make changes in the scheme of examination such as conduct of Tier-I and Tier-II examination in on-line mode, treating Tier-I examination as only qualifying and not conducting personality test cum interview for some or all posts etc.
Application Fee:
--Rs. 100 (One hundred only)
Payment of application fee is exempted for all women candidates and candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe, Physically Handicapped and
Ex-servicemen eligible for reservation, as per Government orders.
** For Paper or Off-Line Applications: Candidates should pay the fee by means of Central Recruitment Fee Stamps (CRFS) only.
** The candidates submitting application form online (computer based) should pay the fee of Rs 100 (Rupees one hundred only) by means of SBI Challan or Online payment through Net banking or any credit/debit cards only.
Scheme of Examination:
The examination will consist of a Written Examination and Skill Test for the post of Data Entry Operator and Written Test and Typing Test for the post of Postal
Assistant & Sorting Assistant (PA/SA) and Lower Division Clerk on Computer.
Written examination (Objective type):
Part I: General Intelligence (50 questions) - 50 Marks
Part II: English Language (Basic Knowledge) ( 50 questions ) - 50 Marks
Part III: Quantitative Aptitude (Basic Arithmetic Skill) (50 questions) - 50 Marks
Part IV: General Awareness (50 questions) - 50 Marks
Total: 200 Marks
Total Duration /Timing: 2 Hours (10.00 A.M. to 12.00 Noon) or (2:00 PM to 4:00 PM)
Note: The proposal for online examination is under consideration of the Government of India and if approved examination may be held on-line.
There will be negative marking of 0.25 marks for each wrong answer.
For more details check official notification from below link. In case of any doubts, feel free to ask us through comments, we will get back to you.

Notification : Click Here

Application Form : Click Here