സ്ത്രീകള്‍ എങ്ങിനെ വസ്ത്രം ധരിക്കണം എന്ന് പുരുഷന്‍ നിഷ്ക്കര്‍ഷിക്കുന്നത് ശരിയോ? അല്ലെങ്കില്‍ തിരിച്ചും?

Monday, February 13, 2012


t`-ho i-c-Ww

]pXp-¸d-¼v {io `-Kh-Xn t£{Xw X-ehSn
Ipw-` `-c-Wn a-tlm-Õ-hw 2012

       2012 s^-{_p-h-cn 22þ28 (1187Ipw-`w 9þ15)
  •      B-Nm-c-tZ-i-he¯v þ> s^-{_p-h-cn 16þ21
  •      I-e-im-`ntjIw   þ> s^-{_p-h-cn 22 
  • ]pXp-¸-d-¼n e-½-bv¡v s]m¦m-e þ>s^-{_p-h-cn 22
  •      Xr-s¡m-Sn-tbäv---           þ> s^-{_p-h-cn 22 Zo-]m-cm-[-\m-\´ cw
  •      tZ-i-Xm-e-s¸m-en    þ> s^-{_p-h-cn 26
  •      ]-f-fn-th-«         þ> s^-{_p-h-cn 27
  •      ]-IÂ-]p-cw,B-dm- «v  þ> s^-{_p-h-cn 28
]-Xn-hp-t]mse ]pXp-¸-d-¼n e-½-bp-sS Xn-Xp-hpÕ-hw h-s¶-¯n. tZhn-bp-sS {]-Xn-]p-cp-j-\m-b sh-fn-¨-¸m-Spw -]-cn-hm-c-hpw ta-f-¯nâA-I-¼Sn-tbm-sSKm-a-k-µÀ-i-\w \-S-¯p¶p. A-½-bp-sS Xn-cp-]p-d-¸m-SvþtZ-i-h-e-¯vþ a-¡Ä-¡v A-\p-{K-lw sNm-cn-ªv A-©p-Znh-kw \o-fp¶ Km-a-k-µÀ-i-\w I-gn-ªv A-½ tj-{X-¯n F-¯p¶p. A-Sp-¯-Znh-kw(H¶mw D-Õ-h Zn\w) kÀ-Æ ]m-]-]-cn-lm-c-§-Ä-¡pw sF-ivr-cn-¯n-\pw tZ-hn {]n-Xn-¡pam-bn ] p-Xp-¸-d-¼n-e-½-bv-¡v s]m-¦m-e AÀ-¸n-¡p¶p.
             `àn-tbm-sS s\m-´p-h-fn-¡p-¶-hc-¡v hn-fn-¸pd-¯v A-\p-{KlwsNm-cn-bp¶ hn-fn-¸p-d-¯-½.
kÀ-ssÆ-iz-cvr-Zm-b-\nbpw C-ã-h-c-Zm-\-{]n-b-bpwam-b km-£m {io ]-cmi-àn Ip-Sn-sIm-f-fp-¶ X-eh-Sn ]p-Xp-¸d-¼v {io `-K-h-Xn-t£-{X-¯n-se Ipw-` `c-Wn a-tlm-Õ-hw  2012s^-{_p-h-cn22(1187 Ipw-`w9) _p-[-\mgvN ssh-Ip-t¶-cw Zo-]m-cm-[-\m-\´cw Xr-s¡m-Sn-tb-täm-sS B-cw-`n-¡p-¶ G-gp Zn-h-k-s¯ DÕhw s^-{_p-h-cn28(1187 Ipw-`w15)sNm-Æm-gv-N  \-S-¡p-¶ Xn-cp B-dm-t«m-sS ]-cr-h-km-\n-¡p¶p. Cu a-tlm-Õ-h-¯n-\v `-à-P-\-§-fp-sS \nÀ-tem-`am-b klm-b k-l-I-c-W-§Ä D-­m-I-W-sa¶v tZ-hn \m-a-¯n A-`rÀ-°n-¡p¶p.

     D-Õ-h h-gn-]m-Sv \n-c-¡pIÄ

Im-e³ tIm-ew 
ss`c-hn tIm-ew 
a-lm-K-W]-Xn lh\w
tk-h ,hnf¡v

Ip¦p-aw A-`n-tj-Iw


            tZ-i-h-e-¯v t{]m-{Kmw
k-µÀ-in-¡p-¶ {]-tZ-i§Ä
16þ02þ2012 (1187Ip-`w 3) hrgw
I-f-§-c apXÂ sIm-¨-½\w hsc
ap-cn-t¡m-enÂ-e-aq-«v apXÂ am-W-¯-d,N-¡p-fw-tX¡v   \nc-Ww h-S¡pw `mKw

17þ02þ2012 (1187Ip-`w 4) shffn
sh-f-f-¡n-WÀ,\-Sp-hn-te-ap-dn,X-eh-Sn ]-©mbXv `m-K-§Ä-,\o-tc-äp-]pdw Ip-än-¡m-«pNn-d ]-cn-k-c-{]-tZ-i§Ä \m-c-I-{X-ap-«v,Im-cn-¡p-gn,AÀ-¯n-tÈ-cn,]q-´p-cp-¯n  `m-K-§Ä-
sIm-¨-½\w B-dm-«p-Ip-f-¸p-c Nm-a-¡pfw B-\-]-d-¼Â

18þ02þ2012 (1187Ip-`w 5) i-\n
B-\-]-d-¼Â-sX-t¡-¡-c ap-cn-t¡m-enÂ-e-aq-«v]-cn-k-c-{]-tZ-i§Ä
\m-e-¦Â ,tXm«-Sn, Nq-«p-am-en,h«Sn]-cn-k-c-{]-tZ-i§Ä,]-mtc-t¯m-Svhsc
19þ02þ2012 (1187Ip-`w 6) RmbÀ
F-S-Xzm Su¬,sIm-gp-¸-¡-fw,\-q-sä-«n³-Nnd,F-S-Xzm sX-t¡-¡-c ]-cn-k-c-{]-tZ-i§Ä
tIm-S-¼-\m-Sn,]m-­-t¦-cn, sN-¯n-¸p-c-bv¡Â`m-K-§Ä- tIm-gn-ap-¡v
 (1187 Ipw-`w 8) sNm-Æm-gv¨
]p-Xp-¸-d-¼v ,Ip-´n-cn-¡Â,]m-tc-t¯mSv `m-K-§Ä-
hrm-k-]p-cw,\o-tc-äp-]pdw  `m-K-§Ä-

\m-«n h-kq-cn tcm-Kw \-S-am-Sn-b-Xn-s\ Xp-SÀ-¶v `o-Xn-X-cam-b P-\-§Ä ]p-Xp-¸-d-¼n-e½-sb A`-bw {]m-hn-¡p-Ibpw A-½-bp-sS ln-X-a-\p-k-cn-¨v hm-Zr-taf-§-tfm-Sp-Ip-Sn \m-«n-ep-S-\o-fw tZ-hn-sb F-gp-s¶-f-fn-¡p-I-bpw sN-bv-Xp  A§s\ tcm-K-ia-\w D-­m-Ip-Ibpw sN-bv-Xp A-¶p-ap-X `-àn ]p-ck-cw \nÀ-hn-Lv-\w \-S-¯n-h-cp-¶ B-Nm-c-amWv  tZ-i-h-e-¯v
tZhn-bp-sS {]-Xn-]p-cp-j-\m-b sh-fn-¨-¸m-Spw-]-cn-hm-c-hpw ta-f-¯nâ A-I-¼Sn-tbm-sS Km-a-k-µÀ-i-\w \S-¯p-¶p.. a-¡-fpsS  CÃm-bv-a-bpw  hÃm-bv-a-bpw t\-cn«v  Im-Wm-\pw ,  `-h-\-¯n-se-¯p¶  tZ-hn-sb P-\-§Ä  \n-e-hn-f¡v  I-¯n-¨v sh-¨pw  \n-d-]-d-tb-In  kzn-I-cn-¡pw  tZ-hn-s¡m-¸-sa-¯p-¶  ]-cn-hm-c-§Ä¡v  A-¶ Zm\w \-S¯pw A-½-bp-sS Xn-cp-]p-d-¸m-SvþtZ-i-h-e-¯vþa-¡Ä¡v A-\p-{K-lw sNm-cn-ªv  Zn-h-k§Ä\o-fp¶ Km-a-k-µÀ-i-\w I-gn-ªv A-½ tj-{X-¯n F-¯p-¶p.

D-Õ-h t{]m-{Kmw
s^-{_p-h-cn        22þ28
(Ipw-`w 9þ15)
D-Õ-h Zn-\t£-{X N-S-§pIÄ
(1,2,3,4,5,6,7 D-Õ-h Zn-hkw)
sh-fp-¸n\v 5.00 \v
         5.30 \v        
cmhnse  6.00 \v
       7.00 \v
        7.30 \v
       10.30 \v-
     11.00 apX 
  D-¨-bv¡v 1.00 \v
        5.00 \v
ssh-In«v 7.00 \v
    7.30 apXÂ
    cm-{Xn 8.00 \v
       10.00 \v          

\nÀ-½m-er ZÀ-i-\w           
D-¨-]q-P, I-e-im-`n-t£-Iw
sIm-Sn h-gn-]m-Sv hc-hv  (c­mw D-Õ-hw apXÂ)
k-aq-l-k-Zr (1,2,3,5,6,7 D-Õ-h Zn-hkw)
Xm-e-s¸-en hchv
tIm-ew XpÅÂ

  H¶mw D-Õ-hw  s^-{_phcn 22 (1187 Ipw-`w 9) _p-[³
 cmhn-se 9.30 \v s]m-¦m-e    
 11.00 \v D-¨-]q-P, I-e-im-`n-t£-Iw,Ip-¦p-am`n-t£-Iw
ssh-In«v 7.00\v Zo-]m-cm-[-\
Zo-]m-cm-[-\-bv-¡v ti-jw {_-^v-a{io kp-K-X³ X-{´n-IÄ(in-h-Kn-cn-aTw hÀ¡-e)
                   {_-^v-a-{io kp-Pn¯v X-{´n-IÄ (X-{´n-I tPrm-Xn-j-`qj¬)
               hn-iz-\m-Y³ im-´n,tam³-Pn¯v im-´n F-¶n-h-cp-sS ap-Jr-ImÀ-½n-I-Xz-¯nÂ

2-- þmwDÕ-hw s^-{_p-hcn 23(1187 Ipw-`w 10) hrm-gw
cmhnse 11.00 \v    `mK-h-X ]-cmb-Ww
cmhnse 11.00 \v   sIm-Sn h-gn-]m-Sv hc-hv
cm-{Xn 10.00 \v     tIm-ew XpÅÂ

aq¶mw DÕ-hw s^-{_p-h-cn 24 (1187 Ipw-`w 11) shÅn
cmhnse 11.00 \v   `mK-h-X ]-cmb-Ww
cmhnse 11.00 \v  sIm-Sn h-gn-]m-Sv hc-hv
ssh-In«v 7.00\v  Zo-]m-cm-[-\,]q-aq-SÂ
cm-{Xn 10.00 \v   tIm-ew XpÅÂ

\memw DÕ-hw s^-{_p-h-cn 25 (1187 Ipw-`w 12) i\n
cmhnse 11.00 \v       `mK-h-X ]-cmb-Ww
cmhnse 11.00 apXÂ sIm-Sn h-gn-]m-Sv hc-hv
cm-{Xn 9.30 \v        tIm-ew XpÅÂ

A©mwDÕ-hw s^-{_p-h-cn26 (1187 Ipw-`w 13)Rm-bÀ
cmhnse 8.00 \v      {io-_-en,\m-Z-kzcw
cmhnse 10.00 \v   `mK-h-X ]-cmb-Ww
cmhnse 10.00 apXÂ sIm-Sn h-gn-]m-Sv h-c-hv
       10.30 \v  \qdpw ]m-epw,]p-Åp-h³]m«pw
ssh-In«v 6.00\v   Zo-]m-cm-[-\,]q-aq-SÂ
ssh-In«v 6.00    tZ-i-Xm-e-s¸m-en(F-S-Xzm Su¬im-Jtbm-Km-¦-W-¯n \n¶p)
ssh-In«v 7.30 \v  tk-h,hn-f¡v,\m-Z-kzcw

Bdmw DÕ-hw s^-{_p-h-cn 27 (1187 Ipw-`w 14) Xn¦Ä
cmhnse 8.00 \v   {io-_en,  \m-Z-kz-cw
  ssh-In«v 5.30 \v     I-c-¯m-ew(F.sI.Pn.Pw-Kv-j³ X-e-h-SnbnÂ\n¶p)
ssh-In«v 6.30 \v    Zo-]-¡mgvN
ssh-In«v 6.45  \v     ]q-aq-SÂ
         7.30  \v  tk-h,hn-f-¡vv
cm-{Xn  9.00  \v   Km-\-ta-f....sIm-¨n³  ¢mÊv
11.00  \v       {io-`qX_-en
12.30   \v      ]-Ån-th-«

G-gmw  DÕ-hw s^-{_p-h-cn 28 (1187 Ipw-`w 15) sNmÆ

cmhnse 8 .00 \v     {io-_en, \m-Z-kz-cw
             2.30 \v  ]IÂ ¸q-cw
 cm-{Xn      12.30    B-dm«p ]p-d-¸m-Sv
sh-fp-¸n-s\  4.00 \v  B-dm-«p h-chv


PIN Code Contest Turns out Surprises

Writing those magical six-digit numbers in your letters could help them reach the right destination even if the address is incomplete. Pincodes, an abbreviation of postal index number code, that completes an address are often not given much significance.
A contest on usage of pincode recently conducted by the Tamil Nadu circle of the Department of Posts threw up many surprises. Of the 42,000 entries from across the State and Puducherry, only 3,560 had correct answers. Some of the winners chosen through a lucky draw here recently were primary school students from districts such as Tuticorin and Puducherry.
Though introduced to identify a particular location in a city and facilitate delivery of letters, specifying pincodes in addresses have become mandatory to obtain several services.
Even after three decades since its launch on August 15, 1972, only 60 per cent of the people are aware of pincodes. Officials of the Postal Department recalled instances when the mails travelled to different locations sharing the same name because they were devoid of pincode. Postmen played a pivotal role in delivering mails without proper address or pincode.
Right from how many digits does a pincode contain what they signify to their meaning, the contest had put forth interesting and informative questions to the participants.
Tamil Nadu and Kerala share the first digit of the pincode. While the first three digits indicate the district, the last three refer to the delivery post office. Starting from GPO (600001), Chennai has pincodes up to 600126 (Madambakkam).
Chief Post Master General (Tamil Nadu circle), Shanthi Nair, said the contest was open to school, college students and other customers to popularise the concept of using pincode. On an average, one or two pincodes are added in the State every year. When a delivery post office is merged, its pincode is later allotted to another. But, merging a post office with a separate pincode is a rare occurrence.
While three toppers get a laptop each, seven persons who share the second place won digital cameras, she said.
Since its launch in 1972 only 60 per cent of the people are aware of pincodes. The contest brought out interesting queries.

Source : the Hindu

Philosophy (Its about Life)

We never get what we want,
We never want what we get, 
We never have what we like, 
We never like what we have.
And still we live & love. 
That's life...

The best kind of friends, 
Is the kind you can sit on a porch and swing with, 
Never say a word,
And then walk away feeling like it was the best conversation you've ever had.

It's true that we don't know
What we've got until it's gone,
But it's also true that we don't know 
What we've been missing until it arrives..

Giving someone all your love is never an assurance that they'll love you back! 
Don't expect love in return; 
Just wait for it to grow in their heart,
But if it doesn't, be content it grew in yours. 

It takes only a minute to get a crush on someone,
An hour to like someone,
And a day to love someone,
But it takes a lifetime to forget someone.

Don't go for looks; they can deceive. 
Don't go for wealth; even that fades away. 
Go for someone who makes you smile, 
Because it takes only a smile to
Make a dark day seems bright. 
Find the one that makes your heart smile!

May you have 
Enough happiness to make you sweet, 
Enough trials to make you strong, 
Enough sorrow to keep you human, 
And enough hope to make you happy. 

Always put yourself in others' shoes. 
If you feel that it hurts you, 
It probably hurts the other person, too. 

The happiest of people 
Don't necessarily have the best of everything; 
They just make the most of everything that comes along their way.
Happiness lies for
Those who cry, 
Those who hurt,
Those who have searched, 
And those who have tried, 
For only they can appreciate the importance of people 
Who have touched their lives.

When you were born, you were crying 
And everyone around you was smiling. 
Live your life so that when you die, 
You're the one who is smiling
And everyone around you is crying.

Please send this message
To those people who mean something to you, 
To those who have touched your life in one way or another, 
To those who make you smile when you really need it, 
To those that make you see the brighter side of things When you are really down, 
To those who you want to know 
That you appreciate their friendship. 

And if you don't, don't worry, 
Nothing bad will happen to you, 
You will just miss out on the opportunity 
to brighten someone's life with this message...

Courtesy : http://katiharho.blogspot.in/
Related Post: 

Sunday, February 12, 2012

SQL Server Not Starting ( SQL 2000)

One day when I started the server I got a message. Microsoft SQL server not starting. While Restarting the SQL server it is not possible. Mostly SQL Server is not starting because master database is corrupted. Since SQL server is not started we cant restore the master database.

If you have SQL Server 2000 CD then you can restore the master database. Insert the SQL SERVER 2000 CD. Then go to
MY Computer ->
C:\  DRIVE -> Program Files -> Microsoft SQL Server -> 80 -> Tools -> -Binn -> rebuildm.exe

Double click on rebuildm.exe then you have to show the path of DATA folder from the CD

(ie Browse the CD open the folder---*86--------DATA)

After this you can connect/ start SQL server. The restore the master database with the backup(Previous Days). Then you can re start Sql server 2000. and start working all the Applications

Related Post :

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Fresh empanelment of Private Hospitals and Diagnostic Centres and revision of package rates applicable under CGHS BANGALORE AND HYDERABAD

No: S.11011/23/2009-CGHS D.II/Hospital Cell / Part IX 

Government of India
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
Department of Health & Family Welfare
Maulana Azad Road, Nirman Bhawan
New Delhi 110 108 Dated the 17th January, 2012.

Subject: Fresh empanelment of private hospitals and diagnostic centres and revision of package rates applicable under CGHS BANGALORE AND HYDERABAD.

The undersigned is directed to invite reference to this Ministry’s Office Memoranda of even number dated the 8th December 2010 and the 19th January 2011 vide which continuous empanelment scheme has been initiated under CGHS, BANGALORE AND HYDERABAD for treating CGHS beneficiaries. The CGHS rates applicable have already been notified and are available on CGHS website. Three rates were notified, one for super-speciality hospitals, the second for hospitals that were accredited with the NABH and the third for hospitals not accredited with the NABH.

2. The undersigned is directed to enclose further list of hospitals and diagnostic centres under the categories mentioned in the application for continuous empanelment and tender document that have conveyed their acceptance of the CGHS rates notified under different CGHS Cities and have signed the Memorandum of Agreement with CGHS and have also furnished the appropriate performance bank guarantee. These hospitals and diagnostic centres are now taken as included in the list of approved hospitals for empanelment under CGHS, BANGALORE AND HYDERABAD.
3. It has now been decided that in the list of hospitals and diagnostic centres enclosed, and have now been approved under the fresh empanelment procedure and have now signed the fresh Memorandum of Agreement and submitted the appropriate performance guarantee will be eligible to treat CGHS beneficiaries and charge at the revised rates with effect from the date of issue of this Office Memorandum. The empanelment shall be for a period of one year or till next empanelment, whichever is earlier.
4 Reference is invited to the list of hospitals in the annexure II of OM No: S.11011/23/2009-CGHS D.ll/Hospital Cell / Part IX dated 1st November 2011 and to state that the hospitals which did not sign MOA and which are not notified as CGHS empanelled hospitals in Hyderabad and Pune stand removed from the list of approved hospitals empanelled under CGHS in Hyderabad and Pune without any further notice.
5. This Office Memorandum and the rates applicable under CGHS for hospitals and diagnostic centres can be downloaded from the website of CGHS, http://msotransparent.nic.in/cghsnew/index.asp
[Jai Prakash]
Under Secretary to Government of India
Source: http://msotransparent.nic.in/cghsnew/index.asp 

Name of the Hospital/Diagnostic Centre
Empanelled for
Whether NABH/NABL accredited
Whether already empanelled and services empanelled for

Sankara Eye Hospital,
Varthur Road, Kundalahalli Gate,
Eye Care Centre   
Name of the Hospital/Diagnostic Centre
Empanelled for
Whether NABH/NABL accredited
Whether already empanelled and
services empanelled for

Global Hospital (A Unit of Ravindranath GE Medical Associates Pvt. Ltd.), 6-1-1070, Lakadi Ka pool, Hyderabad. Tel. No. 040-23244444
General Purpose Including Cardiology, Cardiovascular & Cardiothoracic and Joint Replacement
Yes for General and Specialised purpose (Cardiology and Cardio-thoracic Surgery, Renal Transplantation, Haemodialysis, Laparoscopic Surgery, Liver Transplantation, Joint Replacement) and Diagnostic Services (Laboratory CT, USG/Colour Doppler and X-Ray).

Pragna Childrens Hospitals,
# 6-3-347/22/B/1,
Dwarkapuri Near Sai Baba
Temple, Punjaguta,
Hyderabad - 500082. Tel.
No. 040-66827999                
Paediatrics and
Paediatrics Surgery    
Yes for Paediatrics and Paediatrics Surgery.