സ്ത്രീകള്‍ എങ്ങിനെ വസ്ത്രം ധരിക്കണം എന്ന് പുരുഷന്‍ നിഷ്ക്കര്‍ഷിക്കുന്നത് ശരിയോ? അല്ലെങ്കില്‍ തിരിച്ചും?

Friday, November 04, 2011

Negative List updated upto 31/08/2011

Negative List updated upto 31/08/2011 is now available at PTC Mysore FTP Site

Source : http://www.tamilnadupost.nic.in/sdc/sblan.ht

CBSE to launch four New Vocational Courses

To boost vocational education and to make it more scientific and market oriented, the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) is going to launch four new vocational subjects from 2012. The subjects to be taught from class XI onwards are logistics management, retail management, paramedic and design and will be modular and credit based. The certificate awarded will also specify the specific skill sets the students acquire.

According to CBSE, the new courses to be offered will be based on number of hours and divided over specific modules with each module carrying specific credits. Each module will offer a specific skill set so that even if out of seven modules a student completes four, he/she will have credits for those modules and would have acquired certain skill sets.

"The idea is to make it scientific. The number of hours for the vocational courses can be credited which would help in case a student wants to shift to another course," said CBSE chairman, Vineet Joshi. "Moreover, the new courses will be based on the standards set by the National Skill Development Corporation which is now working on national occupational standards in various areas, which means it is specifying jobs and the necessary corresponding skill sets required," Joshi said.

"The credits will also help these students if they go for higher studies to institutions where credit system is accepted and equivalent credits can be measured," said Joshi.

Meanwhile, according to sources from ministry for human resource development, CBSE will also launch a vocational course in IT from class IX as a pilot project in Haryana from 2012.

Courtesy :
Timesofindia dtd 03/11/2011

Meeting of the committee for looking into promotional prospects of IPOs/ASPOs constituted under the Chairpersonship of Member(P)-regarding.

As notified by the Department, I along with Sh. Dinesh Khare, President and Sh. Hari Mohan, CS, Punjab Circle Branch attended the meeting. The same was held under the chairpersonship of the Member(P).

It was apprised to us that data called from Circles on 20-10-2011 has not been received so far from Bihar, J&K, Rajasthan, UP& Uttrakhand Circles.It was disclosed by the official side that about 500 posts of ASP will be upgraded into PS Group"B" cadre and remaining posts of ASP will be amalgamated with the posts of IP in order to make it comparable with the Inspectors in CBDT/CBEC and to allow GP of Rs.4600/- for the amalgamated cadre. At present, 1765 incumbents are working in ASP Grade.

On our demand for allowing Gazetted status for the existing incumbents as on date in ASP grade, it was categorically made clear by the Chairperson that it is not possible to allow the same. However, she agreed to allow nomenclature of ASP without Gazetted Status for the present incumbents. By creation of additional posts in PS Group "B' cadre, the existing incumbents in ASP Grade will get absorbed in Group'B' cadre to the extent of 500 posts and some of them get retired over a period of time so that within a span of 4 years there will no ASP Grade in IP cadre and only feeder cadre of IP with GP of Rs.4600/- will remain for promotion to PS Group"B"/Sr. Postmaster as in case of other analogous post of CBDT/CBEC.

It was agreed that next meeting will be fixed only after the All India Conference at Bangalore during Jan 2012. In that meeting, the Association has to submit its proposal in black and white on the issue of merger of IP&ASP with Non Gazetted status in the larger interest of the IP cadre.

We are of the view that this is the right opportunity to get restructuring of the IP cadre and also to increase its promotional avenues in the larger and long run benefit to cadre in the form of MACP.

Source : http://postalinspectors.blogspot.com

Tips for an Exceptional, Superb & Powerful Life!

1.) Take a 10-30 minute walk every day. And while you walk, smile. It is the ultimate antidepressant.

2.) Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day. Buy a lock if you have to.

3.) Always pray and make time to exercise.

4.) Spend more time with people over the age of 70 And under the age of Six.

5.) Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants And eat less foods that are manufactured in Plants.

6.) Drink green tea and
plenty of water. Eat broccoli, almonds & walnuts.

7.) Try to make at least three people smile each day.

8.) Clear your clutter from your house, car, desk and let new and flowing energy into your life.

9.) Don't waste your precious energy on gossip, issues of the past, negative thoughts or things you cannot control.
Instead, Invest your energy in the positive present moment.

10.) Realize that life is a school and you are here To learn. Problems are simply part of the curriculum that appear and fade away like algebra class .......but the lessons you learn will last a lifetime.

11.) Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a layman And dinner like a begger ..

12.) Life isn't fair, but it's still good.

13.) Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.

14.) Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.

15.) You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.

16.) Make peace with
your past so it won't screw up the present.

17.) Don't compare your life to others'. You have no Idea what their journey is all about.

18.) Ladies - Go on and burn those 'special' scented Candles, use the 600 thread count sheets, the good China and wear fancy clothes now. Stop waiting for a special occasion. Every day is special.

19.) No one is in charge of your happiness except you.

20.) Frame every so-called disaster with these Words: 'In five years, will this matter?'

21.) Forgive everyone for everything.

22.) What other people think of you is none of your Business.

23.) Time heals almost everything. Give time, time!

24.) However good or bad a situation is, it will Change.

25.) Your job won't take care of you when you are Sick. Your friends will. Stay in touch with them.

26.) Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful.

27.) Envy is a waste of time. You already have all You need.
God provides, remember?!

28.) The best is yet to come.

29.) No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.

30.) Do the right thing!

31.) Call your family often.

32.) Each night before you go to bed complete the Following statements: 'I am thankful for __________.' Today I accomplished _________.

33.) Remember that you are too blessed to be stressed.

34.) Enjoy the ride. Remember that this is not Disney World and you certainly don't want a fast Pass. You only have one ride through life so make The most of it and enjoy the ride.

LIVE, LOVE, LAUGH. LIFE'S A gift.. that's why it's called PRESENT ... UNWRAP IT! Have a Blessed day

Release of Revised MNOP Script ( dtd 01/11/2011)

It is decided to keep both POS and SpeedNet MNOP Updation Script at a single point download. This script has to be used at all the offices using POS and SpeedNet.
Based on the latest Sorting Extract / Orders received from the Directorate, the Revised MNOP Script is released and the details of the releases are as follows.
This script will contain the entire Hub Master data as per the requirement /modifications - including all the previous revisions. This document shows only the latest revisions.

Steps to Update:
· Take Full Backup of POSPCC DB
· Execute the EXL file through ScriptTool.exe.
· Login to Speednet and check View-> Hub Details option .

SpeedNet: Script is compulsorily to be updated in all offices using SpeedNet whose Pin Code is covered under Pin Range Modification or New Office addition.
At other SpeedNet offices the script may be executed so that the Hub Details option in the SpeedNet Module, will show the latest MNOP Pin Range for all hubs.
POS: All offices Booking Speed Post Articles have to update the script.

'Post Office on Wheels' takes the road

The Department of Posts on Tuesday introduced the 'Post Office on Wheels' project in the city, with the aim to bring the facilities offered by the India Post closer to citizens. As part of the project, a well-equipped van will run through various parts of the city on daily basis offering on-the-spot services. Pune is the first city in the state to run this project.

The van, introduced on Tuesday will cover the West region of the city. The department has plans to expand the services in remaining parts of the city with the introduction of another van in near future.

"The project will benefit senior citizens, housewives as well as the corporates who find it difficult to visit post offices during working hours. The van will now take postal services to the customers," said K C Mishra, postmaster general, Pune region, after inaugurating the project on Tuesday.

The van was flagged off at the hands of Dada J P Vaswani of the Sadhu Vaswani Mission.

Mishra said the van is authorised to handle all types of postal business, including various e-enabled services, opening of new post office saving account, issue of certificates, sale of postcards, sale of postal life insurance, sale of UTI products and all other postal services other than speed post. It is fully equipped, full-fledged computerised post office with all required software and hardware, coupled with UPS and generator backup.

The van will work between 8 am and 8 pm daily and will cover around 30 locations in a week. It will stop at each location for about two hours. A dedicated team of postal staff is deployed to handle the operations.

The van will be at Dhankawadi, Ambegaon, Dattanagar and Satara Road areas on Wednesday. On Thursday, it will be at DP Road and Aundh areas. On Friday, it will visit Baner and Balewadi areas and on Saturday, it will travel in Kothrud and Warje areas. The van will mainly cover residential areas and societies. It will travel to around 30 spots in these areas.

24-hour speed post services

Two post offices in the city - Pune railway stations and the GPO - now offer speed post services for 24 hours, K C Mishra, postmaster general, Pune region, said. Earlier, the service was available only at the Pune railway station. The services are being extended mainly for the benefit of IT professionals, students, and office goers, Mishra said.

TOI dtd 02/11/2011

Special Casual Leave for union activities – Various instructions/ Orders and clarifications.

1. Special casual leave upto a maximum of 20 days in a year can be granted for the following puposes.
(a) When the delegates to All India Conferences and members of the executive committees are required to attend such conferences and meetings.
(b) When members from outstation are required to attend periodical meetings with the Head of Circles.
(c) When members from outstation wait on deputation on the Minister/ MOS and Secretary (P).
2. Special Casual Leave may be allowed to members of service associations coming from outstations to attend their monthly meeting with Departmental Officers at divisional level on the following conditions: -
(a) Not more than two members are allowed this concession during year
(b) Special Casual Leave is allowed for a day/ days of the meeting and the actual time taken in the journey.
(c) Maximum limit of Special Casual Leave allowed does not exceed 12 days in a year.
(d) The concession under this item will not bring an additional benefit to the staff who under para 1 above are allowed extent of 20 days in a year. If any official is required to meet the divisional head, the Special Casual Leave granted to him for the purpose will be counted against those 20 days Special Casual Leave in a year.
(e) The local members may be given suitable offs for the duration of the meetings.

3. Public holidays and weekly offs to the extent admissible to the category of the officials to which the office bearer of the service association belong falling within the period of Special Casual Leave granted to them or immediately preceeding or following should not be counted as part of Special Casual Leave.
4. Special CL is not allowed to be combined with regular leave/ EL or half pay leave etc. An understanding reached in the Departmental Council of JCM stipulates that as far as possible the Divisional Executive committee meetings of the service associations will be held on holidays or outside office hours. As regard number of members attending the committee meetings the same will be in accordance with the constitution. Where there is no reason to believe that more members are are asking for special CL than justified, the constitution and the records of the service association may be checked up to find out whether facilities have been asked for more members than admissible under the rules.
(No. 54-19/ 59–SPB dated 31.08.1959; No. 54-13/ 71–SPB–II dated 13.01.1974)
5. The office bearers of the recognised service association may be granted special CL for attending trade union seminars subject to the condition that maximum limit of Special CL does not exceed 20 days in a year.
6. Notices issued by the General Secretaries of the Service Associations for All India Conferences/ working committees or executive committee meeting of the service association are not being circulated by the Department. Instead, the Circle Secretaries concerned should furnish an attestted copy of the notice to the Head of the Circles and other administrative offices requesting them to issue necessary instructions to the concerned authorities for granting special CL to the eligble officials, subject to the overall limits. The competent authority will then sanction special CL to the eligible officials provisionally on receipt of applications from them. On completion of the conferences/ meetings, the officials concerned will be required to produce a certificate from the General Secretary to the effect that they had actually attended the conference/ meeting for its full duration. Therafter special CL granted provisionally will be regularised.
7. The other facilities such as deputation of official observer to the conferences, permission to conduct conferences within the departmental premises outside working hours, grant of special CL to the delegates to the Circle Conferences, should continue to be extended at the time of elections of the service associations from which facilities had been withdrawn for not conducting the prescribed elections in time. These facilities would not however, be available to the office bearers of the concerned branch which failed to hold the elections in time.(No. 16-38/ 82 – SR (Pt.) dated 28.08.87)

Courtesy : http://fnpokerala.blogspot.com

CCleaner 3.12 - A Useful Tool

Portable CCleaner 3.12, Defraggler 2.07, Speccy 1.13 are available here. Installation not necessary. Click below to download.

Revision of Ceiling Rates and guidelines for various Coronary /Vascular Stents for CGHSICS(MA) beneficiaries.

F No Misc.1002/2006/CGHS(R&H)/ CGHS(P)
Government of India

Ministry of Health & Family Welfare

Department of Health&Family Welfare

Maulana Azad Road, Nirman Bhawan
New Delhi 110 108 dated the 31 October 2011.


Subject: Revision of Ceiling Rates and guidelines for various Coronary /Vascular Stents for CGHSICS(MA) beneficiaries.

In supersession of the Office Memorandum of even No dated 12.09.2007 of the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare for the revised rates and guidelines for Coronary / Vascular Stents for reimbursement of CGHSICS(MA) beneficiaries, all DCGI approved Coronary / Vascular Stents are approved for reimbursement to CGHSICS(MA) beneficiaries as per the ceiling rates mentioned below

i. All DCGI and FDA approved Drug Eluting Stents –Rs 65,000/-
ii. Ail DCGI and CE approved Drug Eluting Stents — Rs.50000/-

iii All DCGI approved Drug Eluting Stents - – Rs 40000/-
ii) COBALT STENTS – Rs.20,000/.
a) All DCGI and FDA approved
b) Ail DCGI and CE approved – Rs. 18,000/-

C) All DCGI approved – Rs 15,000/-
iii) COATED I OTHER STENTS – Rs 25,000/-
ii) COBALT STENTS – Rs 22,000/-

iii) NITINOL / OTHER STENTS – Rs 25,000!-
Reimbursement to beneficiaries /empanelled hospitals shall be limited to ceiling rates or as per actuals, whichever is lower.
2. Coronary Stents shall be permitted on the advice of Govt. Specialist, of which not more than two shall be of Drug Eluting Stents. Permission shall be granted as per the laid down procedure.
If more than two drug eluting stents are implanted in an empanelled hospital and no
written informed consent was obtained from the beneficiary that he!she would bear the difference in cost between the DES and Bare Metal Stent, arid the hospital has charged this amount from the beneficiary, the additional amount shall be deducted from the pending bills of hospitals and shall be paid to the beneficiary
3. It is essential for the empanelled hospitals to quote the Batch number when a coronary/vascular stent of any type is implanted in the case of a CGHS/CS (MA) beneficiary and also enclose a copy of the relevant invoices pertaining to the procurement of the stents by the hospitals. In addition to this, the outer pouch of the Stent packet along with the sticker on it on which details of the stent are printed shall also be enclosed with the medical bill for claiming reimbursement from the Govt. In case of treatment from a private non-empanelled hospital,
where the treatment was taken in an emergency, it is the responsibility of the beneficiary to obtain the batch number, invoice and outer pouches of the stent(s) before the submission of the medical claim to CGHSI concerned department, as the case may be.
4 The empanelled hospital shall submit a self certified undertaking that the hospital has not charged the CGHS / CS(MA) beneficiary more than the rate at which the stent has been procured by the hospital and incase of any detection and establishment that the hospital has overcharged the hospital shall be removed from the list of hospitals empanelled under CGHS without any further notice
5. UTI-TSL, while processing the hospital bills of coronary I vascular stents shall ensure that the hospitals have enclosed copies of the relevant invoices pertaining to the procurement of the stents by the hospitals and the outer pouch of the Stent packet along with the sticker on it on which details of the stent are printed and that the prescribed rates and the guidelines have been followed, before making provisional payments to the hospitals
6. The revised rates and guidelines shall come into force from the date of issue and shall be in force for a period of one year or tilt they are revised, whichever may be earlier.
7. This issues with the concurrence of Finance Division vide Dy.No 2979 dated 20.10.2011 of the office of AS&FA Min. of H&FW

source : http://msotransparent.nic.in/

Core Banking Project - FAQs

The salient features of Core Banking Project and the services offered to the Customers are furnished here under for the information of the members.

1.What is Core Banking Project?

India Post has a vision to be one of the leaders in providing banking and money remittance services to the citizens of the country with a focus on the rural population

2.How it is different from the existing Sanchay Post?

Sanchay Post is a LAN (Local Area Network) based application. CBS on the other hand is a centralized application with browser based interface. There is no need for servers at the post office level for running CBS. CBS will have the following features which are not available in Sanchay Post: real-time 24x7 processing capability, centralized database, availability of alternate channels, capture of KYC (Know Your Customer) details, adequate audit & inspection features

3.What are the alternate service channels planned along with CBS ?

ATM Banking
Internet Banking
Phone Banking (IVR)/ Banking through call centre
Mobile Banking
SMS Banking - tracking and alerts

4.What is Rural ICT project? How is this integrated with core banking?

The Rural ICT solution will computerise the rural Post Offices and provide integrated and affordable electronic services at the Branch post office level. In the Rural ICT project, the vendor will be responsible for development of core application platform; development of MGNREGS application and expansion of already existing electronic Money Order (eMO) application for RICT Hardware Devices; development of a central MGNREGS database; Integration with overall India Post 2012 solution architecture and other core applications such as Mail Operations, Core Banking Solution, Postal Life Insurance and solution deployment of the complete Rural ICT solution to approximately 1.30 lakh branch post offices

5.What are the objectives of CBS project?

To increase the number of customers from existing 20 crore to 35 crore by 2012
To provide multiple delivery channels like internet, mobile banking, ATMs, thereby bringing access to financial services to the doorsteps of the customers
To enable faster money remittances and fund transfers and increase volumes to capture a 50% market share by 2014
To become the one stop solution for financial inclusion & microfinance initiatives of government, public/private sector banks

6.Can Post Office customer transfer money to other bank account; say SBI?

Yes, the same can be done. CBS will have interface with NEFT- National Electronic Fund Transfer System run by RBI which will facilitate transfer of money from POSB accounts to other bank accounts

7.Does the project have any linkage with Project Arrow?

Yes. Project Arrow has linkage with CBS project. Project Arrow monitors data entry and signature scan activities which are part of pre implementation activities of the CBS project.

8.What are Circle Processing centres?

Circle Processing Centres (CPCs) which would act as centralized processing units for a circle and handle some of the non customer interfacing tasks centrally. Each circle will have a Circle Processing Centre

9.What is double entry accounting system? Will CBS have double entry accounting system?

Yes, CBS will have double entry accounting system. A double-entry bookkeeping system is a set of rules for recording financial information in a financial accounting system in which every transaction or event changes at least two different nominal ledger accounts. The above said accounting logic will be inbuilt in the CBS software.

10.What are the linkages between CBS and other projects?

The entire scope of India Post 2012 project is organized under 8 RFPs, in a multi-tower model with vertically integrated towers, in order to expedite the rollout of priority solutions and allow specialized and full service providers to participate in the procurement process. The vendors selected would need to work together to ensure smoothness in building and rolling out the solutions. The key linkages between CBS vendor and other vendors in the India Post 2012 project are network, data centre facility, helpdesk, call centre etc.

11.Whether all the schemes have to be migrated to CBS?

Yes, all existing schemes will be migrated to CBS. This is needed due to the fact that firstly Sanchay Post will be phased out and secondly due to interface with the new POS ( which will replace Meghdoot software) integrating all the applications of the post office.

12.What is the role of SI as far as Sanchay Post is concerned?

SI shall maintain, operate and support this application during the period of its availability. SI shall do the necessary enhancement of the Sanchay Post software during the time of ownership as may be required for successful running in the identified Post Offices.

13.Who will run the call centre for banking? How the staff will resolve issues while implementing CBS?

There will be an internal helpdesk to resolve the issues faced by the internal staff of DoP in relation to the products and solution/ applications implemented as part of India Post 2012 Project. A call centre will be available for the DoP customers. Both (internal helpdesk and call center) will be managed by the core system integrator as part of its scope of work.

14.What are the facilities the customer can get through core banking?

The customer will get the benefit of anytime, anywhere banking by access to multiple alternate channels like ATM, internet banking, phone banking, mobile banking etc.

15.What are the online facilities planned under internet banking for CBS?

The key online facilities that will be provided to the CBS internet banking users are: opening of TD/NSC/KVP/RD, change of contact details, cheque book request, apply for and report loss of debit/ATM card, view mini statement of past few transactions, bill payments etc.

16.What are the interfaces planned for CBS?

Internal and external interfaces are planned for CBS. Internal interfaces will be developed with insurance module, mail system, ATM switch, Sanchay Post, Enterprise Content Management System etc. External interfaces will be developed with EFT/NEFT, ECS, RTGS, Cheque Truncation System, National Financial Switch, payment services provider etc.