സ്ത്രീകള്‍ എങ്ങിനെ വസ്ത്രം ധരിക്കണം എന്ന് പുരുഷന്‍ നിഷ്ക്കര്‍ഷിക്കുന്നത് ശരിയോ? അല്ലെങ്കില്‍ തിരിച്ചും?

Monday, September 05, 2011

Details of Settlement of claims -Postal Saving

With nomination

With legal evidence

Without nomination

Sanctioning power

Checking of application

Documents to be attached

SB Claims


1. With Nomination

2. Without Nomination

3. With legal Evidence

With Nomination…

Application (Simple format)

Pass book

Death certificate


SPM: Rs 1000

LSG SPM: Rs.2000

HSG SPM: Rs.5000

HSG PM:Rs. NO limit

Check the particulars in the claim form.

Satisfy yourself with the “Fact about the death”

Detailed verification only in case of doubt(1136/2003 dated 20.04.2004)

Balance, Nomination details & Free from court attachment to be got verified from HO

Action at SO on receipt of application

Examine the application

Satisfy about identity of the claimant

Attest the copy of death certificate

Impress date stamp on the application

Forward to HO for verification of balance and court attachment

On receipt after verification the SPM will issue sanction if it is within his limit

HO will

Verify the balance and nomination

Check whether there is any court attachment

See whether the account is pledged

See whether pledge is released if pledged

Forward the application to SO if it is within SPM limit

3 Legal Evidences…

Probate of Will

Succession Certificate

Letter of Administration

Legal Evidences…

When there is no Nomination + amount of claim exceeds Rs.1,00,000

Head Postmaster will sanction the claim

Fact of the death need not be verified

Genuineness of the legal evidence may be confirmed before making payment

Without Nomination…

Obtain SB 84 form, along with consent/ dissent statements

Death Certificate

Pass book

Get the attestation verified.

Claims are decided based on Discretionary powers.

Discretionary Powers:

T/S SPM Rs. 1000

LSG SPM Rs. 2000

HSG SPM, PM Rs. 5000

Gezetted PM, SPOs Rs. 20,000

Gr. ASSP/ CPM Rs. 50,000

DPS Rs. 75,000

PMG, CPMG Rs.1,00,000

Get the Oath Administered in SB84 form

Claimant to produce all documents + SB 84

Should be known to SPMs/ can be identified by a person known to the Post Office

Claimant will sign before SPM

SPM signs immediately.


No further verification is required (1471/80SS/SB dated 20.9.82 and 2.8.82)

Wait for 3 months from the date of death

Claimant is explained of Provision of Sec 193 of IPC

Department is free from any litigation vide Sec 5 of Govt SB Act 1873

Person giving false oath is punishable under law.


Verification of consent statements is not necessary

No notice to the near relatives is necessary

Declaration on oath/solemn affirmation can be made before any sanctioning authority irrespective of the amount of claim.

Verification of death certificate

G.I Dept of Posts Lr No 113b/2003SB dated at New Delhi the 20042004

Verification of death certificate is necessary only when there is a doubtabout the genuineness of the certificate

S C Claims

The nominee can encash the certificate after maturity

Nominee can opt for fresh certificate issued in his name after settlement of claim

In case of two or more claimant,they may opt for fresh certificate in their namejoint A or joint B

In case of two or more nominee,they have option to subdivide the certificate and have fresh certificates issued in their name

In case of two nominee, if one nomnee predeceased the investor, the surviving nominee will claim.

On the death of last surviving nominee claim will be settled in favor of legal heir of the nominee.

Sanctioning authority and power

Head Postmaster and Sub postmasters,

Selection grade and Time scale sub postmasters,

Settle irrespective of the amount

Head postmaster will not have jurisdiction in SO claims

With Legal Evidence

Succession certificate is necessary if the amount exceeds Rs 1,00,000/

Time scale SPM can sanction up to Rs 1000/

Divisional Head will sanction the claim relating to certificates registered at Time scale SO

LSG SPM and Head postmaster will settle claim of any amount

Without nomination and legal evidence

Divisional Head settle the claims of certificates of sub post offices exceeding the powers of SPMs

Settlement only after three months from the date of death of the investor

Gazetted Postmaster will not sanction the claims of certificates of the SOs under his jurisdiction which is beyond the powers of SPM

Collection of Unusual English Words - Study Material for Various Departmental Examination

Meaning of word
An irresistible impulse to steal in the absence of any economic motive
A misanthrope who dislikes women in particular
A person who is from 80 to 89 years old
(of a child) born after the father's death
Marriage of a man to more than one woman, or the practice of having several wives, at the same time
A person who eats the flesh of other humans.
The condition or practice of having more than one husband at one time
An agent that destroys bacteria

Male dominated government.

Lacking in nutrition, substance. Also used to declare that something has no value, is immature, or is puerile in content

Citizen/ Person who spends a lot of time on the Internet
Loudness and clarity of voice
Covered with dust
Someone who loves books
Incontestable, unanswerable
To move in a circle or walk around.
A complaint or complaining.
A state governed by seven persons.
In the past; at a former time; formerly
A nonstandard usage or grammatical construction - Error in grammar or wording
One who does useless work
Filled with or characterized by a sense of a supernatural presence
Spending of too much money on food
Suffering from excessive eating or drinking
Speaking reproachfully; slanderous
A person who walks without shoes
Rapid eating; bolting of food.
The practice of counting on the fingers
Collected by S Jayachandran , System Administrator, Mavelikara Divisional Office , 690101-9961464279
Visit : Http//nfpemavelikaradivision.blogspot.com

Sunday, September 04, 2011

CCS Leave Rules - IPO Study Matertial ( FRSR Part III)

Q1 Central Civil Services (Leave ) Rules come into force on the --------

1st June 1972
Q2 Railway servants are not under CCS(leave) Rules

The above said statement is

Q3 As per CCS (leave) rules what is the definition of Administrator

Administrator of union territory
Q4 What is called by the employees who may be declared ad quasi permanent under the central civil services (temporary service ) 1965?

Quasi Permanent
Q5 Maximum number of earned leave for encashment is -------

300 days

Q6 The limit of number of days is increased from 240 days to 300 days from -----------

Q7 Leave can be claimed as of right

The above said statement is

Q8 Leave cannot be claimed as of right . However the leave should not ordinarily be denied during -------------

The last ten year of service of Government Servants
Q9 Which pay commission recommend to increase in ceiling on earned leave accumulation from 180 days to 240 days ?

Fourth Pay Commission
Q10 If A is removed from service and reinstated on appeal of revision to the same post then whether the leave his service prior to dismissal or removal is entitled to count or not

Yes , It will entitled to count for leave

Q11 -------- leave is not recognized as leave under CCS(leave rules) and shall not be combined with any other kind of leave

Casual Leave
Q12 If a government servant recall from leave , then the Government Servant shall be entitled to draw --------- under rules made in this behalf for the journey

Travelling allowance
Q13 The period of absence not covered by grant of leave shall have to be treated as --------

Dies Non
Q14 The dies non in respect of willful absence from duty is treated for --------- , ---------- and ----------

Increment, Leave and pension
Q15 As per CCS (CCA) rules unauthorized absence from duty or overstayal of leave even for one day treating it as misconduct

The above said statement is

Q16 Mention the equation /method to calculate leave/cash payment in lieu of leave

Cash equivalent=Pay admissible on the date of retirement + DA admissible /30 * No of unutilized Earned Leave
Q17 The authority competent to grant leave may withheld whole or part of cash equivalent of earned leave due for retired employee . In which case the above said case is mainly applicable ?

Disciplinary or criminal proceeding are pending against retired employee

Q18 Maternity leave may be combined with leave of any other kind

The above said statement is

Q19 What is the maximum amount of study leave which may be granted to government servant ?

Twelve Months at any one time and Twenty four months in entire service
Q20 Who is the Competent authority for granting study leave?

Ministry/Department of the Central Government , Administrator , Comptroller and audit General
Prepared by S Jayachandran , System Administrator , Mavelikara Division office , 690101- 9961464279
Please Visit http://nfpemavelikaradivision.blogspot.com

Best of Onam Songs

Saturday, September 03, 2011

Instructions on Booking of Tickets from an Agency other than the Authorized Travel Agents

Controller General of Defence Accounts,
Ulan ßatar Road, Palam,
Delhi Cantt-110010


No. AN/XIV/14162/TA/DA/LTC

Sub: Instructions on booking of tickets from an agency other than the authorized travel agents.

Attention is invited to Ministry of Finance, Deptt of Expenditure, 0M No. 19024/1/2009-EIV dated 16.9.2010 reiterating guidelines on Air Travel on Tours)LTC, circulated vide this HQrs office circular bearing No.AN/XIV/VIth CPC/Circular/Vol-IV dated 16/09/2010.

2. Recently, several cases have been received in this HQrs office seeking clarification on admissibility of TA/DA/LTC claims, on journeys performed by Air India/Private airlines by officers, on Tour/LTC by purchasing air tickets through a private travel agent other than Balmer Lawrie & Company and M/s Ashok Travels & Tours in violations of the guidelines laid down in Ministry of Finance, Deptt of Expenditure, 0M dated 16/09/2010.

2. In this connection it is once again reiterated that in terms of the provisions contained in MoF, Deptt. of Expenditure 0M dated 16/09/2010, air tickets may be purchased directly from Airlines (at Booking counters/Website of Airlines) or by utilizing the services of Authorized Travel Agents viz M/S Balmer Lawrie & Company. MIs Ashok Travels & Tours. In the event of air journey being performed by private airlines on Tour/LTC, by seeking deviations from Ministry of Civil Aviation, the bookings of tickets is also required to be done invariably through the authorized travel agents only.

3. Ministry of Finance, Deptt of Expenditure, to whom the matter was referred for clarification on the matter have reiterated that the guidelines as laid down in MoF, Deptt of Exp 0M dated 16/09/2010 have to strictly complied with.

4. In view of what has been brought out in preceding paras, it is once again reiterated and enjoined upon all concerned that the guidelines laid down in Ministry of Finance, Deptt of Expenditure, 0M dated 16/09/2010, regarding air travel and booking of air tickets through the authorized travel agents only, on tour/LTC, have to be strictly complied with. Further in the event of travel by private airlines, where the necessary deviation has or is being sought from Ministry of Civil Aviation, due to non-availability of Air India flights, it may also please be ensured that the bookings for travel on tour/lTC is also done through the authorized travel agents only.

5. The contents of this important circular may please be given wide publicity and brought to the notice of all concerned serving under your office/organization. It may also be brought to the notice of all concerned that no requests for deviations from the above provisions will be entertained by this HQrs office.

6. Please acknowledge receipt.
(R.P. singh)

Order Copy

Over Ninety Percent Departmental Post Offices Computerised :

Shri Sachin Pilot, the Minister of State for Communications and Information Technology informed Rajya Sabha today in written reply to a question that 24015 (94 per cent) Departmental Post Offices out of 25538 Departmental Post Offices have been supplied with computer hardware. Remaining Departmental Post Offices along with Branch Post Offices will be computerized under the Department’s IT Modernisation Project 2012 to be completed by 2012-13 subject to availability of funds and resources.

The reply further stated that there is no project proposal of the State Government of Madhya Pradesh pending before the Ministry for computerization of Post Offices.

Source: PIB Release, September 2, 2011

Post Offices to Provide Visa Related Services In Remote Areas

India Post Signs MOU with M/S VFS Global to this Effect

India Post has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with M/s VFS Global to provide visa related services for different countries through Post Offices. Memorandum of Understanding between India Post and M/s VFS Global was signed here on 30.08.2011 in the presence of Secretary, Department of Posts and senior officers from Department of Posts and VFS Global. The MOU sets out broad understandings and intentions of both the parties to provide visa related services at places where they are not currently available.

Post Office counters will be used for fee collections, providing visa applications forms, dissemination of visa information, biometric enrollment and other visa application process related services. India Post and VFS are also planning to cooperate in utilizing India Post’s courier service, Speed Post for movements of passports to VFS offices and concerned embassies, and their delivery back to the applicants. Both the parties will also explore to provide any other service that India Post may want to provide through VFS global network on mutually accepted terms.

M/s VFS Global is in the business of visa application services and is working with 35 governments across the world with over 450 offices in 50 countries. India Post and VFS realize that there are many areas of mutual interest and synergy between India Post and VFS would benefit the public at large.

Currently visa related services are largely available in metros only and the people from smaller cities and rural areas have to travel long distances in order to avail these services. Lack of information is also a major area of concern as this allows unscrupulous elements to cheat unsuspecting and vulnerable people. Engagement of India Post towards provision of visa related services is expected to address this situation to a large extent.

(Release ID :75449)

Source : http://www.pib.nic.in/ ,September 2, 2011

Central and State Governments take various Measures to Popularize Small Saving Schemes

Central and State Governments take various measures from time to time to promote and popularize small saving schemes through print and electronic media as well as holding seminars, meetings and providing training to the various agencies involved in mobilising deposits under these schemes.

A website of the National Savings Institute under Government on India, Ministry of Finance has also been launched to facilitate interface with the public through wider investors grievances. The website address is nsiindia.gov.in.

The Committee on National Small Savings Fund has observed that 4% commission under Mahila Pradhan Kshetriya Bachat Yojna (MPKBY) is very high and is affecting the viability of National Small Savings Fund (NSSF). The committee has recognized that the Recurring Deposit Scheme requires considerable effort on part of agents in mobilising monthly deposits. However, 4% commission is distortionary and expensive. The Committee has recommended that it should be brought down to 1% in a phased manner in a period of three years with a 1% reduction every year.

Recommendations of the committee have been referred to State Governments and concerned Ministries/Departments of Central Government for their comments.

This information was given by the Minister of State for Finance, Shri Namo Narain Meena in written reply to an Unstarred Question in Lok Sabha today.

(Release ID :75479)

Source : http://www.pib.nic.in/ ,September 2, 2011

Study Leave for Fellowships offered by reputed Institutes

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, P.G. and Pensions
(Department of Personnel & Training)

New Delhi, 1st September, 2011
Office Memorandum

Subject : Study Leave for Fellowships offered by reputed Institutes -

The feasibility of bringing more Fellowships under the purview of Study Leave, on the same terms and conditions as the Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Fellowship (JNMF) has been under consideration of this Department for some time. On the basis of the inputs from various Departments/Ministries regarding fellowship offered by reputed Institutions and in consultation with Department of Expenditure. it has been decided to include the Fellowships offered by (i) K .K. Birla Foundation, (ii) Indian Institutes of Management, (iii) Management Development Institute, Gorgaon and (iv) Lok Nayak Jayaprakash Narayan National Institute of Criminology & Forensic Science on the same terms as that of the fellowship offered by JNMF at present. The following terms will be offered to Central Government employees who are awarded the said fellowship in relaxation of Rule 51, 57 and 59 of Central Civil Services (Leave) Rules, 1972 :-

i) They will be granted study leave for the entire period of the Fellowship:
ii) They will be entitled to the benefits admissible to them in accordance with the Fellowship and in addition, entitled to draw leave salary only (without allowance) equal to the pay that they drew while on duty with the Government immediately before proceeding on such leave. However, they will be entitled to Dearness Allowance at the Central Government rates on the leave salary admissible lo them:

iii) Where considered necessary, the official may be allowed during the period of the Fellowship, the continued use of the facility of the residential telephone officially allotted to him, subject to payment by him of the bills for the rental and call charges of the telephone.
2. So for as persons serving in the Indian Audit & Accounts Departments are concerned, these orders are being issued after consultation with the C&AG of India.
3. This order takes effect from the date of issue.

How to Pass an Interview - 10 Tips from Monster Advice

Even the smartest and most qualified job seekers need to prepare for job interviews. Why, you ask? Interviewing is a learned skill, and there are no second chances to make a great first impression. So study these 10 strategies to enhance your interview IQ from Monster's Career Advice

Practice Good Nonverbal Communication
It's about demonstrating confidence: standing straight, making eye contact and connecting with a good, firm handshake. That first impression can be a great beginning -- or quick ending -- to your interview.
Dress for the Job or Company
Today's casual dress codes do not give you permission to dress as "they" do when you interview. It is important to look professional and well-groomed. Whether you wear a suit or something less formal depends on the company culture and the position you are seeking. If possible, call to find out about the company dress code before the interview.

From the very beginning of the interview, your interviewer is giving you information, either directly or indirectly. If you are not hearing it, you are missing a major opportunity. Good communication skills include listening and letting the person know you heard what was said. Observe your interviewer, and match that style and pace.

Don't Talk Too Much
Telling the interviewer more than he needs to know could be a fatal mistake. When you have not prepared ahead of time, you may tend to ramble, sometimes talking yourself right out of the job. Prepare for the interview by reading through the job posting, matching your skills with the position's requirements and relating only that information.

Don't Be Too FamiliarThe interview is a professional meeting to talk business. This is not about making a new friend. Your level of familiarity should mimic the interviewer's demeanor. It is important to bring energy and enthusiasm to the interview and to ask questions, but do not overstep your place as a candidate looking for a job.

Use Appropriate Language
It's a given that you should use professional language during the interview. Be aware of any inappropriate slang words or references to age, race, religion, politics or sexual orientation -- these topics could send you out the door very quickly.

Don't Be CockyAttitude plays a key role in your interview success. There is a fine balance between confidence, professionalism and modesty. Even if you're putting on a performance to demonstrate your ability, overconfidence is as bad, if not worse, as being too reserved.

Take Care to Answer the Questions
When an interviewer asks for an example of a time when you did something, he is seeking a sample of your past behavior. If you fail to relate a specific example, you not only don't answer the question, but you also miss an opportunity to prove your ability and talk about your skills.

Ask Questions
When asked if they have any questions, most candidates answer, "No." Wrong answer. It is extremely important to ask questions to demonstrate an interest in what goes on in the company. Asking questions also gives you the opportunity to find out if this is the right place for you. The best questions come from listening to what is asked during the interview and asking for additional information.

Don't Appear Desperate
When you interview with the "please, please hire me" approach, you appear desperate and less confident. Maintain the three C's during the interview: cool, calm and confident. You know you can do the job; make sure the interviewer believes you can, too

Courtesy : http://postmasterpunjab.blogspot.com