സ്ത്രീകള്‍ എങ്ങിനെ വസ്ത്രം ധരിക്കണം എന്ന് പുരുഷന്‍ നിഷ്ക്കര്‍ഷിക്കുന്നത് ശരിയോ? അല്ലെങ്കില്‍ തിരിച്ചും?

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

my onam 2011 onam 2011 onam 2011

Happy Eid ul Fitr to all .

Happy Eid ul Fitr to all .....

To all my dearest, sweetest and most loving Views.............

On Eid ul Fitr, wish that Allah's ble ssing light up the path and lead to happiness ,success and peace
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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

RNet - http is not registered error

Problem :
While running RNet communciation, the following error mesage

"The channel " http is not registered with remoting services"

Solution :

Do the following steps to rectify this problem

1. Go to the folder C:\windows\System32\drivers\etc ( if you have installed windows on D partition then the path will be like D:\windows\System32\drivers\etc)

2. Open the file “Hosts” file using notepad
3. There will be an entry like the following inside the hosts file localhost

Add one more entry below. regnnet.ptcmysore.gov.in

Latest List of Holiday Homes and Touring Officers Hostels for Central Government Employees

Latest List of Holiday Homes and Touring Officers Hostels for Central Government Employees
The Ministry of Urban Development has published the latest list of Holiday Homes for Central Government employees. Ministry of Urban Development has Holiday Homes at 10 locations and Touring Officers Hostels at 42 odd locations all over India. Directorate of Estates is an attached office of the Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India. It is responsible for the administration and management of the office buildings for the various organisations of the Government of India as well as residential accommodation for the Government employees in the metropolitan cities of Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai and five other cities namely Shimla, Chandigarh, Ghaziabad, Faridabad and Nagpur. The Central Government Estates in the remaining cities and towns are managed by the Central Public Works Department(CPWD).
Eligibility of offered the Holiday Homes and Touring Officers Hostels facility is as under…
1. Sitting / Ex Member of Parliament
2. Central Government employees (on official visits)
3. Serving Central Government employees (On leave, LTC or personal visits)
4. State / PSU employees (On duty / Leave)
5. Retired Government Employees.

Beginning of the year 2009, the Directorate of Estates has introduced internet booking facility (Online booking) to Central Government employees for the purpose of LTC and Touring. The new uer-friendly system for booking of rooms, to know the status of their application online and to obtain confirmation slips online. The charges of Holiday Homes and Touring Guest Houses are very low. Accommodation is provided for a period not exceeding 10 nights (5 nights in season period). There is no provision for refund of reservation charges. The check-out time : 9 AM, Check-in time : 11 AM to 12:00 noon. Retired Government employees should submit a photocopy of the PPO while presented at the time of checking in. The occupation of more than 4 persons (2 Adults and 2 Children) in the double-bedded rooms is not permitted. Cooking is strictly prohibited in the rooms of Holiday Homes / Hostels and Pets are not allowed.
We have tabled the latest list of the Holiday Homes and Touring Officers Hostels as follows…

Holiday Homes :-
1. Agra
2. Amarkantak
3. Goa
4. Kanyakumari
5. Mysore
6. Mussorrie
7. Nainital
8. Ooty
9. Shimla
10. Udaipur
Locations of Touring Officers’ Hostels/Guest Houses of Ministry of Urban Development
Touring Officers’ Hostels :-

1 Agra
22 Jammu
2 Ajmer
23 Jodhpur
3 Allahabad
24 Kolkata
4 Bareilly
25 Kozhikode (Calicut)
5 Bangalore
26 Kullu
6 Bhopal
27 Lucknow
7 Chennai
28 Madhopur
8 Chandigarh
29 Madurai
9 Cochin
30 Mt. Abu
10 Dehradun
31 Mumbai
11 Delhi
32 Nagpur
12 Gandhi Nagar
33 Nasik
13 Gangtok
34 Neemuch
14 Guwahati
35 Pune
15 Gwalior
36 Thiruvananthapuram
16 Goa
37 Shillong
17 Hyderabad
38 Siliguri
18 Indore
39 Udaipur
19 Jaisalmer
40 Varanasi
20 Jaipur
41 Vijayawada
21 Mussurie
42 Udhampur

Summary of CCS (CCA) Rules : Paper II for IPO Exam


Rule Details

10. Suspension
11. Penalties
12. Disciplinary Authority.
13. Authority to Institute Disciplinary Proceedings.
14. Procedure for Imposing Major Penalties.
15. Action on the Report (Major Penalties).
16. Procedure for Imposing Minor Penalties.
17. Communication of Orders.
18. Common Proceedings.
19. Cases in which no inquiry is necessary.
20. Govt servants lent to the State Govt.
21. Govt servants borrowed from the State Govt etc.
22. Orders against which no Appeals lies.
23. Orders against which Appeal lies.
24. Appellate Authority.
29. Revision
29-A. Review

Summary of Rules Volume V : Paper I for IPO Exam


Rule Details

10. Sorting Office.
11. Sorting Sub Office.
12. Return Letter Office (RLO).
13. Office of Exchange, Office of Exchange of Transit, Foreign Post Offices &
Sub Foreign Offices
23. Station and Sorting Articles.
24. Labelled Bundle.
25. Check Slip.
25A Money Order Check Slip.
27. Registered Bundle.
29. Insured Bundle.
37A. Camp Bag.
52A. Due Mail & Sorting Lists.
53. Due Mails and Unusual Mails.
54. Face and Facing.
55. Beat.
56A. Late Letters and Too Late Letters.
57. Missent and Misdirected Articles.
57A. Trial Cards.
59. Clearance of Letter Boxes.
60. Clearance of Letter Boxes at Railway Station.
61. Treatment of Late Letters.
66. Articles with Undecipherable or Incomplete Addresses.
67. Preparation of Labelled Bundles.
69. Contents of Station Mail bag for a HO or SO.
70. Contents of Station Mail Bag for a BO.
71. Contents of a Sorting Mail Bag.
72A. Bulk Bag.
74. Plural Mail Bags.
75. Extra Mail Bags.
76/2. Inland Air Mail Delivery Bill.
77. Plural Transit Bags.
78. Extra Transit Bags.
79. Extra Despatch of Mails.
103. Book of Postmarks.
110A. Treatment of unpaid or Insufficiently paid articles for Foreign Countries.
114. Articles found Open, Damaged or without contents.
115. Treatment of Articles, the registration or insurance of which is compulsory.
116. Articles marked by Parcel Post.
122. Articles prohibited from transmission by Inland Post.
123. Articles prohibited from Importation or liable to Customs Duty.
132. Tin Seal Holder.
134. Special Bag and Camp Bag.
136&137. Due Mail and Sorting List.
139A. Trial Cards.
141. Disposal of Check Slips.
142A. Measures to be taken in case of accident to the Aircraft in the course of
144. Important irregularities to be reported by telegraph.
145. Error Book.
148. Redelivery to the sender or alteration/correction of address of Postal Articles
in the course of transmission by Post.
152. Production of Records before Police or Excise Officers.
154. Ordinary Postage Stamps, Coins and other articles of value found in Letter
Boxes or on a Counter.
155. Half Yearly Enumeration Return.
161-165. Unusual Bag Account.
170. Only Important cases to be reported to Head of the Circle.
173. Action to be taken respecting Absconders.
175. Submission of reports to the Head of the Circle.
177-190. Cases of High Way Robberies.
196. Delivery of Damaged Articles.
206. Short receipt of Registered Articles of all kinds.
210. Search Bills.
211. Public complaints regarding loss of Unregd Articles.
215. Credit of Unpaid Postage.
226,227, Weighment System.
231-234 &
229-230, Occasional Despatches.

Courtesy : http://postmasterpunjab.blogspot.com

Summary of Rules From Post Office Guide I & II : Useful for Paper I IPO Exam


Rule Details

03. Night Post Offices.
04. Mobile Post Offices.
05. Business Hours.
11. Franking Machine.
11(i). Franking Machine for Govt Offices.
12. Payment of Postage on Cash.
13. Spoilt or Defaced Stamps.
14. Fictitious Stamps.
32-33. Certificate of Posting.
34. Recall or Delivery of Postal Article.
38. Delivery of Regd Articles to Firms.
39. Delivery of Articles to Pardanashin Women.
40. Delivery of Damaged Article.
41. Delivery of Parcels.
55. Post Boxes.
56. Post Bag.
57. Window Delivery.
63. Identification Card.
64-66. Post Restante Articles
67-69. Redirection of Articles.
71. Redirection of Parcels.
72. Disposal of Undeliverable & Undelivered Articles in POs.
75. Disposal of Articles sent to RLO.
77. Complaint & Suggestion Book.
78-81. Method & Period preferring complaints.
82. Particulars to be furnished while preparing complaints.
89. Articles addressed to deceased persons.
98. First Class and Second Class mails.
100. Letter Envelopes – Dimensions & Size.
104. Articles enclosed in Transparent Envelops.
105. Articles enclosed in Open Panel.
107. Letter Cards & Private Manufactures.
109-112. Post Cards & Private Manufactures.
116-118. Business Reply Service.
120-127. Book Packet.
128. Book Packet containing Printed Books.
129. Book Packet containing Periodicals.
130-135. Pattern & Sample Packets.
136-138. Blind Literature Packets.
139. Definition – Regd News Papers.
140. Conditions for Registration of Regd News Papers.
141. Application for News Paper Registration.
142. Renewal & Termination of Registration.
143. Packets of Regd Newspapers.
144. Posting of Newspapers without prepayment of postage.
170. Compensation for the Loss or Damage to the Regd Articles.
171. Articles for which registration is compulsory.
172-178. Condition for Insurance.
182. Responsibility for Loss of Insured Articles.
183. Compensation for Loss of Insured Articles.
184. Cases in which insurance is compulsory.
186-192. Value Payable Articles.
199. Postage due to Official Postal Articles.
205. Camp Articles, Special bag, Camp Bag.
209-213. Articles prohibited for transmission by Inland Post.
230. Void Money Orders.
243-254. Inland Postal Order.


Rule Details

18 & 104. Warehousing Charges.
43. Bulk bag System.
76-78. Condition for Insurance for Foreign Articles.
82(b). Insured Boxes.
113-118. Inland Insured Parcels.

Courtesy :http://postmasterpunjab.blogspot.com

Monday, August 29, 2011


Directorate vide letter No. 7-14/2011-SPB-II dated 9-3-2011 has circulated revised Pattern and Syllabus for Limited Department Competitive Examination for the post of IPs for filling up 66.66% vacancies in the Department. The examination will be held without the aid of books. The date for holding of the Examination will be communicated separetly by the DE Division.Revised Pattern and Syllabus is as under:

Revised Syllabus for IP examination:
Existing Syllabus and Pattern
Revised Syllabus and Pattern
No. of Papers
Paper I – Postal Manual Vol. V, Postal Manual Vol. IV, Postal Manual Vol II, CCS (Conduct) Rules, Postal Manual Vol. III, MTT
Paper I –
(1) Acts / Rules/ Guidelines/ Instructions relating to Inland & Foreign Posts, Mail Operations, Money Remittances, Savings Bank Schemes and Certificates Rural and Postal Life Insurance.
(2) Organization of Department, Office Procedure and Material Management for optimum utilization of network, Establishment and Administrative Matters.

Paper II – Postal Manual Vol VIII, PO Guide Part I and II, Postal Manual Vol VI (Part I, II AND III) POSB Manual Vol. I & II Postal Manual Vol. VII
Paper II – CCS (Conduct) Rules, CCS (CCA) Rules, Accounts, FRs & SRs and FHBs.

Paper III – FHB Vol. I & II, FRs and SRs, CCS (Pension) Rules, CCS (Leave) rules, CCS (Joining Time ) Rules
Paper III (1) Constitution of India
(2) Short title, extent, commencement and definitions of CPC & CrPC.
(i) CrPC: Proclamation for person absconding attachment of property of person absconding , claims and objections to attachments, release, sale and restoration of attached property.
(ii) Indian Evidence Act: Short title, extent and commencement
Of the relevancy of the facts:Evidence may be given of facts in issue and relevant facts, relevancy of facts forming part of the same transaction, facts which are the occasion, cause or effect of facts in issue;motive, preparation and previous or subsequent conduct.
Facts which need not be proved:
Of oral evidence:
Of documentary evidence
(iii) Indian Penal Code: General Explanation:
Of Punishments
Of offences by or relating to public servants
Of contempts of the lawful authority of public servants
Of the criminal breach of contract of service
(3) RTI Act and Consumer Protection Act

Paper IV – Indian Post Office Act., Government savings Bank and Certificate Acts, IPC, Evidence Act, Cr. PC, CAT, Consumer Protection Act
English Language General Knowledge & Reasoning/ Intelligence

Paper V – Essay, General Knowledge, Computer Basics and Intelligence Test.

Each paper carries 100 marks
Each apper will carry 300 marks
Duration for each paper is 3 hrs.
Duration of each paper would be 3 hrs.
No. of Questions
Subjective type Questions
150 Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) in each paper
Qualifying marks
40% marks in each paper subject to an overall average of 45% for general category and 33% marks in each apper subject to an overall average of 38% for SC/ST
No change
Assessment of APAR / ACR
Not included
The Competent Authority will ensure and certify the following before recommending the application of the official for examination:
(i) No disciplinary action is pending or contemplated against the applicant
(ii) No punishment is current against the applicant
(iii) No adverse entry in the APAR/ACR in the last five years.

Chess Titans -Amazing inbuilt game in Windows 7

Chess Titans is a chess video game developed by Oberon Games and included in Windows Vista and Windows 7 Home Premium, Business/Professional, Enterprise, and Ultimate.The game is fully animated and designed for Windows Aero with its glass-like view. The game board can be rotated in 3D, and themes are available for the chess pieces and board.The game can be played with either a mouse or any gamepad like a PlayStation 3 or a Xbox 360 controller for Windows. It can also be played through Windows Media Center, using the remote control provided with TV Tuner Cards, and certain laptops as well.VGA Driver should installed before starting this game.XP users can also enjoy this game by downloading the game from below link.

Courtesy : http://doputtur.blogspot.com/

Set SA Password in SQL Server Management Studio Express

During the installation of SQL Server,we select mixed mode authentication and give complex password for sa. Sometime we may need to change the password of sa.
To change the password of sa follow the below steps.

1.Open SQL Server Express Management Studio.
2.Connect to SQL Server using windows authentication.
3. Expand the server and choose security and expand logins.
4. Right click on sa, from properties modify the password and confirm password
5. Uncheck Enforce password policy.
6.Click OK