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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Computer Terms Used in Technology - Study Material for IPO Examination

Published by : http://rmssa.blogspot.com/
ACE Access Control Entry
ADO Active data Objects
ALU Arithmetic Logic Unit
ASP Active server Page
ATAPI Advanced technology attachment packet interface
ATM Asynchronous Transfer mode
AUI Attachment unit interface
B2c Business to commerce
BASIC Beginners all purpose symbolic instruction code
BCD Binary coded decimal
BHTML Broadcast Hyper Text Markup Language
BMP Bitmap
CAD Computer aided design
CASE Computer aided software engineering
CCNA Cisco certified network associate
CD Compact Disc
C-DAC Centre for development of advanced computing
CGI Common Gateway interface
CIDR Classless inter domain routing
CLR Common language runtime
CMOS Complementary Metal Oxide semiconductor
CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check
CRT Cathode Ray Tube
DAC Digital to analog converter
DAO Data Access Object
DBA Database Administrator
DFS Distributed file system
DDL Data definition Language
DHTML Dynamic Hyper Text Markup Language
DNS Domain Name System
DOS Disk operating system
DPI Dots per inch
DLL Dynamic link library
DVD Digital Versatile disc
EBCDIC Extended binary coded decimal interchange
EFS Encrypted file system
EPROM Erasable programmable read only memory
EULA End user license agreement
FAT File allocation table
FO Fiber optics
GB Giga Bytes
GNU GNU’s Not Unix
GUI Graphical user interface
HTML Hyper text markup language
IBM International Business machines
ICMP Internet control message protocol
I/O Input output
IP Internet Protocol
ISDN Integrated services digital network
ITPL Information technology park limited
JCL Job control language
JSP Java server page
LCD Liquid crystal display
LIPS Logical interface per second
MB Mega bytes
MBPS Mega byte per second
MBR Master boot record
MAN Metropolitan Area Network
MCS Multicast server
MCSA Microsoft certified systems administrator
MFT Master File Table
MIMD Multiple instruction multiple data
MIPS Millions of instructions per second
MP3 Motion pictures experts group layer -3
MPEG Motion pictures experts group
MSDN Microsoft developer network
NDIS Network driver interface specification
NIC National information centre
NIIT National institute if information technology
NNTP Network news transfer protocol
NTFS New technology file system
ODBC Open data base connectivity
OMR Optical Mark Reader
PDF Portable document format
PLC Programmable Logic controller
PNG Portable network graphics
PPP Peer to peer Protocol
RAM Random access memory
RDBMS Relational data base management system
RDO Remote data object
RGB Red Green Blue
RISC Reduced instruction set computer
ROM Read only memory
RTF Rich Text format
SACK Selective acknowledgment
SAM Security access manager
SRAM Static random access memory
SIM Subscriber identification module
SMS Short message service
SQL Structured query language
TB Tera bytes
TAPI Telephony application program interface
TCP/IP Transmission control protocol/Inter protocol
UDP User datagram protocol
URL Universal resources locator
USB Universal serial bus
VAN Virtual area network
VCD Video compact disc
VGA Video graphics array
VPN Virtual private network
WAN Wide area network
WHQL Windows hardware quality lab
WML Wireless Markup language
Y2k Year 2000
ZIF Zero insertion force
Collected by S Jayachandran , System Administrator, Mavelikara Division - 690101, Mobile - 9961464279
Please visit : http://nfpemavelikaradivision.blogspot.com

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