സ്ത്രീകള്‍ എങ്ങിനെ വസ്ത്രം ധരിക്കണം എന്ന് പുരുഷന്‍ നിഷ്ക്കര്‍ഷിക്കുന്നത് ശരിയോ? അല്ലെങ്കില്‍ തിരിച്ചും?

Friday, August 19, 2011


Prepared / Compelled by Akula. Praveen Kumar, Medak H.O (AP)
Mobile no. :9849636361, 8019549939

Suggested Questions from Postal Manual Volume- VI, PO Guide, Postal Manual Volume-V

1. Money order paid returns are prepared: -

(a) Daily (b) Weekly (c) Fortnightly (d) Monthly

Ans: - (c) (Rule-79 Volume-VI, Part-III)

2. Which letter is to be prefixed to a TMO paid in the Journal of MO s paid: -

(a) R (b) S (c) T (d) None of the above.

Ans: - (c) (Rule-44 Volume-VI, Part-III)

3. The currency of an Indian Postal Order is normally: -

(a) 6 months from the last day of the month in which it was sold,
(b) 2 years from the last day of the month in which it was sold,
(c) 5 years from the last day of the month in which it was sold,
(d) 10 years from the last day of the month in which it was sold,

Ans: - (b) (Rule-195 Volume-VI, Part-III)

4. The amount of commission to be realized at the time of sale of an IPO of denomination of Rs.100/ - is:-
(a) Rs. 10/- (b) Rs. 5/- (c) Re.1/- (d) Rs.2/-

Ans: - (a) (Clause-244 PO Guide Part-I)

5. The 1st class mails handed by the Post Office are of: -

(a) 3 types-Letters, Letter Cards & Post Cards,
(b) 4 types--- Letters, Letter Cards, Book Packets & Post Cards,
(c) 5 types---- Letters, Letter Cards, Book Packets, Parcels & Post Cards,
(d) None of the above.

Ans: - (a) (Clause-98 PO Guide Part-I)

6. The maximum admissible weight of a Book Packet posted in Post is: -
(a) 2 KG (b) 3 KG (c) 4 KG (d) 5 KG.

Ans: - (d) (Clause-98 PO Guide Part-I)
7. A Franking Machine has: -
(a) 1 meter (b) 2 meters (c) 3 meters (d) 4 meters
Ans: - (b) (Clause-11 PO Guide Part-I)

8. In case of each Business Reply article, the Post Office will charge an additional postage of:
(a) Re. 1/- (b) Rs. 2/- (c) Rs. 3/- (d) Rs.4/-
Ans: - (a) (Clause-11 PO Guide Part-I)

9. The Postal Index Number (PIN) must contain: -

(a) 5 digits (b) 4 digits (c) 7 digits (d) 6 digits
Ans: - (d) (Rule-107 Postal Manual Volume-V)

10. The postal articles refused by the addressee are to be: -

(a) Returned to sender or to RLO
(b) To be kept in deposit in the office of delivery
(c) To be handed over to the Overseer for delivery
(d) None of the above.
Ans: - (a)
11. Minimum amount taxed on unpaid / insufficiently paid articles posted in post is: -

(a) Re. 1/- (b) Rs. 2/- (c) Rs.5/- (d) Rs. 6/-
Ans: - (a)

12. Addressee's Instructions are of: -
(a) 1 type---permanent instruction
(b) 2 types-temporary instruction & permanent instruction
(c) 3 types--- temporary instruction, semi- permanent instruction & permanent instruction
(d) None of the above.
Ans: - (b) (Rule-133 Postal Manual Vol.-VI Part-I)

13. Poste Restante are to be kept in deposit for: -

(a) 7 days from the date of receipt,
(b) 15 days from the date of receipt,
(c) 1 month days from the date of receipt,
(d) 2 months days from the date of receipt
Ans: - (c)

14. Undelivered Acknowledgements cards are to be destroyed after: -

(a) 15 days (b) 1 month (c) 4 months (d) None of the above.
Ans: - (c)

15. Redirection Fee for Parcel is: -
(a) 50% of the ordinary postage,
(b) Nil,
(c) 25% of the ordinary postage,
(d) None of the above.
Ans: - (a) (Clause 67-71 PO Guide Part-I)
16. Any postal article can be redirected: -
(a) By the office of posting
(b) By both the office of posting & the office of destination
(c) By any intermediate office/section handling the article
(d) Only by the office of destination.
Ans: - (d) (Clause 67-71 PO Guide Part-I)

17. Ordinary postal article received in damaged condition in the o/o delivery: -
(a) Should be returned to the o/o posting
(b) Should be sent out for delivery at once
(c) Should be forwarded to the o/o the Divisional Superintendent
(d) Should be enclosed in a protecting cover with a remark made on the top & the sent out for
Ans: - (d) (Rule-145 Postal Manual Volume-V)

18. An Inland Parcel must be Registered if its weight exceeds: -
(a) 1 KG (b) 2 KG (c) 4 KG (d) None of the above.
Ans: - (c) (Clause 164 PO Guide Part-I)

19. Currency Notes, Coins, precious stones can be sent by: -
(a) Insured Post (b) Registered Post (c) Ordinary Post
(d) Under Certificate of Posting.
Ans: - (a) (Clause 184 PO Guide Part-I)
20. The maximum limit of Insurance is: -
(a) Rs. 10, 000/-, (b) Rs. 50, 000/- (c) Rs. 1 lakh (d) None of the above.
Ans: - (c) (Clause 184 PO Guide Part-I)

21. An Insured Bundle is prepared when there is: -
(a) More than 2 insured articles addressed to the same office of delivery
(b) More than 3 insured articles addressed to the same office of delivery
(c) More than 5 insured articles addressed to the same office of delivery
(d) More than 1 insured article addressed to the same office of delivery.
Ans: - (d) (Rule-89A Postal Manual Volume-V)

22. Delivery Slip in respect of Registered Articles to be delivered at the Window of the Post Office is prepared in: -
(a) Single Copy (b) Duplicate, (c)Triplicate (d) Not at all prepared.
Ans: - (a) (Rule-164 Postal Manual Volume-VI Part-I)

23. The addressee of Registered Article to which an Acknowledgement Card is attached must sign: -
(a) Delivery Slip only (b) Acknowledgement Card only
(c) Both the Delivery Slip & the Acknowledgement Card (d) None of the above.
Ans: - (c) (Rule-183 Postal Manual Vol.-VI Part-I)

24. The addressee of a Value Payable (V.P.) article may request the Post Office to detain his article in the Post Office by payment of warehousing charges for a period of: -

(a) 7 days (b) 5 days (c) 14 days (d) 1 month.
Ans: - (a) (Rule-222 Postal Manual Vol.-VI Part-I)

25. The maximum weight/aggregate weight of Parcel (s) (except VP Parcels and Parcels marked Poste Restante) that can be delivered at the premises of an addressee is: -

(a) 5 KG (b) 10 KG (c) 15 KG (d) 20 KG
Ans: - (b) (Clause 41 PO Guide Part-I)

26. The amount of commission charged on a Service Money Order amounting to Rs. 1000/- is

(a) Rs. 25/- (b) Rs.50/- (c) Rs. 100/- (d) NIL
Ans: - (d)

27. A Family Allotment Money Order is remitted by the: -

(a) Defence authorities (b) Telecom authorities
(c) General members of public (d) None of the above.
Ans: - (a)

28. The maximum limit of a single ordinary Money Order is: -
(a) Rs. 2000/- (b) Rs. 5000/- (c) Rs. 10,000/- (d) Rs. 1 lakh.
Ans: - (b) (Clause 217 PO Guide Part-I)

29. A Money Order (MO-8) form is divided into: -
(a) 2 parts (b)3 parts (c) 4 parts (d) 5 parts
Ans: - (c) (Rule-8 Postal Manual Vol. VI Part-II)

30. A Money Order paid to an illiterate payee is paid: -

(a) After obtaining the thumb impression of the payee and getting it attested by a reliable witness other than the paying official
(b) After obtaining the thumb impression of the payee
(c) To a literate family member of the payee
(d) After obtaining the thumb impression of the payee and getting it attested by the paying official.
Ans: - (a) (Rule-38 Postal Manual Volume VI Part-II)
31. The name of the payee of a Money Order can be altered: -
(a) On payment of a second commission in cash,
(b) On payment of a second commission in the shape of Postage Stamps
(c) Free of cost
(d) None of the above.
Ans: - (b) (Clause 227 PO Guide Part-I)

32. The Broken Amount of an Indian Postal Order can be made up by affixing: -
(a) 3 unused Postage stamps (b) 4 unused Postage stamps
(c) 5 unused Postage stamps (d) Not permissible.
Ans: - (a) (Clause-245 PO Guide Part-I)

33. Maximum amount of compensation admissible in case of loss/destruction of a Registered article is: -
(a) Amount of actual loss (b) Rs. 50/- (c) Rs. 100/-
(d) As claimed either by the addressee or by the sender.
Ans: - (c) (Clause-170 PO Guide Part-I)

34. Advance Remittance (or Minus Entry) is: -
(a) Cash is received prior to the receipt of the SO/ BO daily account
(b) Cash is received after to the receipt of the SO/ BO daily account
(c) Cash is received in short than as mentioned in the SO/BO daily account
(d) None of the above.
Ans: - (a) (Rule-74, Postal Manual Vol.-VI, Part-III)

35. The word "in transit" means: -
(a) The value of cash/stamps which has been remitted and already accounted at the Cash Office
(b) The value of cash/stamps which has been remitted but not yet accounted at the Cash Office
(c) The value of cash/stamps which has not been remitted to the Cash Office on the same day
(d) None of the above.
Ans: - (b) (Rule-74, Postal Manual Vol.-VI, Part-III)

36. Amount due from a Brach Post Office is: -
(a) Total of closing balance of BO + total amount of transit
(b) Total of closing balance of BO
(c) Authorized cash balance of BO
(d) Total amount of transit of the BO.
Ans: - (a) (Rule-74, Postal Manual Vol.-VI, Part-III)

37. The Sub Office (S.O.) daily account is prepared by the: -
(a) Treasurer of the S.O. (b) Sub-Account PA of the S.O.
(c) Sub-Postmaster of the S.O. (d) None of the above.
Ans: - (c) (Rule-29, Postal Manual Vol.-VI, Part-III)

38. S.O. slip is prepared and sent: -
(a) From H.O. to S.O. (b) From S.O. to B.O. (c) From S.O. to H.O. (d) From S.O. to the o/o the Divisional Superintendent.
Ans: - (a) (Rule-18, Postal Manual Vol.-VI, Part-III)

39. The Treasurer's Cash Book is divided into: -
(a) Only 1 part--- "receipts" (b) Only 1 part--- "payments"
(c) 2 parts---"receipts" & "payments" (d) 3 parts---"receipts", "payments" & "cash/
stamps in transit".
Ans: - (c) (Rule-86, Postal Manual Vol.-VI, Part-III)

40. The maximum weight of an article sent by "Express Parcel Post" is: -
(a) 10 KG (b) 25 KG (c) 30 KG (d) 35 KG.
Ans: - (d)

41. Registered articles addressed to Shri Ramesh, 27, Highway Road, Chegunta will be delivered
(a) only to Shri Ramesh his residential address
(b) to any one residing at the address given above
(c) to a messenger from Shri Ramesh without any authorization letter
(d) none of a, b, c.
Ans. (a) (Clause 36-PO Guide Part-I)

42. If the payee refuses to take Money order, it should be returned for repayment to the remitter
(a) on the same day (b) after keeping it in deposit for 3 days
(c) after keeping it in deposit for 7 days (d) after keeping it in deposit for 15 days
Ans. (c) (Rule 62 of Postal Man, Vol. VI Pt.II)

43. Registered letter addressed to Shri Srinivas could not be delivered as the addressee has left India. In such a case, who will make the remarks on the article for the cause of non- delivery?

(a) Registration Delivery PA (b) APM (Delivery)
(c) Postmaster (d) Postman of that beat
Ans. (d) (Rule 183(2) of Postal Man. Vol.VI Pt.I)

44. Machine franked articles received from the local bank for dispatch indicating the place of origin & date of posting will be date stamped on
(a) Address side (b) back side (c) near the franked impression
(d) need not be date stamped

45. Money order payable to a person without fingers & suffering from leprosy and living in asylum shall be paid
(a) to the payee only after getting witness from literate persons.
(b) to any of the family members of the payee duly witnessed by a literate person.
(c) to a messenger authorized by the family members
(d) to the Head of Asylum on his signing the MO on behalf of such a person.
Ans. (b) (Rule 35 of Postal Man. Vol.VI Pt.II)
46. Franked articles bearing previous day date stamp impressions presented for despatch

(a) can be accepted. (b) can be rejected.
(c) can be accepted after getting date stamp impression of the day of dispatch.
(d) none of a, b, c.
Ans. (c) (Clause11 (10) (viii) (b) of PO Guide Part-I)

47. Who is incharge of Sorting Mail Office?
(a) Mail Guard (b) Mailman (c) Head Record Office (d) Head Sorter
Ans. (d) (Rule 15 of Postal man. Vol.V)

48. Forward bag contains
a) Only closed bags b) bags to be opened by section
c) Articles containing fully prepaid articles d) none of a, b, c.
Ans. (a) Rule 9 of Postal Man. Vol.V)

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