സ്ത്രീകള്‍ എങ്ങിനെ വസ്ത്രം ധരിക്കണം എന്ന് പുരുഷന്‍ നിഷ്ക്കര്‍ഷിക്കുന്നത് ശരിയോ? അല്ലെങ്കില്‍ തിരിച്ചും?

Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Current Affairs and GK for IPO exam ( Q 1 - 40 )

1. Who authored the book ‘The Science of Bharat Natyam’?
(a) Saroja Vaidyanathan (b) Yamini Krishnamurthi ( c) J. Sushila (d) None of these
Answer a;
2.International Day for Disaster Reduction is observed on:
(a) 9th August (b) 13th October (c) 24th November (d) 11th December
Answer- b;
3. Tianhe 1A, the world’s fastest supercomputer is made by
(a) United States (b) Japan (c) China (d) None of these
Answer : c
4. Which is India’s first ever Pollution Control Warship?
(a) Samudra Prahari (b) Nischaya (c) Varuna (d) None of these
Answer: a
5. Who became India’s youngest grandmaster?
(a) Parimarjan Negi (b) Dronavali Harika (c) Praveen Thipse (d) S P Sethuraman
Answer: d
6. K C Kulich International Award is associated with:
(a) Medicine (b) Economics (c) Journalism (d) Sports
Answer: c
7. ‘Open’ is the autobiography of which sports personality?
(a) Adam Gilchrest b) Glenn Merges (c) Andre Agassiz (d) None of these
8. World Cup Football in 2022 is to be held at:
(a) Qatar (b) UK (c) Spain (d) France
Answer: a
9. Who is the first head of UN WOMEN?
(a) Laura Chinchilla (b) Julia Gillard (c) Mitchell blachettt (d) None of these
Answer: c
10.Which of the following committee is related to Corporatisation of Stock Exchanges?
(a) Bimal Jalan Committee (b) V Achuthan Committee (c) P M Nair Committee (d) None of these
11. Which is India’s newest stock exchange for currency derivatives?
(a) BSE (b) NSE (c) United Stock Exchange (USE) (d) None of these
Answer : c
12. Jeevan Reddy Committee is related to
(a)Illegal mining (b) Armed Forces Special Power Act (c) Environmental Impact Assessment (d) None of these
13. Which of the following scheme is related with social security for unorganised sector?
(a) Swabhiman (b) Sabla (c) Swavalamban (d) None of these
14. Polavaram Project is located in which state?
(a) Andhra Pradesh (b) Maharashtra (c) Madhya Pradesh (d) Karnataka
Answer: a
15. David Perlman Award is given in which field?
(a) Sports (b) Music (c) Photography (d) Journalism
Ans- d
16.Which of the following committee has redefined the definition of Slums?
(a) Pranab Sen Committee(b) Arjun Sen gupta committee (c) C Ibrahim Committee (d) None of these
17. Arrow-III is an anti missile system of
(a) France (b) Pakistan (c) Israel (d) UK
18. India’s first jail BPO is going to came up at:
(a) Bangalore (b) Pune (c) Chennai (d) Hyderabad
Answer: a
19.World’s first aviation university coming up at:
(a) Bangalore (b) Nice (c) Glasgow (d) Venice
Answer: a
20. Khoj lab has been launched by which group?
(a) Future Group (b) dell (c) IBM d) Times group
Answer: a
21. Which of the following became the first smoke Free State in India?
(a) Sikkim (b) Himachal Pradesh (c) Uttarakhand (d) None of these
22. Lightest element:- Hydrogen
Only Metal liquid at room temperature:- Hg Mercury
Tungsten symbol –W
Tin –Sn
Element with maximum number of compounds –Carbon (due to catenation)
22. Which of the following became the Ist Asian Country to sign Free Trade Agreement with European Union?
(a) South Korea (b) China (c) India (d) None of these
23. The Emissary’ is the book authored by:
(a) Tarun Tejpal b) Vinod Mehta (c) Aniruddh Bahl (d) None of these
24. Who is the new PM of Netherlands?
(a) Mark Ruttea (b) Bill Carey (c) Thakshin Sinawatra (d) None of these
25. Who is the new PM of Kosovo?
(a) Hashim Taci (b) N K Name Krumoh (c) Jose Borosso d) None of these
26. Who is the chairman of National Democratic Front of Bodoland?
(a) Paresh Barna (b) Aravind Rajakhowa (c) Ranjan Daimary (d) None of these
27. With which of the following countries India has not signed civil nuclear agreement?
(a) Namibia (b) Sweden c) Mongolia (d) Argentina
28. Who is the PM of Sweden?
(a) Fredrick Rainfeldt (b) Silvio Berlusconi (c) Garry Wanders (d) None of these
29. APEC Summit in November 2010 was held at :
(a) Yokohama (b) Sydney (c) Singapore (d) Busan
Answer a;
30. Which public sector bank was the banking partner in Commonwealth Games 2010?
(a) Central Bank of India (b) State Bank of India (c) Bank of Baroda (d) None of these
31. Who is the new vice chief of army staff?
(a) V.K. Singh (b) A.S. Lamba (c) C. Shekhawat (d) None of these
Answer : b
32. Who has become the vice president of ICC?
(a) Ehsaan Mani (b) John Mulford (c) Alan Isaac (d) Molcom Speed
Answer: c
33. Who is the Director General of National Investigation Agency ?
(a) R.V. Raju (b) Ved Marwah (c) K.F. Rustomji (d) Sharad Chandra Sinha
Answer: d
34. Who is the Director of National Security Guard?
(a) R.K. Medhekar (b) J.K Dutt (c) B.K. Banerjee (d) None of these
Answer: a
35. Who of the following Indian got the Australia Day achievement medal 2010?
(a) V.P. Unnikrishnan (b) Sandeep Pandey (c) Vandana Shiva (d) None of these
Answer: a
36. Which of the following country became the 187th member of IMF?
(a) Marshall Islands (b) Tuvalu (c) Fiji (d) None of these
Answer: b
37. India’s second National Institute of Design will come up at which of the following
(a) Amethi (b) Jorahat (c) Aizowl (d) Itanagar
Ans- b
38. Benghazi is a port of:
(a) Libya (b) Yemen (c) Egypt (d) None of these
Answer: a
39. Jakhol Sankri Hydro Electric Project has been commissioned at
(a) Uttarakhand (b) Himachal Pradesh (c) J&K (d) Arunachal Pradesh
Answer: a
40. ‘Home Boy’ is a novel written by
(a) H M Naqvi (b) H S Narula (c) Anand Sarkar d) Stephen Lipsett
Ans- a

Courtesy : Praveen kumar http://akulapraveen.blogspot.com/

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