സ്ത്രീകള്‍ എങ്ങിനെ വസ്ത്രം ധരിക്കണം എന്ന് പുരുഷന്‍ നിഷ്ക്കര്‍ഷിക്കുന്നത് ശരിയോ? അല്ലെങ്കില്‍ തിരിച്ചും?

Monday, June 30, 2014

99 things that make people happier

Although genes have a lot to do with our personal happiness, life circumstances and our own choices seem to play a part.

Identifying what makes people "feel good" is difficult not only because happiness is subjective, but it's also not always clear if certain activities make people happy or if happier people are more likely to engage in these activities. 

Also, happiness isn't a set level. You may have to work to be happier, but investing in, for example, thinking more like an optimist, could help you raise your baseline happiness levels. 

The following list of ideas for finding or maintaining happiness provides something for everyone (which is why some suggestions may appear contradictory). It includes simple tricks that have been shown to boost people's moods, traits associated with happier people, and places where happy people live.

Quick fixes 

1. Draw pictures of unhealthy food, like cupcakes and pizza. 

2. Organize your bedroom. 

3. Write your worries on a piece of paper and seal them in an envelope. 

4. Focus exactly on what you're doing right now. 

5. Have more sex. 

6. Having sex with one partner delivers even more happiness. 

7. Volunteer for religious groups and organizations. 

8. Play with puppies. 

9. Identify a creative moment- like playing chess or skiing - that provides an effortless state of enjoyment. 

10. Smile more. 

11. Faking a smile also works. 

12. Exercise. 

13. Give more hugs. 

14. Write notes of gratitude. 

15. Listen to upbeat music. 

16. Take a yoga class. 

17. Join a religious congregation. 

18. Laugh more. 

19. Visualize your best possible future self. 

20. Expose yourself to more of the color blue. 

21. Meditate. 

22. Hold hands.

23. Watch a tragic movie, like "Titanic."

24. Finish a crossword puzzle in less than 10 minutes.

25. Breath in the smell of dirt.

26. Drink a cup of coffee.

27. Stop eating junk foods.

28. Take a 30-minute walk.

29. Plan a getaway.

30. Then, enjoy your vacation.

31. Yawn.

32. Get a massage.

33. Get outdoors.

34. Eat more shrimp and salmon.

35. Read something for fun.

36. Stop compulsively checking your phone.

37. Watch a funny television show in fast-forward.

38. Try not to think about hell.

39. Compliment your partner.

40. Take in the smell of fresh-baked bread.

41. Ski, instead of snowboarding.

42. Go shopping.

Develop better daily habits

43. Get a good night's sleep.

44. But wake up early.

45. Make your bed in the morning.

46. Eat breakfast.

47. Make sure to get in seven servings of fruit and vegetables a day.

48. Eat lunch on the beach.

49. Or, spend lunch working out.

50. Limit how much time you spend on Facebook.

51. Everyday, make a list of three good things that happened.

52. Squeeze in 20 minutes of physical activity.

53. Document daily accomplishments.

54. Limit how much overall time you spend in front of the television.

55. Sit up straight.

Longer-term lifestyle decisions and changes

56. Be both an optimist and realist.

57. Get married.

58. Make $75,000 a year, and no more.

59. Don't smother your kids.

60. Or try to be a "supermom."

61. Have one child.

62. Breast-feed your baby.

63. Have a job, especially if you're a mom.

64. Have at least 10 good friends.

65. Control your ambition.

66. Maintain a position of power either at work, with friends, or in a relationship.

67. Cherish your relationship with your mom.

68. Be grateful for what you already have.

69. Less small talk, more substantial conversations.

70. Remember good experiences and forget the bad ones.

71. Put your cash toward many small pleasures rather than a few big ones.

72. Also, spend money on experiences rather than products.

73. Foster a strong relationship with at least one parent.

74. Spend money on things that give you more free time to participate in fun activities.

75. Surround yourself with happy people.

76. Spend money on other people instead of yourself.

77. Master a new skill.

78. Stop comparing yourself to others.

79. Shorten your commute to work.

80. Own a pet.

81. Take lots of photographs.

82. Participate in sports

83. Always look your best.

84. Think about the good times.

85. And remember the bad times through rose-colored glasses.

86. Gossip.

87. Don't concentrate on trying to be happy.

88. Do household chores (if you're a man).

89. Become a research or teaching assistant.

90. Have a positive sense of the future.

91. Attend college in California.

Happiness associated with circumstance and location

92. Being extroverted.

93. Being taller.

94. Being an only child.

95. Education.

96. Old age.

97. Living in Australia.

98. Also, Norway, Sweden, or Denmark.

99. And Lincoln, NE.

Source : http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/99-things-that-make-people-happier/articleshow/37396884.cms

Postal Exam : Update as on 29/06/2014 - Schedule of Paper II (Computer Skill Test)

Postal Exam : Update as on 29/06/2014

Schedule of Paper II (Computer Skill Test) for the following Postal Circles is as follows:

Postal Circles
Exam Date
Exam Time
Haryana (17),
Kerala (22)            
12 & 13 July 2014
09:00 AM onwards in Batches of 2hr each. Please check your Admit Card for timings
Candidates for the above mentioned Postal Circles may check their status for Paper I by Logging into the website. Candidates, shortlisted to appear in the Paper II, may download the Admit Cards.
Please keep visiting the website for exam schedules for other Postal Circles & updates.

Answer Keys of Paper I conducted on May 25, 2014 at Andhra Pradesh (11) Postal Circle is now accessible. Candidates may LOGIN to view & post observations, if any, till July 04, 2014



1. Drink plenty of water.

2. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a begger.

3. Eat more food that grow on trees and plants. Eat less food that is manufactured in plants (carbohydrates).

4. Live with the 3 E’s – Energy, Enthusiasm, and Empathy.

5. Make time for prayer and reflection.

6. Play more games.

7. Read more books than you did last year.

8. Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day.

9. Sleep for at least 7 hours a day.


10. Take a 10-30 minute walk every day and while you walk, smile.

11. Do not compare your life with others’, you have no idea what their journey is all about.

12. Do not have negative thoughts or things you cannot control, instead invest your energy in the positive present moment.

13. Do not over do; keep your limits.

14. Do not take yourself so seriously; no one else does.

15. Do not waste your precious energy on gossip.

16. Dream more while you are awake.

17. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.

18. Forget issues of the past. Do not remind your partner with his or her mistakes of the past; that will ruin your present happiness.

19. Life is too s hort to waste time hating anyone. Don’t hate others.

20. Make peace with your past, so it will not spoil your present.

21. No one is in charge of your happiness except you.

22. Realize that life is a school and you are here to learn. Problems are simply part of curriculum that appear and fade away but the lessons you learn will last a lifetime.

23. Smile and laugh more.

24. You do not have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.


25. Call your family often.

26. Each day give something good to others.

27. Forgive everyone for everything.

28. Spend time with people over the age of 70 and under the age of six.

29. Try to make at least three people smile each day.

30. Your job will not take care of you when you are sick. Your family and friends will. Stay in touch.


31. Do the right thing.

32. Get rid of anything that is not useful, beautiful or joyful.

33. Forgiveness heals everything.

34. However good or bad a situation is, will change.

35. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.

36. The best is yet to come.

37. When your are awake, alive in the morning, don’t take it for granted- Embrace life.

38. Your inner most is always happy, so be happy and ENJOY LIFE.

39. Have faith and believe yourself. Patience pays,


40. Grow your relationship with God.

Thanks to : Sakthy Subramani

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Secretary General , NFPE writes to Secretary ( Posts ) on incalculable miseries and untold suffering to the operative staff in CBS rolled out offices

1st Floor, North Avenue Post office Building, New Delhi - 110001

Ref: PF/NFPE/CBS                                                                       Dated – 27.06.2014
Ms Kaveri Banerjee
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan, New Delhi – 110001
Sub: -  Incalculable miseries and untold suffering to the operative staff in CBS rolled out offices – Immediate remedial and rescue operations sought for – reg.

At the outset, we appreciate the efforts leads to technological advancements and extend our fullest cooperation in the journey to reach the desired goals of implementing innovative customer centric services and operational efficiency enhancement by inducting state of art technology.
But to our dismay, the CBS migrated offices are now facing incalculable miseries and untold sufferings due to lack of adequate network capabilities and software support of the vendors. The following are the issues to be set right in war foot manner at the initial stage itself otherwise leads to garboil and distress among the stake holders especially among the working staff.
1)      Insufficient bandwidth Network:
            Providing of strong and stable network is base of successful implementation of India Post project.   Now almost all HOs have been given 2 MBPS bandwidth line, LSG SOs 512 KBPS line and B and C class offices have been given 256 KBPS line. If ‘India Post Project-2012’ is fully implemented, all the work of Post Offices will depend on these network. Present bandwidth speed is very less and due to low bandwidth, Finacle page is either not opening and  some time opening very slowly.   Due to this PO staff are forced to work up to night 10 pm many days. In many occasions in every CBS migrated office, the ‘Login’ is inconsistent and for each transaction “Login” is forced.
If CSI and PLI are migrated and placed on this network the situation may further worsen. Hence we request to provide at least 4 MB bandwidth line to HOs, 2 MB bandwidth line to LSG SOs and 1 MB bandwidth line to B and C class offices.
2) Failure of Sify:
            In India Post Project 2012, NI Vender is Sify. On observation of quality and quantity of service being provided by them it is very much proved that  M/S Sify is incapable to give service to this  big department.  They do not have sufficient skilled manpower and it seems that they are not intending to give good quality service also.   At initial stage itself they have not made proper survey of all offices.  Before installing and commissioning they were very keen on taking installation report from concerned Postmasters/Sub Postmasters. 
            It is told that, as per MOU, all offices should be provided with NSP-1 and NSP-2 lines.  In almost all offices, NSP-1 is BSNL line and NSP-2 is either Sify line or Airtel datacard.   It is observed that in many offices they have installed Airtel datacard ,where as  Airtel signal is  not available at that place.
            It is also observed that M/S Sify is not recharging Airtel datacard  installed.  Instead they are recharging on receipt of complaint from concerned offices.  By doing this they are deviating from MOU and leaving the staff in the field in distress.
3) Finacle Problem:
            If we come to Finacle part, it is another tragedy.   Initially it was boosted that Finacle is fully foolproof software and successfully implemented in many banks.  We could not understand why Infosys is not utilizing experience gained in banks and  implementing  here.  There are so many bugs in the software and  more surprisingly  even after lapse of 6 months of implementation, nothing is changed.   All the issues raised at the time of January-2014 is still not resolved.  Moreover Finacle server becomes inaccessible many time in peak business hours or responds very slow. It is a naked truth that we are losing clientle and distancing from the customers only due to faulty service of vendors.
4) Lack of Guidance:
            No separate rulings are received to suit Finacle Environment. No authorities are giving authoritative guidance on many issues. 
For example
·         Role of SOSB in HO after implementation of Finacle at SOs,
·         Role of SBCO at HO
·         Fate of manual records on transfer accounts from one Finacle office to other etc.
5) Supply of Printers and Computers:
            At initial stage  new Computers and printers are supplied to pilot offices.  Rest of the offices are having   more than 5 year old  Computers and Printers  which are not suitable to present scenario.  Administration is pressing  hard to migrate offices without supplying required hardware. The old computers and peripherals either to be revamped or replaced to make it compatiable to the present environment.
6) Problem of User credentials:
            One each User credential is given to  trained staff.  But it is not clearly told what action to be taken while SPM/PA goes on leave especially in B class offices.   As sharing of  user credential is very  risky and dangerous, alternative arrangement  should be made immediately.
7) Due to slow network and frequent failure of server customers of the department are frustrated and moving out the department and needed immediate attention.
8. You may aware that we are struggling with outdated Computers and peripherals, which were purchased during the year 2000 to 2005 and immediate supply of needy new hardware to ensure the technological transformation in and effective manner.
9. Even proper up gradation of CPU is not made in many areas and the Software loaded is upto Windows XP in most of the offices. Presently it is a fact that windows XP is not supported by the Microsoft with updates.
10. Finacle can be better loaded with Windows 7 and hence the officers at ground level are pressurized to use pirated version of Windows 7, which may lead to litigation with Microsoft apart from non supporting with updates.
11. The MOU made with M/s Sify, for net work integration is limiting to low bandwidth such as 256 Kbps to 512 Kbps in many areas, serving with 1 server and 4 to 5 nodes, resulting in sluggish connectivity and takes hours together to transform the data. This results in hang over and the transactions could not be able to be made at the instant, as the Department expects, It requires atleast 2 to 4 Mbps and M/s Sify refused to increase the bandwidth now.
12. Further in the Data Centre, it requires to the level of 400 Mbps on the Network to receive the Data transmitted at a time from all the 680 offices but Sify is learnt to be provided with a minimum of 200 Mbps capacity. This affects the receipt of data from the end users at a time and take hours to complete the process. Further expansion is required when there is further migration.
13. The area of occupation in the main server at Mumbai maintained by M/S Reliance Ltd. is also not sufficient, which results in sluggish transmission of data from the entire 680 offices at present, at a time and even the validation cannot be made before 8:00 PM or 10:00 PM on all the days.
14. End of day process cannot be made even on daily basis and the staff have to wait for the nod from the Infosys even after midnights on several days and at times it can be made on the next day morning. Even the women employees are compelled to complete the EOD process in midnights and their husbands or wards waiting till midnights to take them to home.
15. Even the Help desk provided is not answering and the end users are taken to task and receiving brick bats from the irate public.
16. This results in closing of accounts in large numbers that too, can be made not on the date of presentation but after few days and our Department looses large chunk of customers, because of the miscalculations, wrong estimations and over ambitious activities and inadequate technological support.
17. Even the first and prestigious ATM of our Department unveiled by the ex Finance Minister Sri. P. Chidambaram at T. Nagar HO is not functioning from the date of installation and only 10 ATM cards are supplied on the first instant, that too only to the staff and some friendly users of T. Nagar HPO. But the ATM is provided with 24x7 A/C and a paid Guard, making huge loss to the Department and receiving severe criticism from the Print media.
18. The women employees should be relieved from this area of operation, till the situation improves, in order to avoid late night stays at offices inviting gender problems and unsafe returns to their home at midnights.
19. Further, adequate hardware and infrastructure should be given immediately to the CBS migrated offices with sufficient man power and proper remuneration for the extended hours, the staffs re serving.
20. In spite of all above cited problems the Postal staff is being worked on finacle software as matter of challenge and trying to give best services to the customers. In spite of all efforts the customers are not satisfying/delighting which hampers the reputation of the department. No PO which is upgraded with finacle are being closed before 8 PM every day. We are ready to work hard provided, solution for above problems are to be solved.
It is requested to sort out all the issues arising out of the CBS Migration and all the vendors need to be instructed to provide all the technological support as required by the field staff. As this is the pilot and sorting stage, if we failed to pull up the vendors to the level of expectation and necessity, later full implementation, restoration may be difficult with this vendor support.
It is further requested to spare some time and provide opportunity to present and brief our case in person for the welfare of our department staff and the clientle. Your immediate intervention as if house on fire is requested.
A line in reply is highly appreciated.
With profound regards,
Yours faithfully,
(M. Krishnan)
Secretary General
Source : http://nfpe.blogspot.in/

How to Prepare for Competitive Examinations

Every student will have their own and different pattern to prepare for competitive exams. Most common method is byheart the subject. But it’s not so useful method for further use. So first we have to understand the subject what we are going to prepare. For example when we are preparing for groups at first we should have to know the syllabus. And then get the examination pattern and view the previous exam papers. And then we will get a basic idea about what we have to prepare.
Now in this article you’ll get some basic and most useful tips for preparing competitive exams and how to get success in an easy way. So follow our ultimate tips about competitive exams and get success at first attempt.

Follow Schedule Timings:

Most successful people say’s that they prepared for competitive exams for minimum 12 to 14 hours per a day. But every one doesn’t need that much of time. Because when we do this type of study we can’t understand the content perfectly and there are chances to loss our memory permanently. So we have to give a gap between preparations. For example we have to do study 2 hours and then give half an hour gap and then prepare another 2 hours. This type of study gives you mind relaxation and it gives most strength to prepare for exams.

Important Content Preparing:

Another common mistake every one do’s that they read every lesson page to page, each and every word of the lesson. In this method they will forget the important content of the lesson and they remember only the simple and straight forward method in the lesson. To escape from this type of problem at first once we have to read the lesson and underline the important matter in the lesson. And we have to note down the important content in a separate book. Because, writing is a one of the great methods to remember the important matters in the subject and it is also a helpful technique to improve our writing skills for obtaining good marks in exams.

Reading Books Regularly:

For some examinations we have to do too hard work. Hard work means not to expose physical stamina. That means we have to read number of books and need to gather useful content. For example if we want to know about the topic ‘geography’ we read only one book about the subject. But only one book does not give complete information about the geography. So we should need to read number of alternative books about geography. Like this, when we start reading any particular subject we need to read number of alternative books. So it gives much information about the subject. For useful books we should need to go to library every day.

Conduct Self Examinations:

We have to examine by ourselves it will gives good hand writing, memory and time saving in competitive exam. At first collect previous year examination papers and then conduct exam by yourself. Prepare new question papers by yourself or by your lecturers or experts. It will help to increase student’s mental stamina. Like this we have to self-examine number of times. In many top and successful coaching centers this is a most common method they use to prepare their students properly. For good own preparation there are number of question banks, study materials are published by experts and available in market.

What We Have To Prepare?

Prepare toughest problems at first and apply easy methods to solve the problems. And then go for the easy one. Thus, you can save the time for exam. Read important paragraphs and questions then go for other questions. When you know perfectly about the subject then teach that subject to your friends. That increases your memory power.

Competitive Spirit:

In competitive exams we can’t get success at once. We can able to receive failure and success equally once we failure in the exam it’s not means that we cannot get the success forever. Failure is the first step for success. So that’s why we have to prepare mentally strong to receive the result. We need to know about those people who got success already in previous competitive exams. It is not important to obtain their methods but it gives an inspiration for our career. This is called competitive spirit it’s very important for those who trying for success very hardly.


To prepare competitive exams coaching is a very important thing because we can read number of books for preparation but we cannot understand everything so easily. That’s why we have to approach our lecturers or advisers that who can explain it easily to you. For this, there are so many coaching centers are available. In coaching institutes the faculty is more experienced and they will give correct advice to solve the problems and how to prepare for exams in a simple way.

Discuss The Subject With Friends:

When we know a little about the subject we should need to express the doubts with your friends and core students. And it boost up our eagerness to know more about the subject and you can request your friends to know more about the subject and make a discussion about it at weekly once. And it gives fresh thoughts how to prepare for competitive exams.

Before The Examination:

Before examination we don’t have to read because it makes stress in our mind. Just we have to rewind the whole syllabus what we prepared previously. Some people take books in examination center and then read them so eagerly before the exam. In that time only some answers of questions will keep in our mind that what we read at last. So it’s becomes a big problem in an exam because we can’t get back answers of other questions quickly. So only we can write one question answer perfectly what we read before the exam eagerly. So we have to avoid reading before the examination time.

In Examination Time:

Few minutes before the examination we should have to relax ourselves and then read the question paper first to last and mark the questions what you can answer perfectly. Maintain good hand writing give a space between Para to Para and word to word. Write answers in an order. When you are writing objective type test first mark the answers that you know perfectly. Leave what you don’t know because in competitive exam you can gain negative marks for wrong answers. That’s why carefully answer the question. After marking the well-known answers you go for the next what you don’t know the question answers. But don’t waste the time because time is very important while competitive exams. Five minutes before the exam time coming to over you have to recheck the answer sheet that you can sure you didn’t make any mistake.

So friends follow our tips if useful and get success in competitive exams. God bless you and best of luck.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Pay Structures for 7th Pay Commission proposed at NC JCM Staff Side

NFIR has published in its website the proposed Pay Structures for 7th Pay Commission as discussed at the internal meeting of NC JCM Staff Side. This is not the final structure to be suggested by the NC JCM Staff Side.

POSTIV CPCV CPCVI CPCRatio between the
minimum in 5th CPC
and the Proposed
Minimum wage. By considering gradual decrease in multiple factor to ensure rationale between lowest pay to highest as 1:8
PBPay in PBGPPay + GP





S-4825-15-900-20-12002750-70-3800-75-44005200-2020055301800733026000 / 2550 = 0.226010260003.55260003.55
S-5950-20-1150-25-15003050-75-3950-80-45905200-202005880190077803050 x 10.231110310003.98
S-6975-25-1150-30-1540, 975-25-1150-30-16603200-85-49005200-202006069200080603200 x 10.232640330004.09330004.09
S-71200-30-1440-30-1800, 1200-30-1560-40-2040, 1320-30-1560-40-20404000-100-60005200-202005200240098404000 x 10.240800410004.166410004.17
S-81350-30-1440-40-1800-50-2200; 1400-40-1800-50-23004500-125-70005200-2020052002800111704500 x 10.245900460004.12460004.12
S-91400-40-1600-50-2300-60-2600; 1600-50-2300-60-26605000-150-80009300-3480093004200135005000 x 10.251000510003.77
S-101640-60-2600-75-29005500-175-90009300-3480093004200144305500 x 10.256100560003.88560003.88
S-112000-60-21206500-200-69009300-3480093004200162906500 x 10.266300663004.05
S-122000-60-2300-75-3200; 2000-60-2300-75-3200-35006500-200-105009300-3480093004600162906500 x 10.165650670004.05660004.05
S-132375-75-3200-100-3500;  2375-75-3200-100-3500-125-37507450-225-115009300-3480093004600184607450 x 10.174500740004.06
S-142500-40007500-250-120009300-3480093004800187507500 x 10.074250740003.95740003.95
S-152200-75-2800-100-40008000-275-135009300-3480093005400202808000 x 9.878400780003.846
New Scale (Group A Entry)2200-75-2800-100-40008000-275-1350015600-39100156005400210008000 x 9.878400780003.71
S-162630 fixed900015600-39100156005400221409000 x 9.888200880003.97
S-172630-75-27809000-275-955015600-39100156005400221409000 x 9.888200880003.97880003.97
S-183150-100-335010325-325-1097515600-391001560066002581010325 x 9.699120990003.83
S-193000-125-3625; 3000-100-3500-125-4500; 3000-100-3500-125-500010000-325-1520015600-391001560066002520010000 x 9.696000960003.809
S-203200-100-3700-125-470010650-325-1585015600-391001560066002641010650 x 9.61022401020003.861020003.86
S-213700-150-4450; 3700-125-700-150-500012000-375-1650015600-391001560076002992012000 x 9.41128001130003.776
S-223950-125-4700-150-500012750-375-1650015600-391001560076003132012750 x 9.41198501200003.83
S-233700-125-4950-150-570012000-375-1800015600-391001560076002992012000 x 9.41128001130003.776120000
S-2441-125-4850-150-5300; 4500-150-570014300-400-1830037400-670003740087004610014300 x 9.21315601320002.86
S-254800-150-570015100-400-1830037400-670003740087004839015100 x 9.21389201390002.871390002.87
S-265100-150-5700; 5100-150-6150; 5100-150-5700-200-630016400-450-2000037400-670003740089004859016400 x 9.01476001480003.045
S-275100-150-6300-200-670016400-450-2090037400-670003740089004859016400 x 9.01476001480003.0451480003.05
S-284500-150-5700-200-730014300-450-2240037400-6700037400100004740014300 x 8.81258401260002.658
S-295900-200-6700; 5900-200-730018400-500-2240037400-6700037400100005470018400 x 8.81619201620002.961620002.96
S-30, HAG Scale7300-100-760022400-525-2450037400-6700037400120006385022400 x 8.61926401930003.02
S-31, HAG+ Scale7300-200-7500-250-800022400-600-2600075500-800007550007550022400 x 8.61926401930002.5561930002.57
S-32 HAG+ Scale7600; 7600-100-800024050-650-2600075500-800007550007776524050 x 8.42020202020002.5972020002.60
S-33 Fixed Apex Scale8000 fixed26000 fixed80000 fixed8000008000026000 x 8.22132002130002.662130002.66
S-33 Fixed Cab. Sec.9000 fixed30000 fixed90000 fixed9000009000030000 x 82400002400002.6662400002.67