സ്ത്രീകള്‍ എങ്ങിനെ വസ്ത്രം ധരിക്കണം എന്ന് പുരുഷന്‍ നിഷ്ക്കര്‍ഷിക്കുന്നത് ശരിയോ? അല്ലെങ്കില്‍ തിരിച്ചും?

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Daily Account Data Transfer Tool

Salient Features:

1.No login Required

2.No need to Browse for daily account folder

3.No need to Zip the Daily account folder.

4.No need to delete the Zip folder after transmission

5.No need to delete the Daily Account Folder after transmission

6.One click enough to transfer Daily account files using Gmail accounts.

7.Standardized subject text for Easy download by using search option

8.easy to use.

9.May be scheduled to execute.

Click Here to Download

Thanks to :

System Manager,
Kannamangalam S.O-632 311.
email: aarabii.p@gmail.com

When your Heart beats faster, Consult a Doctor

It's something like listening to Trance. A genre of chest thumping music, which maintains a tempo of 125 beats per minute steadily. Imagine when your heart beats like that continuously albeit for a minute or so. The inevitable conclusion, obviously, is that something is wrong with the heart.
Increased heartbeat is natural when someone is excited, frightened, anxious or exercising. The moment anxiety wears off or the person takes rest, heart beat returns to normal. But what if, it starts beating faster and faster for no apparent reason? Just like the steady beat in Trance music!

Modern living
Well! That does happen to many people and they call it palpitation, a condition which is being reported widely among youngsters and the elderly alike, thanks a variety of reasons, mostly attributed to the ways of modern living. It's not uncommon nowadays to hear about someone being rushed to hospital with the complaint of palpitation.
To put it simply, the erratic behaviour of the most vital organ could be due to a coronary blockage or the heart's intricate electrical system going haywire. The other causative reasons could be the heart being unable to pump blood with normal pressure, to compensate which the beat is increased, or endocrine causes like thyroid disturbances or even anaemic conditions too can trigger bouts of palpitations.
Cardiac arrest
A coronary blockage or a clot starves part of the heart of oxygenated blood damaging the heart muscle itself and it could lead to a heart attack, which could be lethal if not treated in time. (A cardiac arrest is different from a heart attack. Cardiac arrest, which could affect a healthy heart, simply means the heart suddenly stops pumping blood properly either due to heart's electrical system getting scrambled or for any other reason too).
Cardiologists say mostly people do not report palpitations as the episodes last for a few minutes. While there could be some benign inexplicable reasons causing palpitations, its better to undergo the coronary diagnostic tests.
“Having a block in the vessel is no big deal nowadays. We can treat them effectively, if only we know the condition of the heart. Sadly, people rush to hospital only when the situation worsens', rues Dr. Pramod Kumar Kuchulakanti, an interventional cardiologist in Yashoda Hospital. Not all people suffering from palpitations have clots in their vessels. Simply, heart's electrical system could have some problems, he explains.
SA Node
So what causes the heart beat? Heart contracts and expands on stimulation due to an electric impulse which is generated by a Sinus Atrial Node (SA Node). This impulse travels in a pre-determined path and ends up at the Atrio Ventricular Node (AV Node) and then to the Bundles and lands at the ventricles causing the heart to contract or expand. This activity continues ceaselessly as long as one is alive.
This SA Node controls the rate variations. For example, when you begin your morning exercise the SA Node generates more impulses. Let's say if you jog for 30 minutes the heart beat could reach 150 times a minute. Your anxiety levels (or perhaps during a job interview or when an elder sees you smoking), could force the SA Node to generate more electric impulses. When you sleep, the same node would reduce quantum of impulses and reduce the heart beat. These impulses are not randomly transmitted to the heart muscle. But they pass through a regulator called AV Node. This is something like a traffic light at a junction to regulate the movement of vehicles or impulses in this case.
Cardiologists are unable to pinpoint the reasons, but they say sometimes these electric impulses travel on a bypass tract unregulated without taking the normal route from SA Node to AV Node. When the unregulated impulses reach the muscle directly, heart beats faster. In such cases, specialists use small dose of radio frequency energy to burn the abnormal route forcing the impulses to use the original route.
Many causes
Causes for palpitations could be many. But if you see someone falling unconscious while complaining of palpitations, you must shift the patient to a hospital immediately. Falling unconscious means, the heart is beat faster without it actually pumping blood. That means there is diminished supply of oxygenated blood to the brain. Brain is like a hard drive which conks out when it starved of good blood. And when it conks out, it could be lethal. So the moral is that if you feel your heart is beating faster, it's better to consult a cardiologist and undergo basic diagnostic tests.
Courtesy : www.thehindu.com

Early Diagnosis is key to Life

Treatment of Tumours requires intensive and painstaking investigation and follow-up
Deutsche Hirntumorhilfe, the German Brain Tumour Association, has earmarked June 8 to spread awareness about brain tumours, which according to it, is a little-known disease that costs one's life even before it is diagnosed.
When K.N. Shankar was asked to read the Snellen eye chart at Rajan Eye Hospital in T. Nagar, sometimes he would ignore the optometrist's request. His wife said he had retired voluntarily from an active job and was very quiet of late. Was he depressed, wilful, or malingering? An ophthalmologist who examined him earlier had termed him ‘malingerer'. Mr. Shankar's bewildered wife thought it was depression. The puzzled doctors referred him to senior consultant Mohan Rajan.

“I let him walk up and down the corridor outside my office for two hours and then it struck me that a tumour could be pressing down the optic nerves. A CT scan confirmed my suspicion,” Dr. Mohan said. Within a week, the tumour was removed and after a course of radiation therapy, Mr. Shankar became his jovial self and could see clearly. “He has started singing, a hobby for which he gave up his job. He laughs and talks like he used to before,” his wife said.
In case of malignant tumours, there are fewer chances of survival. It requires intensive and painstaking investigation and follow-up. At Rajan Eye Hospital, at least 70 patients have been treated for benign brain tumours in the past decade. “Diagnosing the tumour is difficult and sometimes a suspicion could trigger further tests. It is a technique I have learnt from my father,” said Dr. Mohan, managing director of the hospital.
Gautam Chand, 34, was saved from an unwanted cataract surgery thanks to his uncle Dilip Jain, who suggested that he seek a second opinion. His condition was due to a tumour in the pituitary gland area, which was weakening his optic nerves. “After the removal of tumour and a few weeks radiation therapy which ended in March, I can see better,” Mr. Gautam said.
Dr. Mohan who treated these patients said none of them came with the usual symptoms of brain tumour such as double vision, headache or vomiting. But all of them had a unifying condition: the tumour pressed on the optic nerve, slowly but steadily affecting sight.
“I conducted [visual] field acuity tests to check if their peripheral vision was lost. It requires experience to suspect a brain tumour,” said Dr. Mohan, who has since the 1990s, treated around 70 persons with benign brain tumours.
The challenge is to remove the tumour completely. And for this, the patient has to undergo radiation. In some cases, it could be for several months. “It is important to diagnose it early before sight is lost. Some patients have lost sight because they were referred late,” he said.
Courtesy : www.thehindu.com

Conducting of LDCE for promotion to the cadre of Inspector Posts (68.66%) Departmental quota for the year 2012

Conducting of LDCE for promotion to the cadre of Inspector Posts (68.66%) Departmental quota for the year 2012

To view Department of Posts (Recruitment Division) letter No. A-34012/7/2012-DE dated 7th June, 2012 on the above subject please Click here.



( Courtesy :  AB Kantharaja, Mobile 08969822340, http://abkantharaja.blogspot.in)

Published by : http://rmssa.blogspot.in/


( Courtesy : AB Kantharaja, Mobile 08969822340, http://abkantharaja.blogspot.in)

Published by : http://rmssa.blogspot.in/


(Courtesy : AB Kantharaja, http://abkantharaja.blogspot.in)
Published by : http://rmssa.blogspot.in/


(Paper I Qn 26-50)

Qn No  37- Ans is B
Qn No 48 - Ans is C
Qn No 49- Ans is C

Courtesy : http://abkantharaja.blogspot.in/ & http://rmssa.blogspot.com/

Friday, June 08, 2012

Incentive scheme for delivery of letters carrying Aadhar number of the residents.

No. 18-46/2011-BD&MD
Government of India
Ministry of Communications & IT
Department of Posts
Business Development & Marketing Directorate
Dak Bhawan, New Delhi — 110 001.
30th May, 2012
Subject: Incentive scheme for delivery of letters carrying Aadhar number of the residents.
 Department of Posts (DoP) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) on 30 April, 2010 wherein the DoP agreed to offer postal and mall services to UIDAI on the various terms and conditions laid down in the MoU.
2. The Standard Operating Procedure for Printing, Booking, Transmission & Delivery of letters carrying Aadhar number of the residents has already been circulated to all concerned vide BD&M Directorate letter no. 51-58/2010-BD&MD dated 06.06.2011.
3. It has now been allowed to give incentive to the postmen @ Re 0.50 per letter which are delivered in a timely manner i.e. within 14 days from the date of booking in case of Departmental Delivery Offices & within 17 days from the date of booking in case of Branch Post offices OR within 7 days from the first attempt of delivery whichever is later subject to the condition that the delivery information in respect of all such articles be uploaded on Speed Net.
4. Before the payment of incentive to any postmen, the sanctioning authority shall satisfy himself that the concerned postman had been prompt in delivery of letters for which the incentive is being paid and there was no un-necessary delay at the part of postmen in delivering such letters
5. The terms & conditions as in the case of normal Speed Post articles would be applicable.
(Smita Kumar)
General Manager (SP&


Updating the delivery status of Aadhaar articles now a days creating a headache to the Operating Staffs and also the administrative side also. How it is known this much of article is pending in your office? simple!! Just check the indiapostweb site and you can find a huge thousands of articles pending for updating. But there are some bugs in Indian Postal Dept website. Most of the missent articles are not Updated in website ie; suppose an article numbered UGxxxxxxxxxIN received as missent at YY Office and the same is sent to the correct Post Office by YY, still this article UGxxxxxxxxxIN will be found as not delivered by YY untill the correct postoffice Updates the delivery.

To write this post we have an inspiration; One of our Spm told us that the administrative side pointed out that there are more than 144 UID articles is to be updated; which are shown as Undelivered for More Than 25 days. Among those articles only 3 or 4 article status is to be updated and up to 10-15 articles were received as missent and they have been dispatched.

But the shocking thing is more than 130 UID Aadhaar articles were not received by that office till 05/06/2012 . In the indiapost site these articles are shown as Undelivered More Than 25 days. After long waiting the Bag including article received on06/06/2012. But still these articles are in Undelivered status for more than 25 days.

Is our website is reliable source to instruct our operating staffs in the case of Aadhar Updation. A review in this regard is needed

please see these images.

image 1->This is what we can see when Undeliverd For 25 Days is selected.

image 2->This is what we can see when an article is tracked.