സ്ത്രീകള്‍ എങ്ങിനെ വസ്ത്രം ധരിക്കണം എന്ന് പുരുഷന്‍ നിഷ്ക്കര്‍ഷിക്കുന്നത് ശരിയോ? അല്ലെങ്കില്‍ തിരിച്ചും?

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Stage is set to Popularise Mobile Banking

We are all used to Internet banking system now. But Mobile banking offered by many banks now is claimed to be the fastest system as of now for personal banking transactions.

This service is known as IMPS (Inter bank Mobile Payment Service).
IMPS offers an instant, 24X7, interbank electronic fund transfer service through mobile phones. IMPS facilitate customers to use mobile instruments as a channel for accessing their bank accounts and put high interbank fund transfers in a secured manner with immediate confirmation features.
Anybody who has a bank account in the banks that provide this service and a mobile phone preferably a smart phone which can download apps provided by the bank can operate this IMPS.

The National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI), is promoted by 10 banks ( State Bank of India, Punjab National Bank, Canara Bank, Bank of Baroda, Union bank of India, Bank of India, ICICI Bank, HDFC Bank, Citibank and HSBC). The Board constitutes of Shri N. R. Narayana Murthy, Chairman, Infosys Technologies Ltd as the Chairman, Nominee from Reserve Bank of India, and Nominees from ten core promoter banks

The following bank offers IMPS presently.
Indian Overseas Bank
YES Bank
Corporation Bank
Oriental Bank of Commerce
Syndicate Bank
Karur Vysya Bank
Punjab National Bank
South Indian Bank
Vijaya Bank
Andhra Bank

How to Use IMPS?

Registration for Remitter:
· Register yourself for mobile banking service with bank
· Get Mobile Money Identifier (MMID) and MPIN from the bank
· Download Software (Application) for mobile banking (ensure the compatibility of mobile with the application) or use the SMS facility in your mobile if your bank provides IMPS on SMS
Registration for Beneficiary:
· Link your mobile number to the account in the respective bank. No need to register formobile banking service.
· Get Mobile Money Identifier (MMID) from the bank
For Remitter (To send money):
· Login to the application and select the IMPS menu from the IMPS or use the SMS facility in your mobile if your bank provides IMPS on SMS
· Get Beneficiary Mobile number and MMID
· Enter Beneficiary Mobile number, beneficiary MMID, Amount and your MPIN to send
· Await confirmation SMS for the debit in your account and credit in beneficiary account
· Note the transaction reference number for any future query
For Beneficiary (To receive money):
· Share your Mobile number and MMID with the remitter
· Ask the remitter to send money using your Mobile number and MMID
· Check the confirmation SMS for credit to your account from the remitter
· Note the transaction reference number for any future query

So far one could transfer the money to other's account in other bank through internet banking or mobile banking but the transaction was not real time. Such transactions were being reconciled through NEFT transactions and such transactions are updated in batches from 9 AM to 7 AM. Thus these transactions are not real time.
But the latest IMPS platform provides for real time money transfer using mobile phone and this is the ultimate beauty of the system. That apart, the system is as secure as the internet banking is. It being a real time service, we would be able to make our payments in any transaction in cash less mode using mobile phone.

How the system works?

Both the remitter and beneficiary need to register their mobile phones with their bank account and should take mobile payment ID known as MMID ( Mobile Money Identifier ) from the bank . MMID is a seven digit number, unique to bank account and linked mobile number and will be used in mobile payment transaction .
For making a payment the process flows like this:-
Step 1: Remitter sends instruction from his/her mobile through his/her bank provided application or SMS.
Step 2: Remitting bank validates the details of the remitter and debits his/ her account. This transaction is sent by the remitting bank to NPCI.
Step 3: Transaction is passed by NPCI to the beneficiary bank. Beneficiary Bank validates the details of the beneficiary customer, credits the account, sends confirmation NPCI about transaction status and sends a sms to the beneficiary customer informing him of the credit.
Step 4: NPCI sends the transaction status to remitting bank which in turn informs the status of the transaction to the Remitter.
Step 5: Remitting bank send a sms confirmation of the transaction to the remitting customer.
To conclude, there are more than 600 Million Mobile users in India and statistics reflects there are 15 to 20 Million new mobile users added every month. In this mammoth background, IMPS has the potential to make a revolution in the banking system.
We were going to bank previously to transact. Now we transact using internet banking, ATM etc. Mobile phones may overtake these channels for the obvious reasons that it is fast, handy and easy to use.
But this may be a reality provided transaction through mobile phones are secured. Since we are in the initial phase as far as IMPS is concerned some people are still apprehensive on the safety angle. But these apprehensions are not backed by facts. People who use IMPS say it is safe.

Govt to give financial assistance Rs. one lakh to Cancer patients

New Delhi, Aug 12, Concerned over the growing incidence of cancer, Government plans to go in for a scheme under which 100 patients in each district would be provided Rs one lakh for treatment, the Lok Sabha was informed today.

Health Minister Ghulam Nabi Azad said that at present the scheme was being run on a pilot basis in 100 districts in 21 states and it would be extended to all districts in a year or two.

Responding to Jai Prakash Agarwal (Cong) during the Zero Hour, the Minister said the way incidence of cancer and diabetes was increasing, the country will soon be having the largest number of persons suffering from the diseases.

Agarwal wanted that the funds available to MPs under MPLADS should be allowed to be made available to institutes like AIIMS and Tata Hospital for the treatment of cancer patients.

He said such help was needed as families of cancer patients become bankrupt while providing the costly medical services. He was supported by Dara Singh Chauhan (BSP) and Sanjiv Naik (NCP).

The Minister said that government would bear all the cost of treatment of cancer patients who live below poverty line and have BPL cards.
Courtesy : http://tkbsen.blogspot.com/

Showing ACR to Subordinate

The Government has issued instructions that with effect from the reporting period 2008-09, the full Annual Performance Assessment Report (APAR) (earlier known as ACR) after completion shall be communicated by the Section entrusted with the maintenance of APAR to the concerned officer. No instructions have been issued to merely show the APAR and obtain any certificate to this effect.

This was stated by the Minister of State in the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions Shri. V. Narayanasamy in written reply to question in the Lok Sabha today.

CGHS-New Empanelment of Hospitals

CGHS had initiated action for empanelment of private hospitals under CGHS, under Continuous Empanelment Scheme, under Continuous Empanelment Scheme,which was notified vide Office Memoranda of even number dated 8th December, 2010 and 19th January 2011.
Further list of hospitals. under the categories mentioned in the document, that have conveyed their acceptance of the CGHS rates in various cities announced and placed on CGHS website and those hospitals have signed the Memorandum of Agreement with CGHS and have also furnished the appropriate performance bank guarantee. These hospitals are also taken as included in the list of approved hospitals for empanelment under CGHS.

The cities in which those hospitals situated are Bengaluru, Chandigarh, Chennai, Hyderabad, Jabalpur, Kanpur, Kolkata, Mumbai, Delhi&NCR and Hyderabad..
The hospitals which have been now approved under the fresh empanelment procedure, will be eligible to treat CGHS beneficiaries at revised rates with effect from the date of issue of letter.

Gol Dak Khana bags again “Sevottam” Certification New Delhi GPO : Torch Bearer of Sevottam :Rameshwari Handa

New Delhi GPO known as Gol Dak Khana have been granted “Sevottam” certification by the Bureau of Indian Standards once again. Disclosing this Ms. Rameshwari Handa Chief Post Master General (Delhi Circle) said here today Gol Dakhana was the first Post Office in India to be conferred the “Sevottam” certification on 11-04-2008 for a period of three years. The same has since been renewed for the second time this year. The efforts made by this Post Office have brought satisfaction to its customers. The customer friendly ambience, small queues, polite & dedicated staff are factors that have made New Delhi GPO a role model for other Post Offices. In India, New Delhi GPO, the torch bearer of the Sevottam model is an example for others to emulate.

Sevottam is a “Service Delivery Excellence Model” developed by the Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances. The certification of the quality of service is as per the standard IS 15700: 2005 developed by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS).

New Delhi GPO is committed to provide high quality mail, parcel and related services to its customers according to well defined service quality norms. The commitment made by this office towards improvement of its services with a customer focus is outlined in the Citizen’s Charter which has been framed on the basis of analysis of customer feedback.

Post Forum Meetings are regularly held and customer feedback obtained in a structured questionnaire in order to check whether customer expectations are being met. Internal audits and Management reviews are also conducted regularly to review the Service Quality Policy, its continued suitability and relevance. The basic idea is to check and modify the services as per the changing requirements of the customers.

Complaints are being handled through a well documented procedure. The Sevotttam compliant public grievance redressal system has brought out New Delhi GPO as dedicated organisation committed to fulfilling customer needs.

Depression may increase Stroke risk

Depression may increase the chances of women having a stroke, research suggests.
A large six-year study found that a history of depression increased the risk of stroke in post-menopausal women by 29%.
Women who used common antidepressants such as Prozac had a 39% higher risk. But scientists said they did not believe the drugs were to blame and urged women not to stop taking their medication.
The 80,574 women were all participants in the Nurses' Health Study, a major US research project focusing on factors influencing the long-term health of nurses. All had no prior history of stroke and were aged between 54 and 79.
Researchers assessed depressive symptoms using a standard scoring system called the Mental Health Index.
Anti-depressant use was reported every two years beginning in 1996. For six years from 2000, a record was kept of the number of strokes occurring among the women.
Compared with women without a history of depression, depressed individuals were more likely to be single, smokers and less physically active. They were also slightly younger, heavier, and prone to more co-existing conditions such as high blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes.
A significant association between stroke and depression was seen even after adjusting for other risk factors.
The research has been published in the American Heart Association journal Stroke.
"Depression can prevent individuals from controlling other medical problems such as diabetes and hypertension (high blood pressure), from taking medications regularly or pursuing other healthy lifestyle measures such as exercise," said study leader Dr Kathryn Rextrode, from Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston, US
Source : http://tkbsen.blogspot.com

Find Drivers for unknown device from Hardware ID

After formatting computers it is too difficult to trace out drivers if we do not know the model of motherboard. Here is one simple method to find out drivers of unknown devices with the help of hardware ID.

How to find Hardware ID.
Right click My Computer > Properties > Hardware Tab > Device Manager > Right click the device you want to view > Properties > Details Tab > Select Hardware Id from the list.
How to download drivers
Go to www.devid.info copy and paste the Hardware ID and search. You may find a lot of drivers related to your unknown hardware.

Courtesy : http://doputtur.blogspot.com/

Message from D.G Posts to PM Grade I candidates

Smt Radhika Doraiswamy, Director General Posts while congratulating the successful candidates of the newly created cadre Postmaster Grade I in her message dated 11.08.11, has said that the Postmaster's cadre was designed with great care and expectation and asked the candidates to set an example to others in matters relating to cleanliness of the office, Punctuality and in extending courtesy to the customers.


I am directed to say that the matter regarding grant of officiating pay to Selection Grade officials who held the Selection Grade posts on officiating basis has been under consideration in consultation with Estt. Branch of the Department.
2. As regards filling up the posts of short term vacancies, it has been laid down in Department of Personnel & Training vide their OM No. 28036/8/87-Estt (D) dated 30.3.1988 and Om No. AB.14017/54/2003-Estt (RR) dated 4.12.2003 circulated vide this Department letter No. 137-2/2004-SPB.II dated 13/13thJanuary, 2004 and No. 137-99/2009-SPB.II dated 32.12.2009 that hose employees in the feeder grade who fulfill the eligibility conditions prescribed in the Recruitment Rules should be considered for ad-hoc promotion.
3. Rule 27 of Postal Manual Volume IV provides that for officiating appointments once the list of approved officers are prepared by Department Promotion Committee and finally approved by Government or the appointing authority, no departur4e from the order in the list should ordinarily be made provided that when administrative exigencies require it, a person not in the list or not the first in order in the list , may be appointed for a period not exceeding three months.

4. Rule 50 of Postal Manual Vol. IV provides for officiating arrangement for filling up of vacancies of short duration i.e. not more than one month`s duration and more that four month`s duration in the cadres in which promotion is made from officials working in different stations, sub –divisions or divisions in a circle and in the cadres in which promotion is made from officials in the same office of station. In the case of vacancies of not more than one month`s duration in a Division , officiating arrangement may be confined to the officials at the station where the vacancy occurs even if this involves the supersession of a senior qualified official by a junior official who is actually appointed to act. In the case of a station where there are more offices than one each independent of the others, the officiating promotion may, at the discretion of the sanctioning authority , be confined to the office where the vacancy occurs. In the case of vacancies of more than one month but not exceeding four month`s duration , officiating arrangement may be confined to the officials in the office, sub-division or Division where the vacancy occurs on the same conditions as in the case of preceding clause.
5. Rule 50 also states that in special circumstances in which strict adherence to the above procedure may not be practicable or desirable from the administrative point of view, the sanctioning authority may at his discretion make acting arrangement as per administrative requirements.
6. In view of the above position, officiating arrangements may be made in accordance with Rule 27 or 50 0of Postal Manual Vol. IV or as per the instructions of DOP&T and Ministry of Finance, as the case may be. Such an official who fulfills the criteria laid down in the Recruitment Rules prescribed for such post and is thus eligible to be appointed to higher post is posted to officiate against the norm based supervisory post in LSG, HSG-II and HSG-I cadre on a whole time basis should be remunerated by allowing the pay and allowances in the pay scale/pay band + Grade pay attached to the higher posts, for the period the official continues to officiate in it, provided the provisions of FR-35 are not invoked by the appointing authority, which is normally done in case of ineligible officials appointed to the higher posts in exigency of service.
7. Fundamental Rule (FR-) 49 provides for appointment of a Government servant already holding a post in a substantive or officiating capacity to officiate as temporary measure in one or more of their independent posts at one time and admissibility of pay for holding such post. Appointment under FR 49 normally does not arise in case of operative offices in the Department of Posts such as Post Offices and Mail Offices in respect of Gr. C posts. However, if there are any isolated case and /or exception is there, the provisions contained in FR-49 may be invoked. In such cases, when a Postal Assistant (not granted financial upgradation under TBOP) being eligible is appointed to officiate for whole time in a norms based LSG (SPM/.APM) etc. post which is in the line of promotion, in addition to his duties in PA/SA posts, he may be allowed the pay attached to the norm based LSG post without any additional pay/allowance for performing the duties of lower posts of PA/SA. If the government servant is directed to hold the dual charge of two posts in the same cadre carrying identical scales of pay, no additional pay is admissible except special pay, if any attached to the additional post.
8. No additional pay and /or special pay/allowance are admissible for holding current charge of the routine duties of another post.
9. Keeping in view the above , it has been decided with the approval of competent authority that in case a Postal Assistant (PA) or sorting Assistant (SA) as the case may be (who was not granted financial upgradation under TBOP or BCR Scheme) was appointed to officiate/hold full charge of a norm based supervisory Lower grade Selection Grade (LSG) post in accordance with the Rule 27 or 50, he /she maybe allowed the pay and allowances attached to the higher post subject to the satisfaction of all other relevant conditions. Similarly, in case of an official holding LSG or HSG-II norm based post on regular basis was appointed to officiate /hold full charge of a norm based higher/supervisory Higher Selection Grade –II (HSG-II) or Higher Selection Grade-I (HSG-I) post, respectively, in accordance with Rule 27 or 50 , he /she may also be allowed the pay and allowances attached to higher post.

10. Further as regards past cases of PA/SA granted financial upgradation under TBOP scheme appointed to officiate /hold full charge of a supervisory norm based LSG as per Rule 27 or 50, he/she was entitled to draw pay and allowances permissible under TBOP scheme which happened to be in the pay scale of LSG post. Similarly, if an regular LSG official granted financial upgradation under BCR scheme was appointed to officiate /hold full charge of supervisory norm based HSG-II post, as per Rule 27 or 50, he/she was entitled to draw pay and allowance permissible under BCR scheme which happened to be in the pay scale of HSG-II. In case, a regularly appointed HSG-II official was appointed to officiate /hold full charge of supervisory norm based HSG-I post, as per Rule 27 or 50, he/she was entitled to draw pay and allowances attached to the post of HSG-I.

11. The TBOP/BCR schemes have since been abolished w.e.f. 1.9.2008 on introduction of MACP scheme. The scheme envisaged merely placement in immediate next higher grade pay in the hierarchy of the recommended revised pay bands and grade pay as given in the CCS (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008, counted from the direct entry grade on completion of 10,20 and 30 years service respectively and is admissible wherever a person has spent 10 years continuously in the same grade pay. Thus, the grade pay at the time of financial upgradation under MACP scheme, in certain cases differ than what is available at the time of regular promotion. In such cases, the higher grade pay attached to the next promotion post in the hierarchy of the concerned cadre will be given only at the time of regular promotion.

12. In view of the position mentioned in the above paragraph, in case, a regular appointed PA/SA granted financial upgradation under MACP-I is appointed as per Rule 27 or 50 to officiate/hold full charge of norm based LSG post, he/she will be entitled to draw pay and allowances attached to the post of LSG as both MACP-1 and LSG carry the same grade pay of Rs.2800/-. However, if such PA/SA granted MACP-II or MACP-III is appointed to norm based LSG post, he/she will be entitled to draw pay and grade pay attached to MACP-II or MACP-III as the case may be subject to the satisfaction of all other/relevant terms and conditions.

13. Similarly, in case an officials holding the norm based LSG post on regular basis who is in receipt of MACP-II or MACP-III, as the case may be , is appointed to officiate/hold full charge of supervisory HSG-II post, in accordance with Rule 27 or 50 , he /she would be entitled to continue to draw the pay and grade pay etc. attached to MACP-II or MACP-III as the case may be subject to the satisfaction of all other/relevant terms and conditions.

14. In case, an official holding the norm based HSG-II post on regular basis was already in receipt of MACP-II is appointed to official/hold full charge of a norm based supervisory HSG-I post, in accordance with Rule 27 or 50, he /she would be entitled to continue to draw the pay and grade, etc. pay attached to HSG-I post subject to the satisfaction of all other/relevant terms and conditions. If such HSG-II official who in receipt of MACP-III is appointed to officiate/hold full charge of norm based HSG-I post in accordance with Rule 27 or 50, he or she would be entitled to continue to draw the pay and grade pay , etc. attached to HSG-I post subject to the satisfaction of all other/relevant terms and conditions.

15. The above illustration is given in cases of PA/SA who are appointed recruit as Direct Recruits. There could be cases where Multitasking Staff (MTS) or Postman/Mailguard who have reached the level of PA/SA by promotion are detailed to officiate on higher post as mentioned above. In such cases also, care may be taken to fix their officiating pay under rule 27 o9r 50 after taking into account the upgradation under MACP and / or promotion granted to them.

16. The past cases, if any may also be regulated accordingly.

D.G. Posts No. 137-64/2010-SPB.II Dated 28th July, 2011
Note: Please do not forget to share with others if there is any financial benefit as a result of this order

Friday, August 12, 2011

Meghdoot 7 : BO's VP Parcels fetching problem in Despatch module

Latest Despatch.exe is received from PTC, Mysore for BO's VP Parcels fetching problem in Despatch module..

Please follow below steps.

1. Download the attached files.
2. Take counter database backup.
3. Run the attached exl file using script tool.
4. Copy the Despatch.exe file to application folder

Note: While doing the above steps if any error comes then use the old Despatch( i.e. whatever you are previously using before this despatch exe) and restore the counter database.
