സ്ത്രീകള്‍ എങ്ങിനെ വസ്ത്രം ധരിക്കണം എന്ന് പുരുഷന്‍ നിഷ്ക്കര്‍ഷിക്കുന്നത് ശരിയോ? അല്ലെങ്കില്‍ തിരിച്ചും?

Monday, July 30, 2012





Cadre review is an important aspect of cadre management. It ensures a healthy balance between the functional requirements of an organisation and legitimate career aspirations of its officers. The thrust of such an exercise is on scientific manpower projection and recruitment planning in order to rationalise the cadre structure as also to enhance efficiency, morale and effectiveness of the service/cadre. In terms of the extant guidelines, ideal periodicity of cadre review is once ever y five years .

The Department of Personnel and Training, being the nodal Department for cadre review of all Group ‘A’ Central Services/Cadres, has issued various guidelines to facilitate the process. Cadre Review as a subject has been allocated to the Cadre Review Division, which also acts as the Secretariat for Cadre Review Committee constituted to review individual service/cadre. The cadre review proposals are scrutinised in this Division keeping in view the broad factors like functional requirements, stagnation at various levels, financial implications, measures for saving, organisational proficiency, etc . The proposals are then referred to the Department of Expenditure for financial concurrence and placed before the Cadre Review Committee for its approval. The Division also renders advice to the Cadre Controlling Authorities for better cadre management.

The status of Group ‘A’ Services is reviewed regularly. After first such review this year in April, all the concerned Departments were advised by the Cabinet Secretary to formulate appropriate cadre review proposals. Further, Para 1(ix) of the Government of India, Department of Expenditure Resolution No.1/1/2008-IC dated 29 August, 2008, whereby its decisions on the recommendations of 6th Central Pay Commission have been conveyed enjoins upon all the Cadre Controlling Authorities to review the services/cadres under the administrative control within a year. The Cadre Controlling Authorities have been reminded again October 2008.

There are 58 Central Group ‘A’ Services, out of which 44 services are due for cadre review this year, i.e., 2008. The cadre review proposals of five of the remaining forty four Group ‘A’ Services are already under active consideration. These are Indian



Defence Service of Engineers and Military Engineering Service (Surveyor Cadre), Military Engineering Service (Architect Cadre), Indian Inspection Service and Indian Supply Service The progress is being monitored constantly.

The Cadre Review Division also compiles and analyses statistical information of all the Central Group ‘A’ Services. The inconsistencies, if noted during the analysis, are brought to the notice of the concerned Cadre Controlling Authority. This exercise is undertaken on half yearly basis in January and July every year. The data as on 1st January, 2008 has already been compiled and analysed. The detailed report in this regard is also posted on this Department’s website. However, it has been decided that the next analysis would be done only after completion of cadre review of all the services envisaged in the Government’s Resolution mentioned above.
Objectives of a Cadre Review

3.3 The main purpose of a cadre review is to restructure a cadre in such a way as to remove the deficiencies which might be existing at the time of the constitution of a service or have crept in subsequently and ensure that the cadre structure satisfies the functional, structural and personnel considerations. Cadre review provides an opportunity to overcome various bottlenecks, remove existing distortions and bring about rationalisation of cadre structure so as to improve the efficiency and morale of the cadre officers and thereby enhance the effectiveness of the Service in the fulfilment of the objectives for which it has been established.

3.4 The major part of the cadre review exercise concerns advance projection of manpower requirements over the review period and the planning of recruitment for this period. Rationalisation of the cadre from the functional, structural and personnel angles is the other major objective of a cadre review. Specifically, the main objectives of cadre review are to:

i) estimate future manpower requirements on a scientific basis for a period of 5 years at a time,

ii) Plan recruitment in such a way as to avoid future promotional blocks and at the same time prevent gaps building up,

iii) so restructure the cadre as to harmonise the functional needs with the legitimate career expectations of its members and thus

iv) to enhance the effectiveness of the service.

3.5 The methodology of the cadre review is fully explained in the Detailed Guidelines (1978) appended to this Monograph (Appendix III). Salient features of the methodology are highlighted in the following link. Please click the link to see the details:


 1.                  The proposal for cadre review may be formulated in accordance with the guidelines and instructions issued by the Department of Personnel and Training and Department of Expenditure.  If there are any deviations, full justification therefore may be given.

2.                  The proposal should begin with a brief background of the Service and the development which have taken place since last cadre review.

3.                  It should contain the requisite data in prescribed proforma.

4.                  All contents may be chapterised suitably.

5.                  The abbreviations used in the proposal may be clubbed alphabetically in a list at the end of the proposal.

6.                  Full justification may be given individually for each upgradation/creation of posts, especially those at S.A.G. and higher levels. 

7.                  While sending cadre review proposals to Department of Personnel & Training, the Cadre Controlling Authorities may indicate precisely the functional requirements of various categories of posts and group them in terms of duties and responsibilities.  This can be done by conducting a general job evaluation exercise, which would help in ensuring that different grades in a cadre reflect distinctly different level of functions and that higher posts do have higher level of duties and responsibilities.  

8.                  The existing level of stagnation vis-à-vis that after the proposed cadre review may be brought out clearly.

9.                  Various kinds of reserves may be shown separately (Training, Deputation, Probation, and Leave).

10.              The existing training facilities and proposed augmentation, if any, may be indicated.

11.              The existing strength and proposed strength (grade/pay-scale wise) may be given in a tabular statement.

12.              Different mode of recruitment/promotion to various grades may be indicated.

13.              All Instructions of the Government concerning downsizing the Government are duly taken into account.

14.              Confirmation to the effect that the proposal will not result in any increase in the overall strength of the cadre or in introduction of new scales / grades. 

15.              Matching savings may be provided from within the cadre and financial implications of the proposal (which should be budget neutral) should be amplified.

16.              If the posts in the lowest grade are proposed to be abolished, its effect, if any, on the promotion prospects of the incumbents of the feeder posts may be indicated.

17.              While forwarding the cadre review proposals of Group ‘A’ Services, it may be ensured that cadre review of feeder posts from Group ‘B’, ‘C’ and ‘D’ be completed beforehand, so as to reflect the impact of the same on the induction into Group ‘A’ Services, whenever the same is envisaged in the Statutory Rules. 

18.              The position of a pending SIU Report, if any, may be stated.  The concerned Ministry/Department should give a certificate that there is no ongoing SIU study having a bearing on posts covered in the Cadre Review Proposals and that no recommendations of SIU study pertaining to the cadre are pending implementation. 

19.              The position regarding applicability or otherwise of NFSG instructions to the Service may be brought out.

20.              The status of the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission, if any, about the Service, may be given.

21.              A copy each of the latest Civil List of the Service and the latest Service Rules (Recruitment Rules) together with all amendments may be enclosed.

Cadre Re-Structuring  - DoPT Circular

In pursuance of  the decision taken in the  2nd  meeting of the National Anomaly  Committee held  on 27.03.2010, a  Joint  Committee  to  examine  the  anomalies pertaining to the Modified  Assured  Career Progression Scheme (MACPS) was   constituted vide Department of  Personnel &  Training  (D0PT)'s O.M. No.11/1/2010-  JCA dated 03.05.2010. 

The  issue of providing an option  to organisations/cadres  to  have a choice  for  the benefits under the earlier ACPS or the MACPS was also discussed in the meeting  of  the  Joint Committee. While  the  issue would  require further deliberations,  it  is  re-  iterated that MACPS (as was the case with the ACPS) is a fall back option in the event  of promotions not taking place. Cadre structure needs to  be reviewed periodically to  harmonise  the  functional needs  of  the organisation  and  career progression  of  employees. Accordingly, all concerned are advised to  review the cadre structure in a  time bound manner with a view to mitigate problem of stagnation.
View the Order Below:
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
(Department of Personnel & Training)
iEstablishment (D) 

North Block, New Delhi
Dated:  10th February, 2011 


Subject:  Review of Cadre structuring - Regarding. 


In pursuance of  the decision taken in the  2nd  meeting of the National Anomaly  Committee held  on 27.03.2010, a  Joint  Committee  to  examine  the  anomalies pertaining to the Modified  Assured  Career Progression Scheme (MACPS) was   constituted vide Department of  Personnel &  Training  (D0PT)'s O.M. No.11/1/2010-  JCA dated 03.05.2010. 

2.  The  issue of providing an option  to organisations / cadres  to  have a choice  for  the benefits under the earlier ACPS or the MACPS was also discussed in the meeting  of  the  Joint Committee. While  the  issue would  require further deliberations,  it  is  re-  iterated that MACPS (as was the case with the ACPS) is a fall back option in the event  of promotions not taking place. Cadre structure needs to  be reviewed periodically to  harmonise  the  functional needs  of  the organisation  and  career progression  of  employees. Accordingly, all concerned are advised to  review the cadre structure in a  time bound manner with a view to mitigate problem of stagnation.

3.  All Ministries/Departments may give wide circulation to the contents of this O.M.  for guidance and appropriate action in the matter. 

4. Hindi version will follow. 

Download the Order Below


Government of India

Ministry of Communications & IT
Department of Posts

(SR Section)

Dak Bhawan Parliament Street
New Delhi – 110001

No. 1/4/2010-SR 6th August, 2010

Subject: - Secretary (P)’s meeting with Postal Joint Council of Action on 12.07.2010 – Item No. 6 – Cadre  Restructuring of Group ‘C’ employees, other than Accounts Cadres – Constitution of  a Committee.

This has reference to minutes of Secretary (P)’s meeting dated 12.07.2010 circulated vide No. 08/02/2010-SR dated 14.07.2010 on the above-mentioned subject.

2. As per decision taken in regard to item No 6,dealing with cadre restructuring of Group C employees,other than Accounts cadres, a committee comprising the following is constituted to examine the issue.

                      DDG (Estt)-


Official Side

Director (SPN)
Staff Side
Shri. K. V. Sridharan, GS, AIPEUG – ‘C’
Shri. Giri Raj Singh, GS, AIRMS & MMS EU Group ‘C’
Shri. D. Kishan Rao, GS, NAPE Gr. ‘C’
Shri. D. Theagarajan, General Secretary of National Union of RMS & MMS Group ‘C’ will attend the meetings of the Committee as an observer.

3. The Committee will submit its report within 3 months of its formation.

(Subhash Chander)
Director (SR & Legal)

Cadre Restructuring Committee on 29.05.2012

The meeting was chaired by Dr. Saleem Haque, Chairman of the Committee and DDG (P), Shri Alok Saxena DDG (Tech), Director (Est), ADG (Est) were present on behalf of official side. Com. K. V. Sridharan, Leader Staff side, Com. D. Theagarajan, Secretary General, FNPO, Com. Giriraj Singh, General Secretary, R-III Com. Ishwar Singh Dabas, General Secretary, P4, Com. D. Kishan Rao, General Secretary, P 3, NAPE and T. N. Rahate, General Secretary, General Secretary, P4 FNPO were representing staff side.

The following are the broad understandings reached in the Committee meeting.

Postal Assistant

The proposal of the Staff side to upgrade 11395 single handed post offices and 6719 Double handed post offices to the status of LSG will be considered.

The present Post Masters in 3732 triple handed post offices and also the present LSG to the extent of 6989 will be upgraded to the status of HSG II.

The present HSG II and HSG I posts to the extent of 3352 Posts will be amalagamated.

 A separate identification to the extent of 30% of HSG I posts as non functional Group ‘B’ posts with grade pay of Rs. 4800/- will be formed.
1/3rd of the total LSG, HSG II, HSG I will be carved out as Postmaster Grade-I, Grade-II, and Grade-III respectively.

 The posts of System Administrators will be made as LSG vice versa.
PO & RMS Accountant will be made as a separate channel of promotion by reidentifying the Posts of LSG, HSG-II and HSG I posts.

The RMS, Circle office and SBCO staff will be considered as per the ratio finalised in respect of Postal Assistant cadre.

The Official side accepted the above proposal and assured to consider the above and come out with the final decision shortly. As requested by them a common proposal of the Staff side has been submitted to day itself.

Cadre review for Postman & MTS’
the MTS is the common category for all Central Govt. employees, there is no possibility of bringing them under cadre review.

As functional Justification could not be identified for the Postman and also the higher pay granted by the 6th CPC, the official side did not favour any cadre review. However official side came forward with the proposal if the Postman cadre opts out from the MACP scheme and agree to take the percentage wise promotions it will be considered. It requires a deep study and the Postman unions will discuss the issue and come out with the proposals.

The chairman conveyed that the next meeting will be arranged in short notice to finalise the proposals.

source : aipeuchq

Constitution of Committee for Organizational Restructuring in the Department of Posts

With the approval of the Secretary a Committee for Organizational Restructuring in the Department of Posts has been constituted under the Chairmanship of Shri Ashutosh Tripathi, CPMG, Madhya Pradesh Circle. The Terms of Reference of the Committee are:

a) To revisit the norms for creation of new Postal Divisions and Regions as well as upgradation of Class II Division into Class I Divisions;

b) To study the feasibility of organizational restructuring of field formations (Circle and below) keeping in view the emerging needs for India Post in the new socio-economic environment;

c) Review of norms for upgradation of Post offices;

d) To study the feasibility of strengthening / creation of Postal Assistants /Sorting Assistants Posts in view of the increased need of Systems Administrators;

e) Any other relevant issue as may be assigned by the Competent Authority later.

2. The Committee is at present examining the feasibility of Organizational Restructuring of field formations (Circle and below) keeping in view the emerging needs for India Post in the new socio-economic environment as well as induction of technology in the Department. While deliberating on this, the Committee has decided to obtain valuable inputs from the concerned stakeholders.

3. In the light of the above, the Directorate has now requested the CPMsG to provide their considered views on what, according to them are the problems (both administrative and operational) in the current Organizational set up and what could be the possible revised structure for all category of Offices that could address these problems with the given human & financial resources.

4. They have also been requested to give their views on possibility of creation of Vertical Silos clearly identifying the possible Silos given the nature of the work in the Department of Posts not only as per the current scenario but also the possible one in the next decade; along with their possible structures; responsibility, financial; and reporting system etc. The possibility of extending the Silos till the Head Post Office may also be considered.

IN SHORT CADRE REVIEW IS DONE FOR THE FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENT OF ONE ORGANISATION.legitimate career expectations of its members to enhance the effectiveness of the service.

How To Make Changes In Your NPS Subscriber Data?

Subscribers to the National Pension Scheme (NPS) must submit their name, date of birth, contact information, bank account details and other personal details while opening an NPS account.
This information is noted by the CRA and a Permanent Retirement Account Number (PRAN) is allotted to the investor. The subscriber can change or carry out corrections in the details provided, including nomination. If the change necessitates the reissue of a fresh PRAN card, the same will be issued by the CRA.
A request for reissue of new PRAN card with updated details can be made at the point of presence (POP) which services the subscriber.
A standard Form UOS-S2 needs to be filled by the NPS subscriber. This form can be downloaded from http://tinyurl.com/cse6g7e. Only those fields that need to be modified should be filled in the form.
The subscriber needs to furnish a copy of the existing PRAN card along with two self-attested photocopies of supporting documents mentioned in the form in case of change or correction in personal details. In case of a change in the bank details, the form needs to be supported with a cancelled cheque bearing the new bank account number.
The form UOS-S2 along with supporting documents should be submitted to the POP. The subscriber also needs to bring original documents, which will be returned to him after verification by the POP.
Points to note
* A new PRAN card will be sent to the subscriber only if the change pertains to the name of the subscriber, his date of birth or the father's name.
* Subscribers should retain the acknowledgement slip signed/stamped by the POP where they submit the application.
* For issuing a new card, a processing fees of Rs 20 (plus applicable taxes) will be deducted from the subscriber's account.
Source: Economic Times

Kerala PSC Recruitment 2012 - Various Posts Apply online

Kerala PSC Recruitment 2012 : Various Recruitment

Kerala Public Service Commission (PSC) Has issued A Recruitment notification for various recruitment posts. which all these posts given below . Eligible candidates may apply through online before 22 August, 2012. More details are given below–

Kerala PSC Vacancy Details:
Total Number of Vacancies: 400
Names of Posts :
1. Stores/Purchase Officer : 2 Posts
2. Research Assistant (Anthropology) : 3 Posts
3. Deputy Engineer : 2 Posts
4. Lower Division Clerk : 145 Posts
5. Malayalam Stenographer : 1 Post
6. Special Branch Assistant : 20 Posts
7. Veterinary Surgeon Gr-II
8. Engineering Assistant – Gr I : 7 Posts
9. Confidential Assistant Grade -II : 6 Posts
10. Junior Scientific Officer : 4 Posts
11. Engineering Assistant – Grade II : 11 Posts
12. Lab Technician Cum Junior Assistant : 2 Posts
13. Boat syrang : 10 Posts
14. Higher Secondary School Teachers (Junior) Communicative English : 5 Posts
15. High School Assistant : 3 Posts
16. Deputy General Manager : 1 Post
17. Artist cum Photographer cum Cinema Operator Gr II : 1 Post
18. Engineering Assistant Gr III : 2 Posts
19. Plumber : 2 Posts
20. Higher Secondary School Teacher (Junior) Hindi : 3 Posts
21. Vocational Teacher in Medical Laboratory Technician : 1 Post
22. Engineering Assistant Grade II : 1 Post
23. Assistant Engineer (Agriculture) : 1 Post
24. Higher Secondary School Teacher – (History) : 3 Posts
25. Assistant Project Engineer : 1 Post
26. Assistant Engineer/Head Drafts Man/Assistant Director (Civil) : 9 Posts
27. Lecturer in Computer Application & Business Management : 1 Post
28. Sr Superintendent/Asst Treasury Officer/Sub Treasury Officer /Officer in Charge of Stamp depot :3 Posts
29. Agricultural Officer : 6 Posts
30. Higher Secondary School Teacher (Junior) Commerce : 2 Posts
31. Veterinary Surgeon Grade II : 18 Posts
32. Lascar Grade II/ Gatekeeper Grade II : 1 Post
33. Process Server/ Duffedar/Courtkeeper : 8 Posts
34. HSA (Physical Science) (Malayalam Medium) : 1 Post
35. HSST Journalism-(NCA-Ezhava) : 1 Post
36. Lecturer in Arts, History and Aesthetics : 1 Post
37. Assistant/Auditor : 1 Post
38. Manager: 2 Posts
39. Field Officer : 1 Post
40. Security Guard Gr.II : 1 Post
41. Lecturer in Architecture (Engineering Colleges) : 1 Post
42. Lecturer in Salyathantra : 1 Post
43. Lecturer in Mathematics : 15 Posts
44. Veterinary Surgeon Gr-II : 1 Post
45. Lecturer in Kaumarabhritya : 1 Post
46. LP School Assistant (Tamil Medium) : 1 Post
47. Jr Public Health Nurse Gr-II : 5 Posts
48. HSA(Mathematics)-Malayalam Medium : 9 Posts
49. LP School Assistant (Kannada Medium) : 1 Post
50. Part Time Junior Language Teacher (Arabic) UPS : 6 Posts
51. Full Time Junior Language Teacher (Arabic) – LPS : 3 Posts
52. High School Assistant (Urdu) : 2 Posts
53. High School Assistant (English) : 2 Posts
54. Full Time Junior Language Teacher (Arabic) – LPS : 46 Posts
55. UP School Assistant (Tamil Medium) : 2 Posts
56. Junior Health Inspector Grade-II : 1 Post
57. High School Assistant (Malayalam) : 4 Posts
58. High School Assistant (Physical Science) : 4 Posts
59. Driver Grade II (HDV) : 2 Posts

Age Limit & Educational Qualification: Age Limit and Educational Qualification: Candidates are asked to refer to the notification for the details of post wise age limit and required educational qualification.

How to Apply: Candidates must apply online for the desired post on or before 22-08-2012. After successful submission of applications candidates will be provided with a Registration Card which they will have to retain carefully for submission when called for.

Instructions for Online Application:
1. Log on to www.keralapsc.org and select the Notification link which will open the ongoing recruitment drives.
2. Select the Apply Online link besides the desired post from the list of vacant posts.
3. In case of new user, select the New Registration link after checking the list which has to be kept ready before starting online application process.
4. Upload your scanned photograph and signature and any one Identification Card.
5. Fill all marked details carefully, check once for errors and submit your application online.
6. Take print of Registration Form/Application Form and retain it to be produced at the time of Test or Interview (if asked for).

Important Dates:
Gazette Date: 16-07-2012
Last Date for Online Registration: 22-08-2012

For more details like vacancy distribution, pay scale, reservations, other requirements, other instructions and online application, click on the link given below…

Click Here for Kerala PSC Recruitment Advt & Online Application

To stop Commercial Communication in you Mobile

Here i'm sharing what i have read in TRAI website. As so many of us may want to Receive some sms from our favorite websites, coaching centres, job notifications etc. but not the disturbing telemarketing calls. 

Customers (landline and mobile) who do not want to receive commercial communications can dial or SMS to 1909 (toll free) and register in either of the two categories:

1.Fully Blocked Category- stoppage of all commercial Calls/SMS
2.Partially Blocked Category- stoppage of all commercial Calls/SMS except SMS from one of the opted preferences

For registering option using SMS, for 'fully blocked category', write "START 0" and send it to 1909. For 'partially blocked category', send SMS 'START' with one or multiple options from the list of seven categories.

There are at present 7 preferences to choose:

1.Banking/Insurance/Financial Products/Credit Cards
2.Real Estate
5.Consumer goods and automobiles

For example: To receive messages relating to only Health products, then send SMS "START 4" to 1909. Similarly, for receiving messages relating to Real Estate and Education, send SMS "START 2,3" to 1909.

On successful registration, customer will receive an SMS confirming exercised options and a Unique Registration Number within 24 hrs. The registration will be effective within 7 days of placing the request with the service provider. The customers can check the status of their registration by clicking on "Customer Registration Status" in TRAI website.

Customer can also change the preferences after 7 days of registration or the last change of preference.

If customer receives UCC even after 7 days of registration, he can register a complaint with his service provider within 3 days of receipt of such UCC by dialing or sending SMS to 1909. Customers will have to provide the telephone number or header of the message from where the call or message has been received, short description of such call or message along with the date and time.

For complaint through SMS, customer has to send SMS "COMP TEL NO XXXXXXXXXX;dd/mm/yy;Time in hh:mm; short description of Unsolicited Commercial Communication" to 1909. Where XXXXXXXXXX - is the telephone number or header of the SMS, from which the UCC has originated. 

Service Provider will take action on complaint and inform the complainant within 7 days of lodging of complaint. Customers may check registration status of his complaint through the link "UCC Complaint Registration Status" in TRAI wesite. 

Customers not registered with NCPR can also identify the commercial calls because they will all come from numbers starting with '140'. This is a series specially earmarked for telemarketers. 
Also, in order to control the possibility of SMS packages (those allow a very large number of SMS per day) to be used by the telemarketers for sending large number of SMSs from a normal telephone number, a limit of 100 SMS per day per SIM has been laid down under these regulations except on blackout days.

Further, all commercial calls or SMS except the transactional SMSs will be sent to the customers only between 9 AM and 9 PM.

Click Here to Go to TRAI wesite